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We are thrilled to introduce the upcoming exhibition at Fondazione ICA Milano opening on January 16th 2025!
“Lonely Are All Bridges. Birgit Jürgenssen and Cinzia Ruggeri” curated by Maurizio Cattelan(@mauriziocattelan) and Marta Papini (@marta_papini)
6 - 8 PM
Free entrance
We thank Intesa Sanpaolo, the official sponsor of the Foundation, for supporting the programming and activities of Fondazione ICA Milano.
We thank Galerie Huber Winter and Galleria Federico Vavassori for their support of the exhibition “Lonely Are All Bridges”. We thank the Estate of Birgit Jürgenssen, Vienna, and the Cinzia Ruggeri Archive, Milan.
108 1 2 days ago
"Through sculptures and installations, Augustas Serapinas (Vilnius, 1990) tells stories of places, peoples and memories in relation to specific contexts, addressing urgent issues such as global warming, gentrification, the abandonment an disappearance of traditional knowledge and cultures, the preservation of memory and the construction of identity. By eliminating the usual characteristics of the original spaces and objects and attributing new properties to them, Serapinas questions their perception."
Excerpt from the curatorial text written by Chiara Nuzzi and Gabriella Rebello Kolandra on the occasion of the show "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel".
We thank APALAZZOGALLERY, Brescia and Nicoletta Fiorucci Russo for their support to the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel”.
We thank the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the Lithuanian Embassy in Rome for
the collaboration in occasion of the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel”.
Ph. Melania Dalle Grave
106 1 6 days ago
⚡️Introducing the Research of Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel: Fondazione ICA Milano and Particle’s Digital Innovation⚡
Wooden Travel will be on view at Fondazione ICA Milano from 13 December 2024 to 15 March 2025. Come visit the exhibition and discover the poetics and behind-the-scenes insights of Augustas Serapinas’s artistic practice in an innovative way. The exhibition is enhanced with multimedia content, offering visitors the opportunity to explore the artist’s work in greater depth both during their visit and afterward.
Upon arrival, visitors will receive an information card featuring a QR code that provides access to a variety of digital content, including videos, images, texts, and audio. The modular format of the content allows visitors to tailor their experience based on their individual interests, ensuring each visit feels unique. Short videos in which the artist shares his perspective add a personal touch, creating the sensation of his presence in the exhibition space even when he’s not there.
Augustas Serapinas is represented by APALAZZOGALLERY.
3 4 8 days ago
SOL INVICTUS returns to celebrate the winter solstice with an exceptional line up of performances and DJ sets in Palermo, Roma, and Milano! Join us for three evenings of performative art and experimental sound, exploring the rich symbolism of the winter solstice and the transition from darkness to light.
18.12.2024 H19:00-23:00
Fondazione ICA Milano
Via Orobia 26, Milano
Free entry upon registration
Performances by:
Alina Arshi
Anna Franceschini (with Lara Dâmaso)
Alice Visentin
The event is organized in collaboration with Fondazione ICA Milano (@ica_milano).
Food and drinks by El Caminante will be available for purchase on site.
Alina Arshi (@alinaarshi) ‘Entepfuhl’
Alina’s biography is characterized by movement and by living between different cultures and languages. She is an Indian Muslim who grew up in the Middle East, then lived in Belgium, and is now in French-speaking Switzerland. Her solo dance piece Entepfuhl (the title is borrowed from Fernando Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet) draws on a recent trip back to India that the artist took and is also a formal investigation of the mudrās, symbolic hand gestures present in Indian dance. At the same time, Entepfuhl reflects on the tensions and fractures of a life between different cultures, the feeling of being a stranger, and the question of what ‘home’ could be.
137 3 10 days ago
New opening at ICA Milano! 🪵
“Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel” curated by Chiara Nuzzi
6-8 PM
Free entrance
Serapinas focuses his practice on stories, places and peoples, dealing at the same time with issues particularly urgent today such as the loss of traditional knowledge and cultures, gentrification and global warming. His work faces the social and political changes affecting living spaces, explored through the revelation of the institutional, hierarchical and economic components behind the architectures. In particular, an important research tool for Serapinas is Lithuanian vernacular architecture, through which he investigates how space influences the emotional and identity dynamics of different communities and generations.
On the occasion of his exhibition at ICA Milano the artist will give a talk at Brera Academy on December 10th from 4 to 5.30 pm on the invitation of curator and professor Cloe Piccoli.
We thank APALAZZOGALLERY, Brescia and Nicoletta Fiorucci Russo for their support to the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel”.
We thank the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the Lithuanian Embassy in Rome for
the collaboration in occasion of the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel”.
Courtesy of the Artist and Galerie Tschudi.
Ph. Ralph Feiner
219 0 12 days ago
⚡️Introducing the upcoming exhibition at Fondazione ICA Milano⚡️
"Augustas Serapinas. WOODEN TRAVEL" curated by Chiara Nuzzi
6 - 8 PM
Free entrance
Augustas Serapinas (1990, Vilnius, Lithuania) lives and works in Vilnius. His site-specific installations tell stories about places, people and memories. By eliminating the usual characteristics of the original spaces and objects and attributing new properties to them, Serapinas questions our previous perception. Through these conceptual shifts, the arthist rethinks the “in-between” space as a public place by making visible the institutional, hierarchical or even economic functions that result from architectural conditions. His work has been presented in numerous biennials and group exhibitions, including the 57th Venice Biennale (IT, 2017), the Toronto Biennial of Art (CA, 2022) and Riboca2 (LV, 2020). His upcoming solo exhibitions will be held at CAC Vilnius and Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur.
