@alexeymoskvin on Instagram have full name is Alexey Moskvin. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by alexeymoskvin on Instagram. Read More...
Dormant #Lutyens #library at Howth Castle
81 2 7 months ago
Working on a #book about the project we did at @russborough, bringing back the painted out sumptuousness of the Vernet Drawing Room #interiordesign #historicpreservation #historicinteriorscanada
67 3 9 months ago
Overheard at @beltonestatent - having discovered that the quantity of wallpaper was not quite enough to do a room and realising that to order a few more rolls of hand-painted, late #18thcentury, Chinese #wallpaper was not an option, 1st Earl Brownlow and Jeffry #Wyatville decided to move a wall to reduce the size of the room to fit the existing quantity. The exotic and very expensive hangings were never made to size and would usually require some chopping and changing (of paper) but this solution takes the biscuit. Bravo. #historicwallpapers #historicinteriors #design #interiordesign
82 3 9 months ago
Retracing the steps of grand interior designer extraordinaire @aleccobbe who was helped developing this scheme by @michaeldillonmuralpainter in 1980s #historichomes #scotland #interiordesign #design #interiorphotography #interior
135 6 2 years ago
Ok, that was a fiendishly nice #sunset @castle_howard #historichouse #historichomes
Astonishing collections in #Dresden, on par with the ability and will to restore and rebuild things. One’s glad it wasn’t all left as a ‘story of being bombed to smithereens’ @restoretrustnt #clandonpark #historiccollection #germany #historichouse #residenzschloss
63 0 2 years ago
Good thing one isn’t afraid of heights. Arguably, the best #ceiling in Ireland @russborough #interiordesign #historichomes #historicpreservation #interior #lafranchinibrothers
90 18 2 years ago
Well, believe it or not but that pier glass is NEW. Freshly carved and gilded by @john_davies_framing_ltd , freshly toned to match the existing guiding in the room by yours truly and @aleccobbe under the watchful eye and with helping hand of @curator_chronicles because now it’s his responsibility :) @newbridgehouse #historichomes #historicinteriors #interiordesign #historicpreservation #design #mirror #irishinteriors
74 1 2 years ago
When changing a lightbulb isn’t a chore… #hatchlands #hatchlandspark #interiordesign #historichomes #historicpreservation #architecture #design #historicinteriors
71 0 2 years ago
The sumptuousness of Het Loo #Palace @paleishetloo #historicinteriors #historicpreservation #historicdesign #interiordesign #interiors #hetloo
104 2 3 years ago
Warmth of an #interior @newbridgehouse #interiordesign #interiordecor #ireland