maro.musicaInstagram Profile



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ITSA ME, MARO! Profile Information

@maro.musica on Instagram have full name is ITSA ME, MARO!. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by maro.musica on Instagram. Read More...

WE’RE GOING ON TOUR!! Excited to announce we’re finally bringing our own little music world to life and perform togetherrr 🤭🌴☀️ It’s been a dream of ours and we cannot wait to share it with you!! 

tickets on sale this friday @ 9am local time !
WE’RE GOING ON TOUR!! Excited to announce we’re finally bringing our own little music world to life and perform togetherrr 🤭🌴☀️ It’s been a dream of ours and we cannot wait to share it with you!! tickets on sale this friday @ 9am local time !
3.9K 169 2 months ago
BIRDS OF A FEATHER ✨ @billieeilish @finneas 

🇺🇸 AUG 14 - NEW YORK @bkmadebushwick
🇺🇸 AUG 15 - DENVER @opheliasden
🇺🇸 AUG 16 - LA @hollywoodbowl
🇳🇱 AUG 30 - VLIELAND @itgwo
🇳🇱 AUG 31 - AMSTERDAM @tolhuistuin
🇧🇪 SEP 01 - BRUSSELS @botanique_bxl
🇬🇧 SEP 03 - LONDON @unionchapeluk
🇫🇷 SEP 04 - PARIS @letrabendo
🇳🇴 SEP 09 - OSLO @vulkanarena
🇳🇴 SEP 11 - BERGEN @bergenjazzforum
🇩🇰 SEP 12 - COPENHAGEN @vegacph
🇸🇪 SEP 13 - STOCKHOLM @nalenstockholm
🇦🇹 SEP 19 - VIENNA @wukvienna
🇨🇿 SEP 21 - PRAGUE @meetfactory
🇵🇱 SEP 22 - WROCLAW @nfmwro
🇩🇪 SEP 25 - BERLIN @clubgretchen
🇩🇪 SEP 26 - LUDWIGSHAFEN @basf_kultur
🇩🇪 SEP 27 - DORTMUND @konzerthaus_do
🇵🇹 SEP 30 - PORTO @teatro_sa_da_bandeira
🇵🇹 OCT 02 - BRAGA @forumbraga_
🇵🇹 OCT 03 - COIMBRA @teatroacademicodegilvicente
🇵🇹 OCT 07 - LISBOA @teatrotivolibbva 
🇵🇹 OCT 08 - LISBOA @teatrotivolibbva
🇱🇺 OCT 10 - LUXEMBOURG @philharmonie_lux
🇵🇪 OCT 18 - LIMA @ccbianca_barranco
🇦🇷 OCT 20 - BUENOS AIRES @ndteatro
🇨🇱 OCT 21 - SANTIAGO @teatronescafe
🇧🇷 OCT 24 - RIO DE JANEIRO @vivoriorj
🇧🇷 OCT 25 - BRASÍLIA @royaltulipbrasiliaalvorada
🇧🇷 OCT 26 - RECIFE @teatroriomarrecife
🇧🇷 OCT 27 - SALVADOR @teatrojorgeamado
🇧🇷 OCT 29 - CAMPINAS @teatrooficinadoestudante
🇧🇷 OCT 31 - BELO HORIZONTE @cinetheatrobrasil
🇧🇷 NOV 01 - SÃO PAULO @tokiomarinehall
🇧🇷 NOV 02 - CURITIBA @teatrobomjesus
🇧🇷 NOV 03 - PORTO ALEGRE @baropiniao
🇪🇸 NOV 10 - BARCELONA @parallel62bcn
🇪🇸 NOV 12 - MADRID @teatroeslava
🇪🇸 NOV 14 - VALENCIA @rambleta
🇩🇪 NOV 17 - MUNICH @muffatwerk
🇩🇪 NOV 18 - FRANKFURT @zoomclubfrankfurt
🇨🇭 NOV 19 - ZURICH @papiersaal
