@mlojackso on Instagram have full name is Mayaprice. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by mlojackso on Instagram. Read More...
Blood Quilt @lctheater
Immensely thankful to have found myself in this place, with this team, on this play, in this production. Beyond grateful for this kinship, generosity, grace, and inspiration right now. Especially right now. Good Lord, the right now of it all....
But, I come to work everyday and i feel safe. Everywhere i look, I see a person who makes me happy in some way. Who makes me feel blessed in good company. And audacious art.
There is so much kindness in the community of this show and I am really deeply proud to be understudying these people. They are wonderful.
I think my grandmother would have loved these women and this play. I cant wait for my mother to behold these women, see the beautiful parts of herself in their stories, and love this play.
Oh. And its my off-broadway debut. In a quiet year. Look at God.
Photo cred: @chasiannexy
312 79 a month ago
She is the muse, the master, and the moment.
@nikiyamathis just gets it and we love it, honey. We love it.
49 6 2 months ago
Cannonball; the immersive experience.
My brain is finally coming back on line after a Wild and Cazy Kids month with Cannonball Festival in Philly. (Ps. if you too young to get that reference, we might need to reevaluate our acquaintance)
There are a lot of things to say:
1) This is exactly a month late, but if you wished me a Happy Birthday, THANK YOU. (there were far too many replies and thanks that got trapped in my dizzy head last month).
2) I met some fantastic gorgeous deeply adorable people this past month at the festival.
if I sound obssessed and very unchill about it, its because I am. In Adulthood, starting new friendships, or any precursor to it, can feel like miraculous work, so I would be remiss if I didnt throw out some gratitude for the opportunity to work with old friends and the delight of meeting all these new people I am now so eager to root for.
3) skye fort is diabolical and must be credited for the existence of clip #9
3) I am so thankful for the community at cannonball for being so GAME and open to my video shenanigans throughout the month that I was unleashed on the Cannonball IG page. A lot yall let me bully you into a plethora of hijinx (as evidenced in some of these daminng little clips) (with very little explanation) and just generally let my old ass run amok, so for your patience, grace, humor, and fortitude I am forever grateful.
Yall are angels and saints and I love you. (especially you 3 in #12)
Anyway, bla bla bla. Feelings. Here are some bits and bobs of yall being real stinking cute and me being insufferable.
41 4 2 months ago
My toxic trait. I DO NOT like having my picture taken (especially candidly). I will absolutely hide my face with my hands, I will absolutely yell at you if you try to hide when I try to take yours ( don't @ me , it's cuz I think you're BEAUTIFUL).
Well Ashley Smith of @wideeyedstudios caught me giving a (particularly particularly chaotic) post show speech @cannonballfest , so I was too distracted to hide.
Thank you, Ashley for sneaking this one in.
184 11 3 months ago
More Festival Faces.
I know yall thought I was just gonna keep playing with these little videos. ( but no, I'm still out here lurking like paparazzi).
One more week of @cannonballfest.
58 4 3 months ago
Cannonball Cooler Cuties.
PLUS ( since this has basically become a secondary @cannonballfest account)
GO See @skyefort in her final DISASTER THEATRE performance TODAY at Neighborhood House
Swipe thru to the end for a poorly formatted special Skye Fort Easter egg
42 2 3 months ago
The wondrous clowns of @fulloutformula. Bringing breath and magic to the festival.
20 3 3 months ago
Maya here, CB superfan, chatting with Cannonball Producer @corncobcalhoun about VISIONS!
VISIONS is for bold new performance work at the earliest stages.
Drop in for a glimpse at what's to come in a relaxed environment, including: play readings, new dance, poetry, and performance.
All happening @cannonballfest, the largest hub of the Philly @fringearts Festival.
📍Visit Cannonballfestival.org, browse the Events Calendar, and search "VISIONS."
(with a sexy assist behind the camera from CB artist @__noor256)
22 1 3 months ago
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening Cann-pers!
Join me (and friends) throughout the month of September as we introdruce you to some of the people; artists, producers, staff, and cannonball community members that make Cannonball season, THE best time of year. Let's Go!
63 5 3 months ago
Cannonball KICKOFF.
The vibe was crazysexycampycool. And we had ourselves a BALL.
The festival is officially OPEN!!
34 1 4 months ago
It can be frustrating to look up and realize you are in the exact same place you were this time last year. And sometimes finding yourself in the same place is a blessed marker and needed reminder of how much has deeply changed, Somehow, both in spite your best efforts to resist it at times and because of your quiet hopeful misadventuring forward at all others.
It's nice to know, things grow. Things change.