@_hannahscottstevenson_ on Instagram have full name is Hannah Scott-Stevenson. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by _hannahscottstevenson_ on Instagram. Read More...
Mum and Bub. Goroka in the Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea for @amongequals
Shot over two days in a Brazilian womens’ prison, this series follows inmates competing in an annual beauty pageant which aims to promote self esteem and support amongst the women.
For their portraits, they asked if they could pose “like the girls in the magazines”.
Published by @peaches.publication
Miss Penitentiary
Shot over two days in a Brazilian womens' prison, this series follows inmates competing in an annual beauty pageant which aims to promote self esteem and support amongst the women.
Published by @peaches.publication
3 23 2 months ago
Miss Penitentiary published in @peaches.publication
Shot over two days in a Brazilian womens' prison, this series follows inmates competing in an annual beauty pageant which aims to promote self esteem and support amongst the women.
"This was the first documentary project I undertook at a relatively young age in 2012. It had no real purpose at the time other than to satisfy my own curiosity and to take me out of my photographic comfort zone, which until that point had been assisting fashion photographers in NYC. The negatives have been sitting in boxes for over 10 years and sadly I lost the transcripts of interviews that my fixer Arthur helped me obtain and translate.
For years I regretted not doing anything with these images. But at the time I didn’t think they were good enough. Technically speaking, they’re not great. Rolls came back over or under exposed. Some had light leaks as I fumbled to load and unload the film quickly enough in the rain.
But 12 years on, these mistakes are a big part of what I love about the images. For women, the idea of a beauty pageant can reflect a system in which we allow ourselves to judge each other, to pit ourselves against each other, and never feel like we are good enough. But these women showed me something very different. Supporting one another makes us stronger”