When graduates of
@paceuniversity’s commercial dance BFA walk across the stage at graduation, they have a cap, gown, and amazing eye-high kicks. That’s because of their curriculum’s focus on multiple styles of jazz, including the precision jazz made famous by
There is no formal relationship between
@pacecommercialdance and the Rockettes—in fact, the only thing all of this year’s new Rockettes have in common is having attended the Rockettes Conservatory, a weeklong intensive held at
@radiocitymusichall. Still, the success of the Pace graduates speaks for itself. This year, 18 Pace graduates and one current student will take the stage in the “Christmas Spectacular” as Rockettes and members of the ensemble.
Learn more at the link in our bio. ✨
📸: In class at Pace University. Photo by John Doyle, Courtesy Pace University.
📸: Lauren Gaul teaching at Pace. Photo by John Doyle, Courtesy Pace University.
📸: Rockette (and Pace alum)
@vale_yamin in costume. Courtesy MSG Entertainment.
#pacecommercialdance #therockettes #rockettes
1) Students in class at Pace University. They stand in parallel passe with their arms in first. Text: 18 Pace University Grads Take the Stage in the “Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes”
2) Lauren Gaul directing a student in class at Pace.
3) Valeria Yamin sitting in a dressing room wearing a red sparkly dress and silver character shoes. Text: “I actually stand next to a Pace alum this year. She graduated last year, so she’s a few years younger than me, and when we stand next to each other, I remind her that she’s exactly where she needs to be. It’s really cool to see her growth and to be able to kick together knowing that we both came from Pace.” —Rockette and Pace alum Valeria Yamin