Reading acceptance speeches after commercials can be quite tiring. If you feel like that, then you better stop here. I can’t ignore this and would like to thank all the wonderful people who made this project possible.
We have the unwaveringly positive thinker
@stabmixer to thank for the whole trip.
@_dani_sabsi_, for who “not possible” is a foreign language, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@holgerjungnickel, who never got tired of going through the shots with me over and over again.
@janaklausmann, who tirelessly searched for the ideal cast. Jovana Sremcevic, thank you for teaching our leaves to fly. Bene Haas who brought light into the guitar with his two magic hands.
@claudiokoehl and
@lukassieberer, who built, rebuilt and rebuilt everything. Dominic Titus who captured the music so beautifully on site.
@simon.gruen, Roman Sehrer-Thoss and Thomas Apel for standing outside in the rain so it gets light. Thomas Höltzel and Babette Pönisch for all the little details that gave life to the pictures.
@birgitutz_costumedesign for the fantastic packaging, Nilgün Konya for supporting the facial features of our actors and
@babuexp who, together with
@mredding85, put the lipstick on all the films at the end.
@georg_buetow thank you very much for taking on the role. for your presence in the moment, even though I was constantly talking to you.
@itisdeandeville for your touching performance,
@bossmeier_ for the fact that spontaneity is at the top of your value system. The jazz quartet from
@paul_guitar_prem and of course MoNi, for allowing us to accompany you on the day. Applause goes to for making music your passion and to
@hertz6_agentur for showing that creation and production can be in synergy.
This is just the DC.
#musikliebe #storytelling #cinematography #filmproduction #filmemacher #filmproduktion #werbung #teamwork #brandmarketing #truthinthewood