christoph.werner.steadiInstagram Profile


Christoph Werner

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Christoph Werner Profile Information

@christoph.werner.steadi on Instagram have full name is Christoph Werner. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by christoph.werner.steadi on Instagram. Read More...

#arritrinity2 #Trinity2 #trinityoperator #cssforum @arri
#arritrinity2 #Trinity2 #trinityoperator #cssforum @arri
120 0 a month ago
an experimental essay by Noah Böhm

Last year we produced this beautiful visual poem from director and dop @noah.boehm 

It was such a pleasure working with this amazing crew and we are so proud to finally share this with you all!

Starring: Coco Takuna @misspoerl 
Director / DoP: Noah Böhm @noah.boehm @agentur_s_schuppach 
Production: BITTE EINEN FILM @bitteeinenfilm 

Producer: Maxi Mayer @oxmox.ox.mollox 
Music: Johann Graham Engelhardt @johanngrahamengelhardt 
Edit: Alex Ardalic @alexardalic 
Grading: Johan Nurmilehto @johancolorist 
Sound: Leon Mertinat
Steadicam: Chris Werner @christoph.werner.steadi 
Gaffer: Andreas Blind @andreasblind_dp 
1st AC: Nadja Mild @nadja_mild 
Best Girl: Jessy Romero @jessy.romerowalter 
Costume: Hai Linh Pham @linh.pham.muc 
Hair & Makeup: Ilaria Glum 

Special Thanks:
K-9 Kameraverleih @k9tv_muenchen 
Sparks Rental @sparksfilmtechnik 
Jan Singh @stareffects_sfx 
Marlies Kirchner & Bastian Hauser (Theatiner Kino) 
Bastian Ried (Inmotion Studio) @inmotion_studios 
Jona Salcher @jonasalcher_dop
COCO an experimental essay by Noah Böhm Last year we produced this beautiful visual poem from director and dop @noah.boehm It was such a pleasure working with this amazing crew and we are so proud to finally share this with you all! Starring: Coco Takuna @misspoerl Director / DoP: Noah Böhm @noah.boehm @agentur_s_schuppach Production: BITTE EINEN FILM @bitteeinenfilm Producer: Maxi Mayer @oxmox.ox.mollox Music: Johann Graham Engelhardt @johanngrahamengelhardt Edit: Alex Ardalic @alexardalic Grading: Johan Nurmilehto @johancolorist Sound: Leon Mertinat Steadicam: Chris Werner @christoph.werner.steadi Gaffer: Andreas Blind @andreasblind_dp 1st AC: Nadja Mild @nadja_mild Best Girl: Jessy Romero @jessy.romerowalter Costume: Hai Linh Pham @linh.pham.muc Hair & Makeup: Ilaria Glum Special Thanks: K-9 Kameraverleih @k9tv_muenchen Sparks Rental @sparksfilmtechnik Jan Singh @stareffects_sfx Marlies Kirchner & Bastian Hauser (Theatiner Kino) Bastian Ried (Inmotion Studio) @inmotion_studios Jona Salcher @jonasalcher_dop
445 12 6 months ago

for Red Bull KTM & Red Bull GASGAS
Dir: @simonbogocz 
Edit: @anjunahartmann
Cam: @manuel.luebbers @luca_hc_gruber @christoph.werner.steadi @trinityagency_berlin 
Light: @l.u.c.a.r.i.e.g.e.r @quirin_wolff 
Sound: @xflem1 
Sound Design: @rasanter_rabl 
Making Of: @timderwalker 
VFX: @vauditt 
Colorist: @zemariacolor 
LED Wall: @varyostage 
Prod: @wenndannfilm @benlion_ @simonbogocz @felix_mann_
#motogp #racing #ktmfactory #ktm #ktmfamily #streetbike
BTS for Red Bull KTM & Red Bull GASGAS • • Dir: @simonbogocz Edit: @anjunahartmann Cam: @manuel.luebbers @luca_hc_gruber @christoph.werner.steadi @trinityagency_berlin Light: @l.u.c.a.r.i.e.g.e.r @quirin_wolff Sound: @xflem1 Sound Design: @rasanter_rabl Making Of: @timderwalker VFX: @vauditt Colorist: @zemariacolor LED Wall: @varyostage Prod: @wenndannfilm @benlion_ @simonbogocz @felix_mann_ #motogp #racing #ktmfactory #ktm #ktmfamily #streetbike
282 6 10 months ago
Trinity 2 for @manuel.luebbers, @wenndannfilm and @gasgas.official 
#trinity2 #trinityoperator #arritrinity2 #alexa35 #arritrinity
Trinity 2 for @manuel.luebbers, @wenndannfilm and @gasgas.official • • • #trinity2 #trinityoperator #arritrinity2 #alexa35 #arritrinity
97 3 10 months ago
Trinity 2 for @manuel.luebbers @wenndannfilm and @gasgas.official 
#trinity2 #Trinityoperator #fomasystems #arritrinity2 @fomasystems #commercial
Trinity 2 for @manuel.luebbers @wenndannfilm and @gasgas.official • • • #trinity2 #Trinityoperator #fomasystems #arritrinity2 @fomasystems #commercial
79 0 10 months ago
Accelerating The Future
for Red Bull GASGAS Tech3
@gasgas.motorsports @redbullmotorsports @tech3racing

