gerdwaliszewskiInstagram Profile


Gerd Waliszewski

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Gerd Waliszewski Profile Information

@gerdwaliszewski on Instagram have full name is Gerd Waliszewski. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by gerdwaliszewski on Instagram. Read More...


The W. Eugene Smith Student Grant:
Lea Greub, 2024 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant Recipient for “Burning Sun on Frozen Conflicts” @greuble 

Gerd Waliszewski, 2024 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant Recipient for “Between the Sirens” @gerdwaliszewski 

Mosfiqur Rahman Johan, 2024 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant Recipient for “Memories of Disappearance” @mosfiqur 

Congratulations to the recipients of our 2024 W. Eugene Smith Grant for Student Photographers! 

Photos by Grant Recipients in the order listed. For more information about our 2024 Grant Recipients, please visit the link in our bio.
ANNOUNCING 2024 GRANT RECIPIENTS The W. Eugene Smith Student Grant: Lea Greub, 2024 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant Recipient for “Burning Sun on Frozen Conflicts” @greuble Gerd Waliszewski, 2024 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant Recipient for “Between the Sirens” @gerdwaliszewski Mosfiqur Rahman Johan, 2024 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant Recipient for “Memories of Disappearance” @mosfiqur Congratulations to the recipients of our 2024 W. Eugene Smith Grant for Student Photographers! Photos by Grant Recipients in the order listed. For more information about our 2024 Grant Recipients, please visit the link in our bio.
622 27 7 days ago
Muse Yevheniia explores her 90s grunge-glam side with Trapa silver pendant & ring 

photo @gerdwaliszewski 
talent @yevheniia.derevinska 
mua & hair @jenn.zenn
Muse Yevheniia explores her 90s grunge-glam side with Trapa silver pendant & ring photo @gerdwaliszewski talent @yevheniia.derevinska mua & hair @jenn.zenn
150 8 23 days ago
Can’t wait for a special occasion to share these shots by my incredibly talented friend @gerdwaliszewski 🤍 It’s such a joy creating with you! 

Gerd is heading to Kyiv for a few months now. Friends in Ukraine, don’t miss the chance to collababorate.
Can’t wait for a special occasion to share these shots by my incredibly talented friend @gerdwaliszewski 🤍 It’s such a joy creating with you! Gerd is heading to Kyiv for a few months now. Friends in Ukraine, don’t miss the chance to collababorate.
562 50 2 months ago
Car cemetery / Irpin, Jan 24' 

On this car cemetery vehicles were piled up that were used by civilians to evacuate during the three-week occupation of Irpin by Russian troops in March 2022. The occupants shot at them during the escape attempts.
Car cemetery / Irpin, Jan 24' On this car cemetery vehicles were piled up that were used by civilians to evacuate during the three-week occupation of Irpin by Russian troops in March 2022. The occupants shot at them during the escape attempts.
167 0 4 months ago
Nikita & Yuliia / Kyiv, May 23’

from my long-term project “Between the Sirens” on young Ukrainians.

more on my website 

#ukraine #youth #kyiv
Nikita & Yuliia / Kyiv, May 23’ from my long-term project “Between the Sirens” on young Ukrainians. more on my website #ukraine #youth #kyiv
115 1 5 months ago
Sep’ 23

Young cadets of the civilian naval university in Odesa, Izmail branch. After taking the oath in a few days, they will be allowed to wear white uniforms.

Following Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Deal in July 23, the port city of Izmail near the Romanian border has become the target of massive Russian drone attacks. 

More photos from my longterm project on young Ukrainians on my website.

