@ca on Instagram have full name is C&A. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by ca on Instagram. Read More...
🎁MEGA C&A X-MAS GIVEAWAY🎁 Win a €200 gift card and shop till you drop for x-mas!🎄 Feeling lucky? 1️⃣ Follow @ca and @jel_nl 2️⃣ Tag your bestie in the comments. That’s it! Easy peasy! The winner will be selected on 22.12.2024
Find the T&Cs in C&A’s bio.
For my Dutch followers: Wat blijft het toch leuk om jullie te verrassen.🥰 Omdat jullie allemaal zo enthousiast waren over de party collectie bij C&A als ik, hebben we samen bedacht om één van jullie eens compleet in de watten te leggen. En met TWEEHONDERD EURO (!) moet dat goedkomen, toch😍? Veel succes allemaal en wacht niet te lang met meedoen hè, want de winnaar wordt 22-12 al bekend gemaakt! Liefs Jel❤️
#ca #partyoutfit #outfitinspiration #betaalbaar #reclame
6.1K 4.7K a day ago
Anzeige | GIVEWAY 🙌🏽✨
Festive Season Looks 🎄
Win a 200€ C&A shopping gift card. Here’s how: 🎀
- Follow @ca and @christinkaeber
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments.
The winner will be selected on 22.12.24 🎄
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio.
Which look would you choose?
Look 1, 2 or 3? ✨🎀
#MakeltAnOccasion #LookGoodAndFeelGood
#weihnachtszeit #weihnachtslook #christmasparty #christmaslook #christmasmarket #christmasdinner #style #fashion #haul #ootd #ootdfashion
2K 391 2 days ago
Christmas dinner outfit inspo🎄
Win a 200€ C&A shopping giftcard @ca
Here‘s how:
- Follow @ca and @veronikakudli
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on 22.12. 2024
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio
#LookGoodAndFeelGood #outfit #ootd #christmasoutfit
966 321 3 days ago
Win 200€ shopping gift card at @ca
Criei 6 looks para este natal com a nova coleção que está maravilhosa!
Participa neste sorteio e identifica a tua bestie! ✌🏽
Here’s how!!
• Follow @ca and @a_burguesa
• Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on the 22nd of December!
Good luck 🤞🏽✨🍀
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio
#giveaway #giveaways #passatempos #sorteio #modafashion
571 437 4 days ago
May this be your sign if you do not have your Christmas gifts yet (neither do I…)🎄
Win a 200€ C&A shopping giftcard
Here‘s how:
🎽Follow @ca and @marie.danci
👖Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on ✨22.12.2024✨
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio.🤍
354 305 5 days ago
WIN WIN WIN a €200 C&A shopping gift card! ✨
Here’s how:
- Follow @ca and @mariekekazen
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on the 22nd of December
Good luck 🎀🫶🏼
Find T&C in C&A’s bio.
878 460 6 days ago
GIVEAWAY!! 💃🏼✨😍 win 200€ shopping gift card at @ca yeeeey! Para participares só tens de me seguir a mim e à @ca e identificar a tua shopping bestie!
A coleção está girissima e montei 2 looks para a noite de Natal. Qual costuma ser o teu mood? Comfy ou stylish? Quero saber!! 🫶🏼
The collection is gorgeous and I’ve put together 2 looks for Christmas Eve. What’s your mood? Comfy or stylish? I want to know!
Here‘s how to win:
- Follow @ca and @catarina.fernandees
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on 16.12.2024.
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio
Pub #ootd #inspo #fashion
1.8K 1.4K 7 days ago
WIN !! it’s timeee for a christmas give away with @ca ! Win a 200€ C&A shopping gift card
Here‘s how:
- Follow @ca and @danizijlstra
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on the 14th of December! ❤️Just in time for Christmas 😍
2K 585 8 days ago
Win a 200€ C&A shopping gift card to get in the upcoming Biker Boho fashion trend 👢
Step into the future with Pinterest Predicts - the trends of tomorrow 🔮
Here‘s how to win:
- Follow @ca and @pinterestde
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on 16.12.2024.
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio.
764 431 9 days ago
My look for festive days with @ca !💘
Win a 200€ C&A shopping gift card!
Here’s how:
- Follow @ca and @leabreuerr
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on 16.12.2024
Find T&Cs in C&A’s bio.
| Ad #lookgoodandfeelgood
2.7K 415 11 days ago
WIN WIN WIN ✨ a 200€ @ca shopping gift card!
- follow @ca & @sophie.hirmer
- tag your shopping bestie
the winner will be announced on the 16th of december!
(-> terms & conditions will be found in c&a’s bio)
gooood luck! 💌🎀🪩 #lookgoodandfeelgood
743 494 12 days ago
Anzeige |
Win a 300€ C&A shopping gift card!
Here’s how:
- Follow @ca and @annakova
- Tag your shopping bestie in the comments
The winner will be selected on 10.12.2024.
Find T&Cs in C&A‘s Bio!
Which of the looks do you like the most?
Gewinne einen C&A Shopping Gutschein im Wert von 300 €!
So geht’s:
- Folge @ca und @annakova
- Markiere deine*n Shopping-Bestie in den Kommentaren
Die AGB’s findest du in der Bio von C&A!
Die Gutschein Auslosung findet am 10.12 statt.
Welcher der Looks gefällt dir am besten? 💖