Jiv D Fashion Stylist Director Profile Information
@jivd on Instagram have full name is Jiv D Fashion Stylist Director. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by jivd on Instagram. Read More...
July 2nd, 2024, 2pm - 8pm
THE MAIN @atthemain, a members-only establishment
July 2nd, 2024, 2pm - 8pm
EXCLUSIVE ACCESS....personal consultation with the designer and private viewing of the new collection
RSVP at info@atthemain.com
Photo: #DJRiggs @mainentranceartists
Product: @discoveredia
Location: @atthemain
Ghost Orchids collection of prints now available in 3 sizes
20 x 20cm Metal Print
10 x 10” Framed Print
80 x 80cm Metal Print
There are 20 images in the collection
📸 @jivomirdomoustchievstudio@jivomir.domoustchiev
#fashionphotography #art #visualart #expression #photography
7 0 2 years ago
We must trust our feeling wherever they may lead …
I created this collection of images ‘Ghost Orchids’ as a yet another way to express thoughts
moods swirling within me.
There are twenty different images in this collection
Available as 10x10 framed prints
Growing up we were told by society by our piers that you could only do one job
Now we know
now we believe
now we create without restriction
now we know all is possible
I express myself in so many mediums
No holding back
📸 #fashionphotography @jivomirdomoustchievstudio
#artisticexpression #photography #perfectgift #presentideas #reimagineeverything #JivomirDomoustchiev #independentbrand