#izmail #ukraine #youth
Sep’ 23 Young cadets of the civilian naval university in Odesa, Izmail branch. After taking the oath in a few days, they will be allowed to wear white uniforms. Following Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Deal in July 23, the port city of Izmail near the Romanian border has become the target of massive Russian drone attacks. More photos from my longterm project on young Ukrainians on my website. #izmail #ukraine #youth
136 3 5 months ago
stills from assignment for @ard / oct‘ 23

(1) Polish border guards patrolling the border fence dividing Polish and Belarusian territory 
(2) landscape of Polish-Belarusian border fence
(3) Polish border guard checking our documents
(4) border guard discovering a camp fire just behind the fence

Link to full material on my website 

In August 2021 the first people mostly from the African continent and Middle East made the first attempts to cross the Polish-Belarussian border. It quickly became clear that this was a measure by the Belarusian and Russian governments to put pressure on Poland and the EU. Initially, the migrants were given free plane tickets and visas to Moscow and Minsk, and after a few days they were taken to the Polish-Belarusian border, where they were violently forced by to cross it. In response, the Polish PiS government set up a restricted zone around the border, making it difficult for humanitarian activists to help the people who made it across the heavily guarded border, additionally a 4m high fence was built. On the Polish side, migrants have to hide from Polish officials, who push them back to the Belarusian side contrary to the international laws. As a result, several deaths have already been recorded due to hypothermia or dehydration.
When the liberal PO came to power in November 2023, the activists hoped that cooperation between them and the authorities would at least improve. However, a few days ago the controversial decision to re-establish the PiS-introduced exclusion zone was made. 
The problems on the Polish-Belarusian border are not changing, and neither are the solutions, despite the government that promoted itself as the opposite to the conservative PiS.

#polishbelarusianborder #migration
stills from assignment for @ard / oct‘ 23 (1) Polish border guards patrolling the border fence dividing Polish and Belarusian territory (2) landscape of Polish-Belarusian border fence (3) Polish border guard checking our documents (4) border guard discovering a camp fire just behind the fence Link to full material on my website In August 2021 the first people mostly from the African continent and Middle East made the first attempts to cross the Polish-Belarussian border. It quickly became clear that this was a measure by the Belarusian and Russian governments to put pressure on Poland and the EU. Initially, the migrants were given free plane tickets and visas to Moscow and Minsk, and after a few days they were taken to the Polish-Belarusian border, where they were violently forced by to cross it. In response, the Polish PiS government set up a restricted zone around the border, making it difficult for humanitarian activists to help the people who made it across the heavily guarded border, additionally a 4m high fence was built. On the Polish side, migrants have to hide from Polish officials, who push them back to the Belarusian side contrary to the international laws. As a result, several deaths have already been recorded due to hypothermia or dehydration. When the liberal PO came to power in November 2023, the activists hoped that cooperation between them and the authorities would at least improve. However, a few days ago the controversial decision to re-establish the PiS-introduced exclusion zone was made. The problems on the Polish-Belarusian border are not changing, and neither are the solutions, despite the government that promoted itself as the opposite to the conservative PiS. #polishbelarusianborder #migration
155 2 5 months ago
ENG below 

Привіт друзі,

На початку цього року ми з київським дизайнером @nktrmnv працювали над спільною колаборацією, щоб об’єднати мій фотопроект, над яким я працюю вже більше двох років в Україні, та дизайн торгової марки Нікіти. 
Ми вирізали сумки з величезних принтів розміром 2х3 м, які я виставляв на виставці “EAST FROM WHERE?” у листопаді 2023 в @studio_hanniball у Берліні.
В результаті вийшло 60 унікальних сумок двох розмірів. Sourced in Berlin, upcycled in Ukraine. 

Зібрані кошти від продажу будуть передані військовослужбовцям Збройних Сил України, які захищають країну на Харківському напрямку. 

Запрошуємо всіх зацікавлених у четвер, 30 травня, на презентацію проекту. Шоу-рум знайдете навпроти Pure&Naive на вулиці Івана Франка 25/40 у Києві (відео як потрапити в сторіз).

Беріть друзів та приєднуйтесь до нас!

З п’ятниці сумки будуть доступні онлайн на сайті Лінк в шапці профілю.


Ґерд та Нікіта


Dear friends,

In the beginning of this year I and Kyiv-based designer @nktrmnv teamed up to combine my photo project that I’ve been working on since more then two years in Ukraine and Nikita’s signature design. 
The starting point were the huge 2x3m prints that I have been exhibiting at the group exhibition “EAST FROM WHERE?” in November 23’ at @studio_hanniball in Berlin. 

The outcome are 60 unique bags in two sizes. Sourced in Berlin, upcycled in Ukraine. The raised money from the sales will be donated to members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces defending the country on the Kharkiv direction. 

