The new Portuguese shoes campaign MOTHERLAND is out with @zecondessa ๐Ÿค We are growing into the future with our feet firmly on the ground. Our ground. Our roots. Our motherland. Portuguese Shoes with@zecondessa #bioshoes4all #prr #bioeconomy #recuperarportugal Coordination: @meiassolas @claudia_gpinto APICCAPS Film Director: @frederico_martins Video: @raulepsousa Music: @edrochagoncalves Photo: @frederico_martins Styling: @fernandinho_bp Photo assistant: and @vicentesottomayor Styling assistant: @nelsonfu1979 Grooming: @ruirocha_hairstylist Production:@snowberry_production Words: @irinafchitas Clothes: @luiscarvalhoofficial
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