gavinsullivan.designInstagram Profile

Gavin Sullivan

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Gavin Sullivan Profile Information on Instagram have full name is Gavin Sullivan. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by on Instagram. Read More...

Square Knot 🪢

#papercraft #papersculpture #sculpture #3dmodel #3dmodeling #cinema4d #c4d #unfolderapp #knot #tube
Square Knot 🪢 #papercraft #papersculpture #sculpture #3dmodel #3dmodeling #cinema4d #c4d #unfolderapp #knot #tube
54 5 6 months ago

#cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #maxoncinema4d #animation #3danimation #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #simulation #render
↔️↕️ #cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #maxoncinema4d #animation #3danimation #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #simulation #render
49 1 9 months ago
Overhand knot. Project time: 16 hrs

#cinema4d #c4d #3dmodeling #papercraft #papercrafts #paper #knot #rope #sculpture #stopmotion #blue
Overhand knot. Project time: 16 hrs #cinema4d #c4d #3dmodeling #papercraft #papercrafts #paper #knot #rope #sculpture #stopmotion #blue
57 3 10 months ago
Figure eight. Total project time: 22hrs

#cinema4d #c4d #3dmodeling #papercraft #paper #knot #climbing #rope #sculpture #stopmotion #orange
Figure eight. Total project time: 22hrs #cinema4d #c4d #3dmodeling #papercraft #paper #knot #climbing #rope #sculpture #stopmotion #orange
60 12 10 months ago
I was craving something tangible. Geometry modeled in Cinema4D, nets made in, and sculpture constructed with yellow paper and superglue. Total project time: 8hrs. 

#cinema4d #unfolder #3dmodel #3dmodeling #papercraft #sculpture
I was craving something tangible. Geometry modeled in Cinema4D, nets made in, and sculpture constructed with yellow paper and superglue. Total project time: 8hrs. #cinema4d #unfolder #3dmodel #3dmodeling #papercraft #sculpture
69 7 10 months ago
plus side 

#cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #3danimation #animation #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #simulation #render
plus side #cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #3danimation #animation #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #simulation #render
36 3 a year ago
My bundle of sticks keeps falling apart

#cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #3danimation #animation #motiondesign #sounddesign #motiongraphics #simulation #render #parachute
My bundle of sticks keeps falling apart #cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #3danimation #animation #motiondesign #sounddesign #motiongraphics #simulation #render #parachute
78 5 a year ago
Xylo Disks

#cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #animation #3danimation #motiondesign #motion #motiongraphics #simulation #render #sounddesign
Xylo Disks #cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #animation #3danimation #motiondesign #motion #motiongraphics #simulation #render #sounddesign
423 18 a year ago
Obsessed with particle simulation. Here’s a tornado.

#cinema4d #c4d #3danimation #animation #3dsimulation #simulation
Obsessed with particle simulation. Here’s a tornado. #cinema4d #c4d #3danimation #animation #3dsimulation #simulation
55 1 a year ago
Fun with simulation, forces, and tracers in Cinema 4D. 

#cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #3danimation #animation #simulation #physics #3drender
Fun with simulation, forces, and tracers in Cinema 4D. #cinema4d #c4d #c4dartist #3danimation #animation #simulation #physics #3drender
33 5 a year ago
Title and credits design for Zoë Scully’s short film, “My Friend the Praying Mantis”

Written/directed by @zoe.k.s 
Produced/edited by @heyyooosweet 
Cinematography/PD by @jacksonvanhorn 

#adobeillustrator #indesign #adobeindesign #typesetting #typography #graphicdesign #titledesign
Title and credits design for Zoë Scully’s short film, “My Friend the Praying Mantis” Written/directed by @zoe.k.s Produced/edited by @heyyooosweet Cinematography/PD by @jacksonvanhorn #adobeillustrator #indesign #adobeindesign #typesetting #typography #graphicdesign #titledesign
31 6 a year ago
Title and credits design for David Milan Kelly’s short film “Goldfish Casino”

Written/directed by @davidflipsout 
Produced/edited by @max.salow 
Cinematography/PD by @hollyister 

#adobeillustrator #aftereffects #typography #graphicdesign #motiondesign #titledesign
Title and credits design for David Milan Kelly’s short film “Goldfish Casino” Written/directed by @davidflipsout Produced/edited by @max.salow Cinematography/PD by @hollyister #adobeillustrator #aftereffects #typography #graphicdesign #motiondesign #titledesign
31 3 a year ago