In his “Top Ten” list for 2024 for @artforum, @ekoweshun’s highlights @hewdjlocke’s ongoing exhibition at @britishmuseum, “what have we here?”
Eshun writes, “’what have we here?’ asked Hew Locke at the British Museum, and the answer was an exhibition I’d been waiting to see for years. Invited to curate a show bringing together his work and items from the museum’s collection, Locke gathered over 150 objects, each with its own charged history, to detail a story of British imperial power, violence, and hypocrisy. Compelling and kaleidoscopic, the exhibition merges beauty with horror and mordant humor to expose the self-serving belief, still widely held in Britain, that the empire was a benign enterprise. Here, in riposte, is history told from the perspective of the colonized, not the colonizer.”

Read #EkowEshun’s full Top Ten at, and don’t miss #HewLocke’s “what have we here?” on view at the #BritishMuseum through February 9, 2025
In his “Top Ten” list for 2024 for @artforum, @ekoweshun’s highlights @hewdjlocke’s ongoing exhibition at @britishmuseum, “what have we here?”   Eshun writes, “’what have we here?’ asked Hew Locke at the British Museum, and the answer was an exhibition I’d been waiting to see for years. Invited to curate a show bringing together his work and items from the museum’s collection, Locke gathered over 150 objects, each with its own charged history, to detail a story of British imperial power, violence, and hypocrisy. Compelling and kaleidoscopic, the exhibition merges beauty with horror and mordant humor to expose the self-serving belief, still widely held in Britain, that the empire was a benign enterprise. Here, in riposte, is history told from the perspective of the colonized, not the colonizer.” Read #EkowEshun’s full Top Ten at, and don’t miss #HewLocke’s “what have we here?” on view at the #BritishMuseum through February 9, 2025
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