Follow the link in the bio, to see the full version!
Dir: @simonbogocz 
Edit: @anjunahartmann
Cam: @manuel.luebbers @luca_hc_gruber @christoph.werner.steadi @trinityagency_berlin 
Light: @l.u.c.a.r.i.e.g.e.r @quirin_wolff 
Sound: @xflem1 
Sound Design: @xflem1 
Making Of: @timderwalker 
VFX: @vauditt 
Colorist: @zemariacolor 
LED Wall: @varyostage 
Prod: @wenndannfilm @benlion_ @simonbogocz @felix_mann_
Accelerating The Future for Red Bull GASGAS Tech3 @gasgas.motorsports @redbullmotorsports @tech3racing Follow the link in the bio, to see the full version! • • Dir: @simonbogocz Edit: @anjunahartmann Cam: @manuel.luebbers @luca_hc_gruber @christoph.werner.steadi @trinityagency_berlin Light: @l.u.c.a.r.i.e.g.e.r @quirin_wolff Sound: @xflem1 Sound Design: @xflem1 Making Of: @timderwalker VFX: @vauditt Colorist: @zemariacolor LED Wall: @varyostage Prod: @wenndannfilm @benlion_ @simonbogocz @felix_mann_
144 5 a year ago
New Toy for the new Year! I can now offer Trinity 2. Looking forward to fly this great tool for your next project! 
#trinity2 #steadicamoperator #arritrinity2 #christophwerner #trinityoperator
New Toy for the new Year! I can now offer Trinity 2. Looking forward to fly this great tool for your next project! • • • #trinity2 #steadicamoperator #arritrinity2 #christophwerner #trinityoperator
131 6 a year ago
New Toy for the new Year! I can now offer Trinity 2. Looking forward to fly this great tool for your next project! 
#trinity2 #steadicamoperator #arritrinity2 #christophwerner #trinityoperator
New Toy for the new Year! I can now offer Trinity 2. Looking forward to fly this great tool for your next project! • • • #trinity2 #steadicamoperator #arritrinity2 #christophwerner #trinityoperator
92 0 a year ago
New Toy for the new Year! I can now offer Trinity 2. Looking forward to fly this great tool for your next project! 
#trinity2 #steadicamoperator #arritrinity2 #christophwerner #trinityoperator
New Toy for the new Year! I can now offer Trinity 2. Looking forward to fly this great tool for your next project! • • • #trinity2 #steadicamoperator #arritrinity2 #christophwerner #trinityoperator
226 15 a year ago
Beautiful work for @galvanlondon with director @jonasvahl, dp @tobiasblickle and @lebergfilm
Beautiful work for @galvanlondon with director @jonasvahl, dp @tobiasblickle and @lebergfilm
43 1 a year ago
Beautiful work for @galvanlondon 
with director @jonasvahl, dp @tobiasblickle and @lebergfilm. Shot with OMEGA
Beautiful work for @galvanlondon with director @jonasvahl, dp @tobiasblickle and @lebergfilm. Shot with OMEGA
76 4 a year ago
Beautiful work for @galvanlondon 
with Director @jonasvahl, DP @tobiasblickle and @lebergfilm
Beautiful work for @galvanlondon with Director @jonasvahl, DP @tobiasblickle and @lebergfilm
55 0 a year ago