hyvaapaivaayvaInstagram Profile


Yves, but sometimes Yva, Tsou

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Yves, but sometimes Yva, Tsou Profile Information

@hyvaapaivaayva on Instagram have full name is Yves, but sometimes Yva, Tsou. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by hyvaapaivaayva on Instagram. Read More...

ZENG LI on @cap74024 
The 10 Years Anniversary issue

曾黎,在 CAP 74024 十週年紀念特刊

又在米蘭,又是二月。CAP 74024 與繆思曾黎在歷史悠久的豪宅裡的一期一會。一年未見,姐姐依然青春、大氣,而她那優雅且獨特的知性美,在攝影師 Carlo Piro 的鏡頭之下躍然紙上。

Talent 繆思Zeng Li @zengli_0917

Photography 攝影: Carlo Piro @carlopiro @thewaves_agency
Fashion 造型: Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva
Editor in Chief 總編輯: Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri
Hair 髮型: Byeon Jae Yeon @hearts_byeonjaeyeonn
Make Up 化妝: Kim Soo Bin @hearts_kim_soo.bin
Production 製作: Daniele Tancredi @tancredidan
Photography assistant 攝影助理: Riccardo Ruffolo @riccardo_ruffolo
Fashion assistant 造型助理: Francesco Baldassari @francesco.baldassari

Special thanks to 特別感謝@Anticàmera Location Agency @anticamera_location ART1st & Branden Gao @brandengao_official

#CAP74024 #CAP74024magazine #zengli
ZENG LI on @cap74024 #MoreThanThis The 10 Years Anniversary issue 曾黎,在 CAP 74024 十週年紀念特刊 又在米蘭,又是二月。CAP 74024 與繆思曾黎在歷史悠久的豪宅裡的一期一會。一年未見,姐姐依然青春、大氣,而她那優雅且獨特的知性美,在攝影師 Carlo Piro 的鏡頭之下躍然紙上。 Talent 繆思Zeng Li @zengli_0917 Photography 攝影: Carlo Piro @carlopiro @thewaves_agency Fashion 造型: Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva Editor in Chief 總編輯: Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri Hair 髮型: Byeon Jae Yeon @hearts_byeonjaeyeonn Make Up 化妝: Kim Soo Bin @hearts_kim_soo.bin Production 製作: Daniele Tancredi @tancredidan Photography assistant 攝影助理: Riccardo Ruffolo @riccardo_ruffolo Fashion assistant 造型助理: Francesco Baldassari @francesco.baldassari Special thanks to 特別感謝@Anticàmera Location Agency @anticamera_location ART1st & Branden Gao @brandengao_official #CAP74024 #CAP74024magazine #zengli
125 10 5 months ago
My 10-day fashion run #OOTD
(Swipe right for NSFW content)

2 cities, 10 days, various shows, presentations and cocktail parties. My #fw22 Fashion week journey is officially ended. It is definitely the most hardcore fashion run for me after COVID struck the industry. For two years, we cannot really enjoy the luxury of having physical events, traveling to places and meeting people in person. I almost forgot how exciting and intriguing fashion shows were to me. After a season of fun, joy and fulfillment, I think I reacquire my passion for fashion. Feeling like a virgin to the fashion world again, and I’m looking forward to the next season like I never did before. 

Special thanks to @j.l.blackdress flophlp @w0dy and @itsferli13 for the documentation of my daily look and to  @_misslluo_ and @andrew.joseph1 for the wardrobe consultancy.

I had fun, see you next season vitches 💛

#milan #milanfashionweek #paris #parisfashionweek #streetstyle #fashionweek #glam #fashion #ootd
My 10-day fashion run #OOTD (Swipe right for NSFW content) 2 cities, 10 days, various shows, presentations and cocktail parties. My #fw22 Fashion week journey is officially ended. It is definitely the most hardcore fashion run for me after COVID struck the industry. For two years, we cannot really enjoy the luxury of having physical events, traveling to places and meeting people in person. I almost forgot how exciting and intriguing fashion shows were to me. After a season of fun, joy and fulfillment, I think I reacquire my passion for fashion. Feeling like a virgin to the fashion world again, and I’m looking forward to the next season like I never did before. Special thanks to @j.l.blackdress flophlp @w0dy and @itsferli13 for the documentation of my daily look and to @_misslluo_ and @andrew.joseph1 for the wardrobe consultancy. I had fun, see you next season vitches 💛 #milan #milanfashionweek #paris #parisfashionweek #streetstyle #fashionweek #glam #fashion #ootd
313 43 3 years ago
10 years can seem short, barely enough to get a taste of life; 10 years can be long, long enough to nourish a dream.

10 years of CAP 74024, 5 of which I participate.
From an young and inexperienced fashion graduate to an international editorial coordinator, it is @antoniomoscogiuri who made me who I am today. Thank you so much for believing in and seeing a little potential in this boy who cannot even speak Italian back then, introducing me to the Milan and then the international fashion scenes and giving me chances to learn, to grow and to experience. 

