@jenkennedyla on Instagram have full name is Jen Kennedy. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by jenkennedyla on Instagram. Read More...
A month of Christmas in a week, starting with this!
10 0 2 days ago
As the fantastic @ambershelleymillington said - stepping off the train here is like stepping back in time
39 0 2 months ago
#eulogize #jamesarthur
27 0 8 months ago
When you can’t decide what kind of cake you want for your birthday and you also have the best husband ever
51 17 a year ago
Idea No. 1 for what to do when work is slow… Reorganize the bar. #desertlife
48 5 a year ago
Office for the day! #adobesummit #premierepro
17 2 a year ago
English country life
11 0 a year ago
A little bit of England in the desert. #longlivetheking #longlivethequeen
36 2 2 years ago
@samhuntmusic at @theryman - doesn’t get more country magical than this! Looking forward to cutting a fifth video for him soon!
Happy 1-month wedding anniversary to the very best person on the planet, @aittammit. You are truly my soul’s mate, the only person who’s ever made me a better version of me, and the one person who can make me laugh no matter how bleak the situation. I adore you endlessly and forever. xxx