@aberseeem on Instagram have full name is Sam Krupke. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by aberseeem on Instagram. Read More...
Samuel Krupke
Teil des @resonanzkollektiv
„Sam is very passionate about telling a story the way it wants to be told. The sound track of a medium has to be as authentic, illusioning, loud or quiet, big or small as the story needs it to be. Musically trained since childhood, Sam has graduated as bachelor of arts in 2020 at Hochschule Darmstadt and with a diploma in film sound in 2023. He loves to mix and pull focus on the sonic part of the story, and - despite a love for sound design and music - likes to work with dialogue the most. Wether it means recording it in the heat of the moment, in the safe environment of the studio or editing it.”
Stills & Credits
Nyke - Eine junge Frau zieht in den Bundestag (Director: @jannikaquaas / DoP: @hannah_schwarzl / Still 2 felinegerhardt)
Re-Recording Mixer
Xanh (Director: @thi_dang_an)
Sound Designer
Mise a nu (Directors: @simonkubiena, @lea_marie_lembke / DoPs: @leonhoertrich, @wesleywsalamone)
Dialogue Editor
Skin On Skin (Director: @simon.schneckenburger / DoP: nicoschrenk)
Dialogue & ADR Editor
What you can see of me (Director: @isabelle.caps / DoP: @konstantin.pape)
Dialogue Editor
Detlef (Director: @ferdinand.ehrhardt / DoP: @sebastianganschow & @leo_cha
Sound Designer
Vena (Director: @chiarafleischhacker / DoP: @lisa_jilg)
Additional Production Sound Mixer, Boom Operator & Foley Editor
The night between us (Director: @abinigold / DoP @marvinschatz)
Production Sound Mixer
59 3 2 months ago
Annikas und Sams wilde Abenteuer in Berlin! 💖
Featuring unser 10 jähriges bestfriendsanniversary links und dreckig, die Berlin Art Week, nette Menschen, Herbstwetter, Pöbeln and as always all the love 💖 (aber Annika hat keine Liebe für die Hauptstadt)
#bestie #besties #bestfriends #allthelove #photodump #fotodump #love #lovelovelove #berlin #berlinartweek #travel #althair #alternative #yellowhair #buntehaare #ichwillnichtnachberlin #anniversary #formeremokid #punk #ubahnberlin
Neue Musik, vertraute Räume und Erinnerungen. Ab jetzt überall, wo Klänge durch Pixel geistern. 🌸
Cello @julien.schlameus
Gitarre @aberseeem
Cover @ylvasommer
Gloucester Cathedral, December 2022.
I tried to photograph this cathedral on a film stock similar to the ones they used to film some school for magic. Clumsy me forgot that it's really dark inside in december at 4pm.
#gloucestercathedral #kodak #vision3500t #chamberofsecrets