@_drew_smith_ on Instagram have full name is Drew Smith. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by _drew_smith_ on Instagram. Read More...
Part 2: #LFG
The past year I chose to live fully, and intensely. With that came a somewhat unexpected/expected sense of not belonging anywhere except the present moment. I spent my time climbing instead of skiing because those moments in the vertical world allowed the beauty of escapism.
In many ways it was freedom, with the one constant target. T R A N G O .
When it was time to commit (board my flight). I was at the intersection of the wild experience, and a strong visceral feeling of not wanting to return at all.
Fear of failure for a second time, judgment, and the hardness of the pressure. The pressure at times feels harder than the act of climbing the thing!
In the final moments I committed to the project. Knowing that the mystery of this experience couldn’t unfold from my couch. Good, bad, hard… most certain it wouldn’t be easy. I faced it for one last attempt, I could hold whatever happened knowing I tried.
Photo @_drew_smith_
4.3K 23 a day ago
So many beautiful images and powerful stories in the Fall 2024 Patagonia Journal. I’m humbled and fortunate to have my images grace these pages. Grateful for the team at Patagonia for supporting these authentic adventures and creating a beautiful piece you can hold in your hands. Thanks to @nicofavresse for writing a great story about our adventure climbing Riders on the Storm.
6.5K 120 14 days ago
This is Rosa, our host at a guest house in Huaraz Peru. One of the hardest parts of traveling for me, is leaving these people who I connect with not knowing if I’ll ever see them again. Rosa was one of those sweet, kind souls.
226 5 17 days ago
Running and art as a means of self-expression.
468 19 a month ago
I recently did some talking with @visualrevolutionary about my path getting into photography up until now. I hope this can inspire a few creatives to follow your passion and being ok with whatever works out. Thanks Ric for having me.
📸 @jeffjohnson_beyondandback
308 20 a month ago
Here is the reality of big wall climbing
👉 it’s slow, it’s hard work and it involves a lot of unique smells…but it is a lot of fun 🤩 !
Here I managed to capture @_drew_smith_ on one of those rare moments when he wasn’t behind his lenses while free climbing Riders on the storm with @seanvillanuevaodriscoll and @siebevanhee
Although he was highly focussed on taking imageries we did manage to make him do some of the dirty jobs and some full on lead climbing. He is a true all round crusher🔥🔥, the perfect guy for this adventure !
#noplacetoofar #bigwallclimbing
Peace, love, freedom, and generosity—these were the vibrant threads weaving through my Burning Man experience. Yet, loneliness crept in and at times I wanted to escape being surrounded by 70,000 people. It reminded me of the complexity of connection. The days were hot and dusty, while the nights turned cold, but amidst it all, I found beauty.
885 49 3 months ago
A year-in-review on film.
• Rhiannon at the top of Hurd Peak.
• Matt playing “Story of Drew’s life”.
• Zak showing me the Sierra goods.
• Cuddle Puddle with friends.
• Mike and I out for an evening cruise.
• Renovating a house is as hard as everyone says it is. Thankful for the help from Rodrigo, Antonio, & Juan.
• Getaways with Rhiannon running around Death Valley.
• Mike, Rob & Sam out of the Alaska Range after another inspiring season.
• Mountain romps & sour gummy worms 📸 Jules
Makatea a beautiful island surrounded by spectacular cliffs rising out of the ocean. It was once a bustling phosphate mining town. Now left behind is the equipment overgrown with vines and thousands of hand dug holes.
What a surreal place to have visited with @roark and thanks to @makatea_escalade for showing us around.
Photos 1 & 6 📸 @dylangordon
679 7 5 months ago
@keitakurakami during the Fall in Yosemite of 2019. He had a kind presence, with a style that I admired.
The first time we met was at the base of El Cap. He was going ground up rope soloing a new route. He played his flute, telling me it brings him calmness. Then he did some of the scariest looking climbing I’ve ever witnessed. Another day Keita and @teru.teru.bo_zu swapped leads on Mark of the Beast until they both bled from their fingers. Bouldering with him and his friends he would try high boulders without a pad and spend time playing his flute.
Throughout the years we stayed in touch but never were able to track each other down. Keita gone too soon but I know left an impact on many more than just me.
There is no doubt he valued his family, friends, and life, he lived every second of it fully and will be missed by many.