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A look at the model of Danevirke Museum presented to HM The King and HM The Queen at the groundbreaking ceremony in Schleswig-Holsten this week. The model, measuring 1450x1540x500 mm (57”x61”x 20”), is built by @leaholtoug with the aid of a team of architecture students and cabinetmakers The model’s roof is clad in over 20.000 individually fixed wooden tiles to fully express the building’s material qualities. Birch, birch ply and oak are the primary materials. The birch wood used for the facades and roof has been treated with a water based stain.
Supported by: A.P. Møller Fonden, @augustinusfonden Engineers: Ekolab, Hmp ingenieure, Petersen_Ingenieure GmbH, Haase+Reimer Ingenieure GbR, Knabe+Horn
Photo 8, 9, 10: SSF/Tim Riediger
Model: @leaholtoug
1.2K 16 2 months ago
Yesterday at the groundbreaking ceremony for Danevirke Museum in Schleswig-Holsten, the model was presented to HM The King and HM The Queen of Denmark by partner and architect Michael Kvist Madsen. The new museum is set to open in 2026. Danevirke is an area spanning more than 30 kilometers of ramparts, walls and moats. The historic significance of this site is immense. Since the Iron Age, Danevirke has been a center for trade, conflict as well as peaceful coexistence across the Danish-German border.
We wanted the building to have a strong presence to reflect the site’s role as gateway to the entire area of Southern Sleswig. Therefore, a single, large roof symbolizes the unification of people across borders as well as an ambition to embrace and encompass a history that spans 1500 years. At the same time, the only historical remains – the main rampart - is visible today only as a subtle hill. We have worked with the precondition that the main rampart forms the prime focal point. To this end the roof meets the rolling landscape at its lowest point. The museum will be located at the intersection between the historic access road of Ochsenweg and the main rampart, next to the Gate – for centuries the only passage between Europe and the North.
@detdanskekongehus@danevirkemuseum@sydslesviskforening@mariannelevinsenlandskab Supported by: A.P. Møller Fonden, @augustinusfonden Engineers: Ekolab, Hmp ingenieure, Petersen_Ingenieure GmbH, Haase+Reimer Ingenieure GbR, Knabe+Horn
Photo 1, 3, 4, 6: SSF/Tim Riediger
Visualizations: @kvant.1
Model: @leaholtoug
1K 6 2 months ago
We are very exited to start the competition for this important project in Hellerup, north of Copenhagen; an extension of Saint Luke Foundation’s remarkable building complex. The new hospice buildings will enable the foundation to expand its palliative care efforts.
@vegalandskab #lundgaardtranberg
Foto 2 + 3: Rune Hansen
Foto 4: Valdemar Ren
135 0 2 months ago
We do not see our role as architects as one of clearing and taking away, even though it may sometimes be necessary, in concrete terms, to remove something before we can build something new. The spirit of that which is removed can be woven into the new structure, perhaps in the way we interpret an architectural tradition, the scale and rhythm of a place, the placement of a window in a wall, or the scintillating color spectrum of a new roofing tile – materials and technical solutions that take on meaning when carefully placed in a context. This gives all of us, who are alive here and now, the ability to connect with something that is much greater than just a single moment in time. We can move through lively, unending spaces that awaken deep-rooted cultural traditions and illuminate how the future offers new ways of being present.
1+5: SEB Bank & Pension
2: Kalvebod Fælled School
3: The Museum of Danish Resistance
4+6: Kannikegården Parish Hall
7: Royal Danish Playhouse
343 3 3 months ago
A look at Villa Baumann, a private residential project north of Copenhagen. The villa was created for a family that appreciates spending time together. It is not a house for separate, parallel living. The majority of the villa consists of one large, flowing space spanning three floors with no dividing walls. The room is acoustically regulated to make the open space pleasant to spend time in. The acoustics are so good that the house is even used to host concerts.
Kitchen, dining table, fireplace and a two-story high bookshelf are all located in the open common room. On the first floor, the room extends all the way to the outer walls of the house. Double height spaces ensure inner contact between the different levels, and the cutouts in the upper level are shaped like a balcony around the first floor, accentuating the high-ceilinged feel. Deep window niches with mattresses are built into the bay windows for sitting or sleeping.
Photo @jensmarkuslindhe@wichmannbendtsen
#lundgaardtranberg #danisharchitecture #residentialarchitecture
766 8 3 months ago
We currently have 12 students from the College of Built Environment, University of Washington, visiting us. During their two-week visit, they are working on a proposal for a backyard office extension to our existing office, a machine factory from 1944 on Rentemestervej in Copenhagen NV. The students’ assignments coincides with our own process of designing the extension. The proposals should focus on regenerative materials and contain space for 20-40 people, a model room, 2 or more meeting rooms, 5 toilets incl. an accessible toilet, kitchenette. The courtyard space: Space for eating lunch / Friday bar, Space for 30 bicycles, 4 trees and a 20 m2 flower bed. The students will also be asked to write a short essay identifying an architectural motif that describes a personal architectural experience of the place.