🇮🇹 NOV 21 - MILAN @linecheck_it
🇪🇸 DEC 01 - BILBAO @museoguggenheim
🇬🇧 DEC 07 - LONDON
🇳🇱 DEC 09 - UTRECHT @tivolivredenburg
🇳🇱 DEC 10 - AMSTERDAM @paradisoadam
🇳🇱 DEC 11 - ROTTERDAM @lantarenvenster
BIRDS OF A FEATHER ✨ @billieeilish @finneas 🇺🇸 AUG 14 - NEW YORK @bkmadebushwick 🇺🇸 AUG 15 - DENVER @opheliasden 🇺🇸 AUG 16 - LA @hollywoodbowl 🇳🇱 AUG 30 - VLIELAND @itgwo 🇳🇱 AUG 31 - AMSTERDAM @tolhuistuin 🇧🇪 SEP 01 - BRUSSELS @botanique_bxl 🇬🇧 SEP 03 - LONDON @unionchapeluk 🇫🇷 SEP 04 - PARIS @letrabendo 🇳🇴 SEP 09 - OSLO @vulkanarena 🇳🇴 SEP 11 - BERGEN @bergenjazzforum 🇩🇰 SEP 12 - COPENHAGEN @vegacph 🇸🇪 SEP 13 - STOCKHOLM @nalenstockholm 🇦🇹 SEP 19 - VIENNA @wukvienna 🇨🇿 SEP 21 - PRAGUE @meetfactory 🇵🇱 SEP 22 - WROCLAW @nfmwro 🇩🇪 SEP 25 - BERLIN @clubgretchen 🇩🇪 SEP 26 - LUDWIGSHAFEN @basf_kultur 🇩🇪 SEP 27 - DORTMUND @konzerthaus_do 🇵🇹 SEP 30 - PORTO @teatro_sa_da_bandeira 🇵🇹 OCT 02 - BRAGA @forumbraga_ 🇵🇹 OCT 03 - COIMBRA @teatroacademicodegilvicente 🇵🇹 OCT 07 - LISBOA @teatrotivolibbva 🇵🇹 OCT 08 - LISBOA @teatrotivolibbva 🇱🇺 OCT 10 - LUXEMBOURG @philharmonie_lux 🇵🇪 OCT 18 - LIMA @ccbianca_barranco 🇦🇷 OCT 20 - BUENOS AIRES @ndteatro 🇨🇱 OCT 21 - SANTIAGO @teatronescafe 🇧🇷 OCT 24 - RIO DE JANEIRO @vivoriorj 🇧🇷 OCT 25 - BRASÍLIA @royaltulipbrasiliaalvorada 🇧🇷 OCT 26 - RECIFE @teatroriomarrecife 🇧🇷 OCT 27 - SALVADOR @teatrojorgeamado 🇧🇷 OCT 29 - CAMPINAS @teatrooficinadoestudante 🇧🇷 OCT 31 - BELO HORIZONTE @cinetheatrobrasil 🇧🇷 NOV 01 - SÃO PAULO @tokiomarinehall 🇧🇷 NOV 02 - CURITIBA @teatrobomjesus 🇧🇷 NOV 03 - PORTO ALEGRE @baropiniao 🇪🇸 NOV 10 - BARCELONA @parallel62bcn 🇪🇸 NOV 12 - MADRID @teatroeslava 🇪🇸 NOV 14 - VALENCIA @rambleta 🇩🇪 NOV 17 - MUNICH @muffatwerk 🇩🇪 NOV 18 - FRANKFURT @zoomclubfrankfurt 🇨🇭 NOV 19 - ZURICH @papiersaal 🇮🇹 NOV 21 - MILAN @linecheck_it 🇪🇸 DEC 01 - BILBAO @museoguggenheim 🇬🇧 DEC 07 - LONDON 🇳🇱 DEC 09 - UTRECHT @tivolivredenburg 🇳🇱 DEC 10 - AMSTERDAM @paradisoadam 🇳🇱 DEC 11 - ROTTERDAM @lantarenvenster
69.9K 1.7K 5 months ago
Almost 2 years of “saudade, saudade” live 🥹🤍 still one of my fav videos ever, thx to the loviest group of friends. Full video/info on YouTube!
Almost 2 years of “saudade, saudade” live 🥹🤍 still one of my fav videos ever, thx to the loviest group of friends. Full video/info on YouTube!
136.4K 1.8K a year ago
polaroids by @simao_pernas ✨