Thank you @madamadea for always being there, @silviapescia for supporting this dream realized. Thank you @tancredidan for being an awesome faretutto even though we swear at each other all the time. Thank you @_anne.pi_ for tolerating the constant change in texts and images and always be so responsive no matter when. Thank you @nardoleoooo for many funs at work and in private. Thank you @annakovalevap for always being an amazing support and of course @itsferli13, you are not missed.

(Also to Amelie, Arianna, Emma, Matteo, Mattia, Greta, Lin Zi, Damiano, Carrie, Sophie, Harvey, Ebbani and @francesco.baldassari!)

I would like to take this chance to thank all the people that have participated in the first ten years of CAP 74024. Photographers, stylist, producers, PRs, agents, models and many others…you guys nourished our dream, and helped us making this happened. Also, special thanks to all the guests who passed by last night, your presence consummated the celebration.

Hope you enjoy the exhibition, the event, the book and the new issue. See you guys in the next issue allora!?

xoxo, Piccolo Yves
10 years can seem short, barely enough to get a taste of life; 10 years can be long, long enough to nourish a dream. 10 years of CAP 74024, 5 of which I participate. From an young and inexperienced fashion graduate to an international editorial coordinator, it is @antoniomoscogiuri who made me who I am today. Thank you so much for believing in and seeing a little potential in this boy who cannot even speak Italian back then, introducing me to the Milan and then the international fashion scenes and giving me chances to learn, to grow and to experience. Thank you @madamadea for always being there, @silviapescia for supporting this dream realized. Thank you @tancredidan for being an awesome faretutto even though we swear at each other all the time. Thank you @_anne.pi_ for tolerating the constant change in texts and images and always be so responsive no matter when. Thank you @nardoleoooo for many funs at work and in private. Thank you @annakovalevap for always being an amazing support and of course @itsferli13, you are not missed. (Also to Amelie, Arianna, Emma, Matteo, Mattia, Greta, Lin Zi, Damiano, Carrie, Sophie, Harvey, Ebbani and @francesco.baldassari!) I would like to take this chance to thank all the people that have participated in the first ten years of CAP 74024. Photographers, stylist, producers, PRs, agents, models and many others…you guys nourished our dream, and helped us making this happened. Also, special thanks to all the guests who passed by last night, your presence consummated the celebration. Hope you enjoy the exhibition, the event, the book and the new issue. See you guys in the next issue allora!? xoxo, Piccolo Yves
216 45 6 months ago
A truly magical night at @teatroallascala thanks to @giorgioarmani 

Today is the 24/25 seasonal premiere of the Teatro all Scala, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world and the most important artistic landmark in Milan. Thanks to Giorgio Armani, we have the honor to attend the “Primina”, the preview of this years seasonal premiere another day, experience the musical, lyrical and theatrical power of Giuseppe Verdi’s noted opera “La Forza del Destino (The Power of Destiny)”

Once again, thanks to Giorgio Armani for this beautiful attire that I’m wearing and for inviting me for this unforgettable evening at Teatro Alla Scala 🫶🏼🥂🌹
Also, shout out to my friend @yohei_kuroshima @hair.otto for the last minute hair styling work. You make the miracle happen and I am loving it 💖💋

#teatroallascala #giorgioarmani #laforzadeldestino #giuseppeverdi
A truly magical night at @teatroallascala thanks to @giorgioarmani Today is the 24/25 seasonal premiere of the Teatro all Scala, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world and the most important artistic landmark in Milan. Thanks to Giorgio Armani, we have the honor to attend the “Primina”, the preview of this years seasonal premiere another day, experience the musical, lyrical and theatrical power of Giuseppe Verdi’s noted opera “La Forza del Destino (The Power of Destiny)” Once again, thanks to Giorgio Armani for this beautiful attire that I’m wearing and for inviting me for this unforgettable evening at Teatro Alla Scala 🫶🏼🥂🌹 Also, shout out to my friend @yohei_kuroshima @hair.otto for the last minute hair styling work. You make the miracle happen and I am loving it 💖💋 #teatroallascala #giorgioarmani #laforzadeldestino #giuseppeverdi
385 50 12 days ago
這次的 #CAPeople 人物特寫單元,我們邀請到日本能劇藝術家寺井美喜(Miki Terai)。這是個與我而言十分特殊的製作,能夠在我們雜誌看到東亞的美學很是開心,透過這次製作認識到全心全力投身日本傳統藝術的年輕世代更是振奮人心❤️在全球化的今日,能有一群人仍在堅持傳承傳統文化,是件非常inspiring 且 empowering 的事🇯🇵

#Noh artist MIKI TERAI on @cap74024 🏯
The 10 Years Anniversary issue

#Photography Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57
#Fashion Yuma Sakita @ymatks 
#Hair Hirokazu Endo @hirokazu_endoo
#MakeUp Dash @dash.0627
#Production Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva
Noh costume assistants Sakae Terai, Miyuki Terai and Maki Tsuchimoto
Noh costume from Noh Gaku Terai
#Words Gianluca Cantaro @cantaro_san
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri


Special thanks to Mai Wako 

#CAP74024 #CAP74024magazine #MikiTerai #CAPeople
這次的 #CAPeople 人物特寫單元,我們邀請到日本能劇藝術家寺井美喜(Miki Terai)。這是個與我而言十分特殊的製作,能夠在我們雜誌看到東亞的美學很是開心,透過這次製作認識到全心全力投身日本傳統藝術的年輕世代更是振奮人心❤️在全球化的今日,能有一群人仍在堅持傳承傳統文化,是件非常inspiring 且 empowering 的事🇯🇵 #Noh artist MIKI TERAI on @cap74024 🏯 #MoreThanThis The 10 Years Anniversary issue #Photography Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57 #Fashion Yuma Sakita @ymatks #Hair Hirokazu Endo @hirokazu_endoo #MakeUp Dash @dash.0627 #Production Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva Noh costume assistants Sakae Terai, Miyuki Terai and Maki Tsuchimoto Noh costume from Noh Gaku Terai #Words Gianluca Cantaro @cantaro_san Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri #Artist MIKI TERAI Special thanks to Mai Wako #CAP74024 #CAP74024magazine #MikiTerai #CAPeople
45 3 17 days ago
Carobbio Angel

📸 @mvteusz.v_ 

#analog #poland #wrocław #tbt
Carobbio Angel 📸 @mvteusz.v_ #analog #poland #wrocław #tbt
80 10 a month ago
Cernobbio Trio

📸 @srngssn 

#tbt #como #cernobbio #concorsodeleganza #fashion
Cernobbio Trio 📸 @srngssn #tbt #como #cernobbio #concorsodeleganza #fashion
83 3 a month ago
#campari #camparisoda #kappa #milano #gaymilano
💥💥💥 . . . #campari #camparisoda #kappa #milano #gaymilano
45 4 2 months ago
FARES EN TUNISIE on @leshommespublics

Photography Clément Laguardia @clement_laguardia1 
Fashion Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva 
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri 
Production and assistance Jeanne Laguardia @jeanne_laguardia1 
Production assistant Mourad Ben Akrouch 

Model Fares Ben M’barka @fares.benmb @laguardia_agency @successmodels 

#LesHommesPublics #FaresEnTunisie
FARES EN TUNISIE on @leshommespublics

Photography Clément Laguardia @clement_laguardia1 
Fashion Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva 
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri 
Production and assistance Jeanne Laguardia @jeanne_laguardia1 
Production assistant Mourad Ben Akrouch 

Model Fares Ben M’barka @fares.benmb @laguardia_agency @successmodels 

#LesHommesPublics #FaresEnTunisie
60 4 2 months ago
التونسية 🇹🇳🇹🇳
FARES EN TUNISIE on @leshommespublics

Photography Clément Laguardia @clement_laguardia1 
Fashion Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva 
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri 
Production and assistance Jeanne Laguardia @jeanne_laguardia1 
Production assistant Mourad Ben Akrouch 

Model Fares Ben M’barka @fares.benmb @laguardia_agency @successmodels 

#LesHommesPublics #FaresEnTunisie
التونسية 🇹🇳🇹🇳 FARES EN TUNISIE on @leshommespublics

Photography Clément Laguardia @clement_laguardia1 
Fashion Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva 
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri 
Production and assistance Jeanne Laguardia @jeanne_laguardia1 
Production assistant Mourad Ben Akrouch 

Model Fares Ben M’barka @fares.benmb @laguardia_agency @successmodels 

#LesHommesPublics #FaresEnTunisie
62 8 2 months ago
We made it again!!! 🤍🇹🇳❤️
FARES EN TUNISIE on @leshommespublics

Photography Clément Laguardia @clement_laguardia1 
Fashion Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva 
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri 
Production and assistance Jeanne Laguardia @jeanne_laguardia1 
Production assistant Mourad Ben Akrouch 

Model Fares Ben M’barka @fares.benmb @laguardia_agency @successmodels 

#LesHommesPublics #FaresEnTunisie
We made it again!!! 🤍🇹🇳❤️ FARES EN TUNISIE on @leshommespublics

Photography Clément Laguardia @clement_laguardia1 
Fashion Yves Tsou @hyvaapaivaayva 
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri 
Production and assistance Jeanne Laguardia @jeanne_laguardia1 
Production assistant Mourad Ben Akrouch 

Model Fares Ben M’barka @fares.benmb @laguardia_agency @successmodels 

#LesHommesPublics #FaresEnTunisie
55 5 2 months ago
Gradient of summer with love
#summer #summer2024 #summerislove #ortigia #siracusa #sicilia
Gradient of summer with love . . . #summer #summer2024 #summerislove #ortigia #siracusa #sicilia
48 0 2 months ago