@jacubovic on Instagram have full name is Ola Liote Jakubowicz ✨️. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by jacubovic on Instagram. Read More...
I try to overcome my fears,
almost everytime when I have a chance.
I think it really makes me a stronger person and helps me to find my true voice. This song gives my heart all the emotions hidden deeply inside me. It makes me feel. It makes me think.
So I thought it would be a good choice to connect it with a performance. Before entering the stage, I was a little bit stressed, cause all the eyes around me belonged to the people who I respect and are my inspirations. They are people that I share my journey with and motivate me to keep going. But the stress was good. It was nourishing rather than unhealthy. A little bit of adrenaline.
I am very grateful that I could dance myself out.
Express what I want.
Right after I started dancing, I could feel the stress
is vanishing away, changing to something
that I don't know how to describe.
I felt passionate, motivated and exhausted.
After a week of a hard training, I wanted to give the best.
It is not perfect, but it is mine. It is my creation in that specific moment and I'm very proud of it. I'm proud of me!
I am exploring the movement for a couple of years now but there is always something that I can work on, more and more.
I can see that especially working on my mindset, on my mental health, is very important in this whole process and helped me truly.
Without it I felt shitty and doubted myself a lot.
I hope everyone can make to the point where they feel healthy, happy, loved. Of course it's not that simple. I guess for me checking my abilities and doing something in different scenarios is teaching me a lot about myself and others as well.
Also letting go is good sometimes.
It's just important to listen to yourself.
Thank you @6.zmysl.official@m.armuszewska and to everyone present. 💛
I felt very connected with all the beautiful people, with the space. Memories and relations for a long time. ✨️
I really am grateful for the dance community that I am in since I started it all.
Sending love and good energy to all of you.
Wherever you are, you can do this, you are worthy. 💛
📽 @lewandowski.media
🎶 @kamauuworld
6 Obózmysł
posting 21.11.22
161 11 2 years ago
Go for a walk im the rain and jump sometimes. Happiness in small things💛
#smileisforfree #naturelover #motovation #justhappytobehere
39 6 3 days ago
it’s not far, the place, where you can find love
the moment
Very personal moment of self expression has been captured, forever grateful to Ola for sharing her vulnerability
you can find the video on youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0claS3xFvrE&feature=youtu.be :)))
Starring Ola Jakubowicz
IG: @jacubovic
concept/camera/edits by Ola Korzep
IG: @k.aleksaandra
music: At the Bay - The Silhouettes Project, Bel Cobain, Lex Amor, illiterate
81 9 15 days ago
Weekend in London at my sister's ✨️🫶
I feel grateful that I have you 💛
Reunion with @orpheus.exodus as well 🥳
#london #sistertime #autumntrip #friends #holidayseason
38 1 a month ago
Flowing, exploring, searching
in movement lately
Camera by @k.aleksaandra
Music by @tuamie_ on first vid
Music by @dabryebeats on second and third
(wrzucanie muzy na posta zakrywa muzę na kolejnych slajdach, nie polecam xd)
50 2 a month ago
And the more I breathe, the more I expand
with the craziness of loving my life
and loving those people
that I have around
Przekazuję promienie pozytywności, żebyśmy nigdy nie wątpili w siebie i mimo wszystkooooo dążyli do tego co w nas, co czujemy że jest tym co zdrowe, odpowiednie, jakkolwiek to nazwać, ale DLA NAS.
Zrób to dla siebie. 💛
Październik to taniec, muzyka, spędzony czas z rodzinką i przyjaciółmi, wspólne tworzenie z Olą, dobry humor, trochę łez, robienie muzy w abletonie, piękne warsztaty @_move.__ , świeże i motywujące warsztaty @heelsbylala ,
zajawienie się na nowo tym co już poznane ✨️🙏💛🥹 Dziękuję.
#polskajesień #miłość #dancerslife #musicproduction #positivevibes #gratitude
76 4 2 months ago
This song is so special for me 🥹💛
@teddysphotos 💛✨️ the gem
@aggy_aa this is dedicated to you 🫂💛
#edsheeran #theateam #songcover #singer #experimenting #vocalsession #nightvocals
65 8 3 months ago
Reminder that you are...
Nature healing walks 🌼
#naturelover #healingjourney #lofimusic #autumnvibes #motivation
47 2 3 months ago
Visited Prambanan Temple and felt inspired by the culture and the Ramayana Ballet the day before.
A little flow recorded by @k.aleksaandra
#indonesiatravel #dancereels #inspiration #movement #ramayanainspired #notsolotraveler #prambanantemple
48 1 3 months ago
Melody from Mt. Bromo after long night and hiking ⛰️🗻🌼
I was walking by the mountainside
With the people of the world
Moving slowly at the sunrise
At a 5 o'clock
#vocalist #singersongwriter #melodyfromtheheart #mountbromosunrise #mountbromotrip #naturemusic
Spontaniczne wskakiwanie na siłowni!
Chcę być kiedyś jak małpka, która skacze po drzewach, a każdy sport którego się złapię, nie będzie dla mnie trudnością!
Stay healthy through whole life 👣🤸🦾🌼
Let's goooooo 🔥
#siłowniabodybuilding #movement #kalistenika #beginnerworkout #exploringoutside #monkeymovement #naturelover #stayhealthy