We invite everyone interested on Thursday, the 30th of May to the launch of the project. You will find the showroom across Pure&Naive on Ivana Franka Street 25/40 in Kyiv (direction video in our stories).

Take friends and join us!

The bags will be available online on from Friday. Link in Bio.


Gerd & Nikita
ENG below Привіт друзі, На початку цього року ми з київським дизайнером @nktrmnv працювали над спільною колаборацією, щоб об’єднати мій фотопроект, над яким я працюю вже більше двох років в Україні, та дизайн торгової марки Нікіти. Ми вирізали сумки з величезних принтів розміром 2х3 м, які я виставляв на виставці “EAST FROM WHERE?” у листопаді 2023 в @studio_hanniball у Берліні. В результаті вийшло 60 унікальних сумок двох розмірів. Sourced in Berlin, upcycled in Ukraine. Зібрані кошти від продажу будуть передані військовослужбовцям Збройних Сил України, які захищають країну на Харківському напрямку. Запрошуємо всіх зацікавлених у четвер, 30 травня, на презентацію проекту. Шоу-рум знайдете навпроти Pure&Naive на вулиці Івана Франка 25/40 у Києві (відео як потрапити в сторіз). Беріть друзів та приєднуйтесь до нас! З п’ятниці сумки будуть доступні онлайн на сайті Лінк в шапці профілю. Ваші, Ґерд та Нікіта ———————- Dear friends, In the beginning of this year I and Kyiv-based designer @nktrmnv teamed up to combine my photo project that I’ve been working on since more then two years in Ukraine and Nikita’s signature design. The starting point were the huge 2x3m prints that I have been exhibiting at the group exhibition “EAST FROM WHERE?” in November 23’ at @studio_hanniball in Berlin. The outcome are 60 unique bags in two sizes. Sourced in Berlin, upcycled in Ukraine. The raised money from the sales will be donated to members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces defending the country on the Kharkiv direction. We invite everyone interested on Thursday, the 30th of May to the launch of the project. You will find the showroom across Pure&Naive on Ivana Franka Street 25/40 in Kyiv (direction video in our stories). Take friends and join us! The bags will be available online on from Friday. Link in Bio. Yours, Gerd & Nikita
73 8 7 months ago
More exhibition stills from our group show East From Where at Studio Hanniball in October last year! 

Works in order of slides: 

1. Stepping Out Into This Almost Empty Road by Monika Orpik and Motherland by Tatsiana Tkachova
2. The Tower - Xiaofu Wang 
3. Wiedergutmachung - Claude Somot 
4. Żwirki - Florian Gatzweiller and Sascha Levin 
5. First Snow - Lin Gerkman 
6. O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Marisia Myanovska
7. To Become a Man? - Alexander Mihalkovich 
8. Between the Sirens - Gerd Waliszewski
9. Mutterland - Michel Kekulé
More exhibition stills from our group show East From Where at Studio Hanniball in October last year! Works in order of slides: 1. Stepping Out Into This Almost Empty Road by Monika Orpik and Motherland by Tatsiana Tkachova 2. The Tower - Xiaofu Wang 3. Wiedergutmachung - Claude Somot 4. Żwirki - Florian Gatzweiller and Sascha Levin 5. First Snow - Lin Gerkman 6. O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Marisia Myanovska 7. To Become a Man? - Alexander Mihalkovich 8. Between the Sirens - Gerd Waliszewski 9. Mutterland - Michel Kekulé
185 0 7 months ago
Exhibition at Studio Hanniball from the 20th to 27th of October. 

During the Cold War, the Iron Curtain was the unambiguous fault line separating Eastern and Western Europe. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact this bi-lateral world order fell apart. As former communist and socialist states transitioned into market economies and democracies, the label of “East” within the context of Europe became less self-evident.

Through 11 photographic perspectives, the group exhibition East From Where deals with the still unfinished process of transition. This reflects itself in every day life; young people not knowing if the next day will bring destruction or romance, mothers and daughters separated by physical and political walls, places that cannot shake the ghosts of former regimes, and military structures that strip away at individual identity to achieve obedience.

