As human food consumption increases, we'd better get used to a new landscape of agriculture and farming that accommodates higher yields. “It’s true that if we ate less meat and grew fewer biofuels, we would reduce agriculture’s hunger for land. But the reality is we show no signs of doing that — meat consumption is only projected to rise in the coming years,” writes Michael Grunwald, a journalist and the author of the forthcoming book “We Are Eating the Earth.” The solution? “What the world really needs is a vibe shift. Most people who don’t farm don’t think much about agriculture, and we’ve fallen into a trap of assuming there’s virtuous agriculture and evil agriculture, just like clean energy and dirty energy.” Click the link in our bio to read more. | 🎨 
@saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 📷 wwing, Fotoforce, Clara Bastian, DaydreamsGirl and Mercedes Rancaño Otero, via Getty Images # #nytopinion
As human food consumption increases, we'd better get used to a new landscape of agriculture and farming that accommodates higher yields. “It’s true that if we ate less meat and grew fewer biofuels, we would reduce agriculture’s hunger for land. But the reality is we show no signs of doing that — meat consumption is only projected to rise in the coming years,” writes Michael Grunwald, a journalist and the author of the forthcoming book “We Are Eating the Earth.” The solution? “What the world really needs is a vibe shift. Most people who don’t farm don’t think much about agriculture, and we’ve fallen into a trap of assuming there’s virtuous agriculture and evil agriculture, just like clean energy and dirty energy.” Click the link in our bio to read more. | 🎨 @saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 📷 wwing, Fotoforce, Clara Bastian, DaydreamsGirl and Mercedes Rancaño Otero, via Getty Images # #nytopinion
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