In Wooden Travel the artist focuses on possible social and political changes in contemporary living space, inviting the public to open up to endless creation possibilities, communication and coexistence toward new formal and structural scenarios. The exhibition on the one hand consolidates Serapinas' investigation of the relationship between the vernacular architectural tradition - characteristic of Lithuania - and modern monumental sculpture, while representing an experimental evolution of artistic research on space and the relational potential it enshrines.
We thank APALAZZOGALLERY, Brescia and Nicoletta Fiorucci Russo for their support to the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel”.
We thank the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the Lithuanian Embassy in Rome
for the collaboration in occasion of the exhibition.
Ph. by Algirdas Bakas.
114 1 17 days ago
⏰ Last week to visit the shows "Stefano Graziani and OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen. PICTURE WINDOW FRAME" and "Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO" ⏰
Wednesday 2- 6 pm
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 12 - 7 pm
Free Entrance
We thank MASSIMODECARLO gallery for its support to the show “Tomoo Gokita. Gumbo”. Special thanks to Taka Ishii Gallery.
We thank FINSTRAL for its support to the show “Stefano Graziani and OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen. Picture Window Frame”
201 2 22 days ago
Shame is a Revolutionary Feeling has put in dialogue the work of five artists who have recently completed their studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan.
Focusing on the most characterizing elements of ICA Milano’s former industrial building, the artists’ interventions constitute an operation
of cohabitation with the institution’s interstitial spaces, appropriating the environments and establishing a dialogue with the currently installed exhibitions by Tomoo Gokita and Stefano Graziani. The program takes its title from philosopher Frédéric Grós’ book of the same name (Éditions Albin Michel, 2021), which interprets the feeling of shame as a possible way out of social paralysis and as an opportunity for collective transformation with revolutionary potential.
Through the activation of archives, the construction of narrative microstructures, rituals of care and desires or acts of revenge, the works suggest - in an act of renunciation of passivity and resignation - possible strategies for transforming imagination into a critical tool and deconstructing dominant discourses.
We thank @accademiabelleartibrera for its support in the development of the project and professors @lucreziadiana.c and @@cloepiccoli for their expertise and guidance in nurturing the students’ creativity and skills.
This has been an occasion to celebrate @comitatofondazioni's tenth anniversary.
Ph. by Andrea Zendali (@andreazendali)
297 5 a month ago
"CP How did you work with OFFICE for "Picture Window Frame" at ICA? It seems that just as your photographs question the status of phorogrpahy itself, OFFICE's display challenges the idea of exhibition.
SG I have collaborated with OFFICE on several occasions. We have made exhibitions and books, some of which are still in the process of being published. The display supports the possibility of thinking in fragments, of not having a centre or following a theme, but rather allowing multiple directions of thought and observation. It allows for the juxtaposition of documents that a systematic logic would not bring together. We are free to look and think, and we can afford a portion of the irrational. Earlier, I thought of industrial photography as a modern expression; I would add that perhaps modernity is an era that does not need to end or exhaust itself precisely because it includes and is the origin of the fragmentary nature of the contemporary. "
Excerpt from the interview by Cloe Piccoli to Stefano
Graziani published in the booklet printed on the
occasion of the show “Stefano Graziani and OFFICE
Kersten Geers David Van Severen. Picture Window
Frame” curated by Cloe Piccoli.
We thank FINSTRAL for its support to the show
“Stefano Graziani & OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van
Severen. Picture Window Frame”.
Image: installation view of the show “Stefano Graziani
& OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen. Picture
Window Frame”, Fondazione ICA Milano. Courtesy the
artist and Fondazione ICA Milano. Ph. credits Andrea
129 2 a month ago
"Gokita further explains: "when I gazed at all my finished works, gumbo, a stew from the southern United States, suddenly popped into my head, so I made that the title. I have no idea of its meaning. In these works (and all the other ones too), I just painted the things I wanted to paint - my everyday feelings and thoughts. These are the only things I keep in mind when I make my works." "
Excerpt from the curatorial text written by Chiara Nuzzi
and Alberto Salvadori on the occasion of the show
"Tomoo Gokita. Gumbo”.
We thank MASSIMODECARLO gallery for its support to
the show “Tomoo Gokita. Gumbo”. Special thanks to
Taka Ishii Gallery.
Image: installation view of the show “Tomoo
Gokita.Gumbo”, Fondazione ICA Milano. Courtesy the
artist and Fondazione ICA Milano. Ph. Andrea Rossetti
147 0 a month ago
We are thrilled to introduce the upcoming exhibition at Fondazione ICA Milano opening on December 12th 2024!
"Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel" curated by Chiara Nuzzi (@chiara_nuzzi)
6 - 8 PM
Free entrance
We thank Intesa Sanpaolo, the official sponsor of the Foundation, for supporting the programming and activities of Fondazione ICA Milano.
Thanks to APALAZZOGALLERY, Brescia and Nicoletta Fiorucci Russo for their support to the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel."
Thanks to the Lithuanian Cultural Institute and the Lithuanian Embassy in Rome for the collaboration on the occasion of the exhibition "Augustas Serapinas. Wooden Travel."