215 0 3 months ago
@resonating_rooms visited our office some weeks ago. The surface of one of our wooden models and the interior of the old car repair shop in our back yard functioned as loudspeakers as musician and composer Lars Greve played the clarinet.
In our practice we often discuss what makes a work of architecture vibrate. How to obtain the state where materiality, structures and light ‘fall into place’ and provide experiences of spaces that are sensed with the entire body. All objects in the world have a natural frequency including buildings. The work of @resonating_rooms give access to not only hearing but also feeling and seeing these frequencies. Through applying different musical, artistic, didactic and rhetorical measures they can shape any room or object into a resonating room on an emotional and physical level.
#lundgaardtranberg #danisharchitecture
103 0 4 months ago
Director of the Viking Ship Museum, Tinna Damgård-Sørensen, was kind enough to visit our office to teach us about the history of the Viking ships, the seafaring and boatbuilding culture. Thank you for a most interesting morning @vikingshipmuseum.
Photo (2-5): @vikingshipmuseum
3 0 5 months ago
We have designed The Park Lantern for the landscape of Copenhagen’s new district ‘Postbyen’ and Danske Bank’s Domicile in a collaboration with lighting designers @fortheloveoflightcph and @ewolighting. The Park Lantern is created with the ambition to make light personal, yet diverse. It rethinks the way we illuminate urban spaces. Energy is a scarce resource, so lighting must be deployed with consideration and has to be much more than purely functional. Light should also create spaces that are pleasant to engage with, it should generate beauty and provide an experience. The Park Lantern is made of galvanized steel with mouth-blown glass as a reference to the old street lamps of Copenhagen.
Photo: @adammork / @ankerco@fortheloveoflightcph@ewolighting@holmegaardvaerk
597 6 6 months ago
We are very happy to be part of Marianne Levinsen Landscape’s winning team for the revival of the historic Cathedral Quarter in Viborg, Denmark. Our role will be as subconsultants to @mariannelevinsenlandskab regarding building conservation values and transformation of historic buildings. The Cathedral Quarter in Viborg is the city’s heart and cultural meeting place holding a very special place in Danish history. Viborg became a proper city 1000 years ago. It was Jutland's principal city, a political power center and in the Middle Ages the city grew in size and wealth. In the coming years the urban spaces of the Cathedral Quarter will be upgraded. The new master plan will strengthen the connections between the area's various squares, spaces, museums and historic buildings. The Cathedral Quarter will become an attractive green neighborhood for the city's citizens while strengthening Viborg's position as a national and international destination.
The complete team led by lead consultant Marianne Levinsen Landscape Aps is: Wissenberg A/S (engineering services) @jespergardekongshaug (lighting design) Christine Waage Rasmussen, landscape architect, Ph.D (landscape conservation and landscape restauration consultant) @lundgaardtranberg (building conservation values and transformation of historic buildings) @urban.creators (mobility design consultant)
208 0 6 months ago
We wanted the red brick-built structures of Danske Bank’s new domicile to add to the rich long-standing tradition for brick architecture in Copenhagen and create a visual connection to the classic city blocks that are characteristic for the area behind Copenhagen Central Station. Danske Bank’s Domicile is a central element in Copenhagen’s new district Postal City – ‘Postbyen’. Our vision was to bring the surrounding city into Postbyen to create a welcoming and fully integrated new neighborhood. The two axes defined by the streets Stoltenbergsgade and Hambrosgade thus continue between the two buildings as broad stairs leading onto an elevated urban space that ties Postbyen together and overlooks the adjacent railway terrain.
Photo: @adammork
#lundgaardtranberg @danskebank_dk #danicaejendomme @per_aarsleff_as@cowigroup@fortheloveoflightcph@juliekierkegaardlandskab@petersentegl #danisharchitecutre #voreskbh
279 2 6 months ago
Danske Bank’s new Domicile consists of two atrium buildings that accommodate daily more than 6000 people, making it Denmark’s largest office building. We have designed the organic formal environment in the large atrium to support the bank’s focus on a collaborative work environment. Management is located on the second floor close to the busy walkway that connects the two buildings, making it a bank without an executive suite. The large building is divided into zones with different types of workspaces. By the facade quiet workspaces dominate, here employees can immerse themselves in their work. Towards the center of the atrium, a dimmer more intimate atmosphere supports a collaborative work environment - colleagues meet, and can make a visual connection to life on the other floors. The design of both buildings is guided by ideals of transparency, accessibility, and cooperation.
Photo: @adammork
#lundgaardtranberg @danskebank_dk #danicaejendomme @per_aarsleff_as@cowigroup@fortheloveoflightcph@juliekierkegaardlandskab@petersentegl #danisharchitecutre #voreskbh