@lomoanamorphic on Instagram have full name is LOMO Anamorphic lenses. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by lomoanamorphic on Instagram. Read More...
HAWK C ser. vs LOMO round front.
0% difference
if you know, you know
#anamorphic #anamorphiclens #lomoanamorphic #lomoroundfront #lomo #cinemalenses #lensrehousing #provintagelenses #anamorphiclenses #hawkcseries #cinematography
152 9 3 years ago
one...two...three LOMO anamorphic 35mms together!!!
what a sight π€π€
#lomoanamorphic #lomosquarefront #lensporn #cinemalens #anamorphiclens #lomo
75 7 4 years ago
β1971 vintage 50mm LOMO Anamorphic lens on Sony Venice Rialto - great imagery and easy to handheld. Best combo Iβve experienced in 2020.
#lomoanamorphic #anamorphic #anamorphiclens #lensporn #sonyvenice #sonyrialto #sonycine
34 0 4 years ago
Ultra compact 100mm Anamorphic lenses:
LOMO square front 100mm T3 size comparison with @pstechnik KOWA EVO 100mm T3.2
LOMO is 30mm shorter than kowa, and 140gramm heavier(due to heavier vintage square frame in front).
They both are nearly same size and weight. These two lenses are the lightest and most compact anamorphics known in this focal length.
specs comparison:
KOWA P+S 100mm π‘T3.2
MFD: 1,5m
size: 215 Ρ 90 Ρ 90mm
front: 80mm DIA
weight: 1.7kg
LOMO SF 100mm π‘T3
MFD: 1,5m
size: 185 Ρ 87 Ρ 87mm
front: 114mm DIA
weight: 1.84kg
#anamorphic #cinemalenses #anamorphiclens #lomoanamorphic #kowa #pstechnik #lensporn #cinemalens
47 2 4 years ago
Mixed team on set
square fronts & round fronts when properly calibrated and serviced can be intercut together easily
#lomoanamorphic #anamorphic #anamorphiclens #cinemalenses #lensporn
59 0 4 years ago
Shooting 35mm film with LOMO Round Front lenses, just like they were designed to do - is an absolute marvel. Camera used - ARRICAM LT. Film with these lenses looks nothing like alexa mini or whatever digi camera. It is a pleasure to behold. If you want to see the results, comment below! If there is enough comments we will post via IGTV.
#lomoanamorphic #lomoroundfront #analogfilm #shootfilm #kodak_shootfilm #anamorphic #anamorphiclens #cinematography
35 4 4 years ago
1971 LOMO ANAMORPHIC square front lens set! 35-50-75mm all T2.4 and in amazing shape! β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ love these!
#anamorphiclens #anamorphic #cinemalenses #lomosquarefront #provintagelenses
54 1 4 years ago
LOMO Anamorphic round front lenses. Top picture - original condition, PL mounted. Bottom picture - same lenses rehoused in 2020 for internal focusing, new mechanics and 114mm front diameter for clip-on matte box use.
#lomoroundfront #lomoanamorphic #cinemaglass #anamorphic #anamorphiclens
49 2 4 years ago
Flares on LOMO anamorphics are really something to behold.
This is 35mm square front with +1 achromatic diopter
#lensflares #lomoflares #anamorphic #anamorphicflares #lomo #anamorphiclens #cinemalens
Pristine clean LOMO Anamorphic 35mm, restored into itβs original condition. As perfect as even LOMO factory could not make them.
#lensporn #lensservice #anamorphic #anamorphiclens #lomoanamorphic #lomosquarefront #cinemalens #squeakyclean
30 3 4 years ago
fully rehoused, clip-on mattebox conpatible LOMO Anamorphic Round Front lenses. On set today. Our unique set with a bit of a vintage style added externally.
Now really comfortable and fast to use. 114mm matte box diameter.
#lomoanamorphic #cinemalenses #lensporn #lomoroundfront #lomoroundfronts #anamorphiclens #cinematography #brighttangerine