The exhibition includes a screening of short films from young filmmakers on the 25th of October at 8pm.

Curated by:
Gerd Waliszewski & Xiaofu Wang

Exhibiting artists:
Florian Gatzweiler
Lin Gerkman
Michel Kekulé
Sascha Levin
Marysia Myanovska 
Alexander Mihalkovich 
Monika Orpik
Tanya Sharapova 
Claude Somot 
Tatsiana Tkachova 
Gerd Waliszewski 
Xiaofu Wang
Exhibition at Studio Hanniball from the 20th to 27th of October. During the Cold War, the Iron Curtain was the unambiguous fault line separating Eastern and Western Europe. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact this bi-lateral world order fell apart. As former communist and socialist states transitioned into market economies and democracies, the label of “East” within the context of Europe became less self-evident. Through 11 photographic perspectives, the group exhibition East From Where deals with the still unfinished process of transition. This reflects itself in every day life; young people not knowing if the next day will bring destruction or romance, mothers and daughters separated by physical and political walls, places that cannot shake the ghosts of former regimes, and military structures that strip away at individual identity to achieve obedience. The exhibition includes a screening of short films from young filmmakers on the 25th of October at 8pm. Curated by: Gerd Waliszewski & Xiaofu Wang Exhibiting artists: Florian Gatzweiler Lin Gerkman Michel Kekulé Sascha Levin Marysia Myanovska Alexander Mihalkovich Monika Orpik Tanya Sharapova Claude Somot Tatsiana Tkachova Gerd Waliszewski Xiaofu Wang
92 11 a year ago
photograph of Serhii and his pigeons published in the current issue of @szmagazin 

Before the flooding after the blow up of the Kakhovka Dam, Serhii and his father were living under russian occupation. The russian army would abuse them, and shoot their pigeons. After nine months the russians had to retreat on the other shore of the Dnipro river – but Serhii, his father and the pigeons have remained.

in the column „Bilder aus dem Krieg“ you can read more about their story

thanks to @jakob.feigl 

Фотографія Сергія та його голубів опублікована в поточному номері @szmagazin 

До повені після вибуху Каховської дамби Сергій і його батько жили під російською окупацією. Російська армія знущалася над ними і стріляла в їхніх голубів. Через дев’ять місяців росіянам довелося відступити на інший берег Дніпра – а Сергій, його батько та голуби залишилися.

у колонці „Bilder aus dem Krieg“ можете прочитати більше про його історію (німецький)

особлива подяка
photograph of Serhii and his pigeons published in the current issue of @szmagazin Before the flooding after the blow up of the Kakhovka Dam, Serhii and his father were living under russian occupation. The russian army would abuse them, and shoot their pigeons. After nine months the russians had to retreat on the other shore of the Dnipro river – but Serhii, his father and the pigeons have remained. in the column „Bilder aus dem Krieg“ you can read more about their story thanks to @jakob.feigl Фотографія Сергія та його голубів опублікована в поточному номері @szmagazin До повені після вибуху Каховської дамби Сергій і його батько жили під російською окупацією. Російська армія знущалася над ними і стріляла в їхніх голубів. Через дев’ять місяців росіянам довелося відступити на інший берег Дніпра – а Сергій, його батько та голуби залишилися. у колонці „Bilder aus dem Krieg“ можете прочитати більше про його історію (німецький) особлива подяка @ittfund @serdgio77
280 25 a year ago
villages of the shoreline / jun 23'

(1 & 3) Ksjusha and Vika have been evacuated from the village of Kisomys and live in a village nearby. They still live in the red zone, but with less shellings.

(2) Behind the last checkpoints.

(4) Kindergarden turnt into temporary shelters for people who lost their homes to the flood.

special thanks to @ittfund & @serdgio77
villages of the shoreline / jun 23' (1 & 3) Ksjusha and Vika have been evacuated from the village of Kisomys and live in a village nearby. They still live in the red zone, but with less shellings. (2) Behind the last checkpoints. (4) Kindergarden turnt into temporary shelters for people who lost their homes to the flood. special thanks to @ittfund & @serdgio77
147 0 a year ago