meynsenseInstagram Profile


Federico Tansella

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Federico Tansella Profile Information

@meynsense on Instagram have full name is Federico Tansella. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by meynsense on Instagram. Read More...

๐“๐Ž ๐๐”๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐„๐๐ƒ โ€”โ€” Performance by @meynsense

If we cannot imagine a future, maybe we can build an end. The sonic synthesis is post-tempo, off-grid, chaotic, symptomatic of perdition.
In this endscape, melodies clash and fracture, disrupted by static and dissonance; rhythms drift, untethered from the familiar, stumbling and staggering like lost signals in the void. It is a sound beyond harmony and order, born out of uncertainty and disillusionment, steeped in the knowledge that there is no return, and no clear path forward.


* Hosted by @megadue_
* Curated by @gleba2000
๐“๐Ž ๐๐”๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐„๐๐ƒ โ€”โ€” Performance by @meynsense If we cannot imagine a future, maybe we can build an end. The sonic synthesis is post-tempo, off-grid, chaotic, symptomatic of perdition. In this endscape, melodies clash and fracture, disrupted by static and dissonance; rhythms drift, untethered from the familiar, stumbling and staggering like lost signals in the void. It is a sound beyond harmony and order, born out of uncertainty and disillusionment, steeped in the knowledge that there is no return, and no clear path forward. โ€”โ€” * Hosted by @megadue_ * Curated by @gleba2000
149 2 a month ago
Mattone su mattone

Live video and sound

Realized in collaboration with @meynsense 

Thanks to: 
MA IUAV Visual Arts Degree Show

Dove la noia di un giorno diventa la noia di sempre e parole bianche scorrono su sfondo nero, la musica non smette mai di suonare. Qualcuno sta scrivendo una storia prima che tutto finisca.
Mattone su mattone Live video and sound Happening 30min Realized in collaboration with @meynsense Thanks to: @cc6_____________ @nastytubo MA IUAV Visual Arts Degree Show Dove la noia di un giorno diventa la noia di sempre e parole bianche scorrono su sfondo nero, la musica non smette mai di suonare. Qualcuno sta scrivendo una storia prima che tutto finisca.
141 6 2 months ago
3 2 3 months ago
The best lack all conviction, while the worstโ€จAre full of passionate intensity
Surely some revelation is at hand.โ€จ
โ€œA Plastic Gun The Size Of The Worldโ€ is out now

To support me and my project, you can buy the single on my bandcamp profile, thank you all.

Have a good listen
The best lack all conviction, while the worstโ€จAre full of passionate intensity Surely some revelation is at hand.โ€จ โ€œA Plastic Gun The Size Of The Worldโ€ is out now To support me and my project, you can buy the single on my bandcamp profile, thank you all. Have a good listen
3 7 3 months ago
went silent
went silent
3 0 3 months ago
3 0 3 months ago
Photo by @occhipuliti
Photo by @occhipuliti
3 3 5 months ago
โšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ๐๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„|๐๐ž๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ฑ ๐ฆ๐š๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐šโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ

23>30/06 h18.00 Fondamenta dellโ€™Arsenale

Ideation & direction:
Elia Pangaro, winner of Biennale College Teatro โ€“ Performance site-specific (2024)

Polina Sonis @peeping_pol , Elia Pangaro

Sound design:
Robert Lagerman @robert__lagerman e Federico Tansella @meynsense 

La Biennale di Venezia @labiennale 

Photo: Andrea Avezzuฬ€ @ave_zz courtesy of La Biennale di Venezia

 #BiennaleTeatro2024 #NigerEtAlbus #BiennaleCollegeTeatro #bolide #deusexmachina #accelerazione #performance #veloce
โšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ๐๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„|๐๐ž๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ฑ ๐ฆ๐š๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐šโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ 23>30/06 h18.00 Fondamenta dellโ€™Arsenale Ideation & direction: Elia Pangaro, winner of Biennale College Teatro โ€“ Performance site-specific (2024) Performance: Polina Sonis @peeping_pol , Elia Pangaro Sound design: Robert Lagerman @robert__lagerman e Federico Tansella @meynsense Production: La Biennale di Venezia @labiennale Photo: Andrea Avezzuฬ€ @ave_zz courtesy of La Biennale di Venezia #BiennaleTeatro2024 #NigerEtAlbus #BiennaleCollegeTeatro #bolide #deusexmachina #accelerazione #performance #veloce
592 21 6 months ago
โšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ๐๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„|๐๐ž๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ฑ ๐ฆ๐š๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐šโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ

Ideation & direction:
Elia Pangaro, winner of Biennale College Teatro โ€“ Performance site-specific (2024)

Polina Sonis @peeping_pol , Elia Pangaro

Sound design:
Robert Lagerman @robert__lagerman e Federico Tansella @meynsense 

La Biennale di Venezia @labiennale 

Photo: Andrea Avezzuฬ€ @ave_zz courtesy of La Biennale di Venezia

 #BiennaleTeatro2024 #NigerEtAlbus #BiennaleCollegeTeatro #bolide #deusexmachina #accelerazione #performance #veloce
โšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ๐๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„|๐๐ž๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ฑ ๐ฆ๐š๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐šโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽโšก๏ธŽ Ideation & direction: Elia Pangaro, winner of Biennale College Teatro โ€“ Performance site-specific (2024) Performance: Polina Sonis @peeping_pol , Elia Pangaro Sound design: Robert Lagerman @robert__lagerman e Federico Tansella @meynsense Production: La Biennale di Venezia @labiennale Photo: Andrea Avezzuฬ€ @ave_zz courtesy of La Biennale di Venezia #BiennaleTeatro2024 #NigerEtAlbus #BiennaleCollegeTeatro #bolide #deusexmachina #accelerazione #performance #veloce
561 8 6 months ago
LIVE SET A/V at @blakshop 
26/02/2024, Milan

Light Design by Me
LIVE SET A/V at @blakshop 26/02/2024, Milan Light Design by Me
3 4 10 months ago
IO COPRO TUTTO/ Installation view

Foto 2/3: 60 kg, 2024, stampa su carta, mattoni, 84 x 119 cm
Foto 4: I Cry Watching CoreCore Videos, 2023, Bandiera in PVC, 150 x 250 cm
Foto 5/6/7: 1:6520, 2023, A/V Installation, 1:36 min, 1020 x 1920

IO COPRO TUTTO eฬ€ la prima mostra pop-up di Federico Tansella, in arte Meynsense, artista audiovisivo classe 2003 attualmente residente a Venezia.
La sua ricerca spazia in maniera multidisciplinare attraverso i nuovi linguaggi contemporanei, tentando lโ€™introspezione nel contesto della sensibilitaฬ€ post-digitale, rifiutando i paradigmi del bello artistico e delle fascinazioni attorno agli estetismi, esprimendosi attraverso unโ€™estetica povera  e aggressivamente umile.

Foto di @cailobato @mauloooooo
IO COPRO TUTTO/ Installation view Foto 2/3: 60 kg, 2024, stampa su carta, mattoni, 84 x 119 cm Foto 4: I Cry Watching CoreCore Videos, 2023, Bandiera in PVC, 150 x 250 cm Foto 5/6/7: 1:6520, 2023, A/V Installation, 1:36 min, 1020 x 1920 IO COPRO TUTTO eฬ€ la prima mostra pop-up di Federico Tansella, in arte Meynsense, artista audiovisivo classe 2003 attualmente residente a Venezia. La sua ricerca spazia in maniera multidisciplinare attraverso i nuovi linguaggi contemporanei, tentando lโ€™introspezione nel contesto della sensibilitaฬ€ post-digitale, rifiutando i paradigmi del bello artistico e delle fascinazioni attorno agli estetismi, esprimendosi attraverso unโ€™estetica povera e aggressivamente umile. Foto di @cailobato @mauloooooo
3 7 10 months ago
Pop-up Exhibition

Ex Chiesa di Santa Marta, Venezia
IO COPRO TUTTO Pop-up Exhibition 25/01/2024 Ex Chiesa di Santa Marta, Venezia
3 4 a year ago