resolutions for 2025…?
polaroids by @simao_pernas ✨ resolutions for 2025…?
6.1K 63 2 days ago
best backstage hangz 🥰 

song - Still Feel It All
best backstage hangz 🥰 song - Still Feel It All
23.1K 658 3 days ago
Thank you, Netherlands!! 🇳🇱

LISBOA - HOJE !! @meoarenaoficial @blitz_pt 

GOUVEIA - 14.Dez (Sábado) @teatrocinegouveia 

Despedida em casa! 🇵🇹 Até jáaaa!!
Thank you, Netherlands!! 🇳🇱 LISBOA - HOJE !! @meoarenaoficial @blitz_pt GOUVEIA - 14.Dez (Sábado) @teatrocinegouveia Despedida em casa! 🇵🇹 Até jáaaa!!
12K 152 7 days ago

Last show with @wearelumii today 🥹🤍 it’s been a joyyy & hopefully the first of many adventures! as a celebration, we’re releasing a video we recorded back when we first met :)) i hope you love it as much as i do!!

thank you to the team who made it all possible:
@dariobami, @paufigueresmusic,, @bricevdh,, @aniolbestit, @the_sound_of_wood & @dianamatiaspereira !!
NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO TODAY @ 6pm GMT+1 !! Last show with @wearelumii today 🥹🤍 it’s been a joyyy & hopefully the first of many adventures! as a celebration, we’re releasing a video we recorded back when we first met :)) i hope you love it as much as i do!! thank you to the team who made it all possible: @dariobami, @paufigueresmusic,, @bricevdh,, @aniolbestit, @the_sound_of_wood & @dianamatiaspereira !!
19.1K 331 8 days ago
i haven’t been able to post much because the past few days have been some of the craziest, most special ones yet so, for now… here are few gorgeous stills by @louie.jacob 🥹❤️
i haven’t been able to post much because the past few days have been some of the craziest, most special ones yet so, for now… here are few gorgeous stills by @louie.jacob 🥹❤️
10.1K 38 10 days ago
ALL 6 VIDEOS OUT NOW ON YOUTUBE !! ☀️🎄❤️ hope you enjoyyyy!! @pedroalterio 

BIGGG thanks to:

Mixing & Master - @aniolbestit/ @the_sound_of_wood 
Directing - @ffonseca_ 
Color - @ronnieouttch
Graphics - @ffonseca_ e @kevindinizzz
ALL 6 VIDEOS OUT NOW ON YOUTUBE !! ☀️🎄❤️ hope you enjoyyyy!! @pedroalterio BIGGG thanks to: Mixing & Master - @aniolbestit/ @the_sound_of_wood Directing - @ffonseca_ Color - @ronnieouttch Graphics - @ffonseca_ e @kevindinizzz @gargolandia
5K 95 14 days ago
having the besttt time with @charlottecardin 🥹❤️ NANTES, LYON & PARIS - on se voit bientôtttt :))
having the besttt time with @charlottecardin 🥹❤️ NANTES, LYON & PARIS - on se voit bientôtttt :))
9K 53 16 days ago
So… little YouTube series coming out this Thursday!! 6 songs, 6 videos 🤭🌴☀️ cannot wait. @pedroalterio
So… little YouTube series coming out this Thursday!! 6 songs, 6 videos 🤭🌴☀️ cannot wait. @pedroalterio
5.9K 109 17 days ago
little xmas surprise from @pedroalterio & I incoming…. 🤭🎄❤️
little xmas surprise from @pedroalterio & I incoming…. 🤭🎄❤️
8.6K 172 19 days ago