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32 3 9 days ago
【2024 Sweat 】オーダーやご希望が多かったコチラ、初の試みとなるスウェットを作成中です。ベースは10onzのヘビーウェイトのボックスシルエット。カラーはグレーのみとなりフロントにはチームエンブレムを白で刺繍、バックにもチームプリントが入ったスペシャルな1枚です。原価高騰の影響かなりありますが¥9000(税込)でご用意させて頂くことにしました。※送料は全国+1000円とさせて頂きます。このチームが全国でたくさんの方々に認知されこういうコミュニティが全国に増えて皆さんの生活のすぐ近くにフットボールがあってくれたら嬉しいな、と思っています。ガシガシ着てもらえると嬉しいです!今回も全国各地まで配送致します。原宿近辺でのお受け取りご希望の方は教えてください!再販や、増販の可能性は今のところ考えておりません。今回はこのチームアカウントへのDMのみでプレオーダー完了とさせて頂きます!コメント頂いても予約完了とはなりませんのでご注意を。在庫とサイズに限りがありますのでお早めにDMで連絡ください サイズのご相談はもちろんかまいません。いつもありがとうございます! ️注意 : 返品、サイズ交換はできかねますのでサイズ感よくお考えの上DMにてご予約ください※完成予定は1ヶ月弱の予定となります--------------------------------------------We are currently creating our first ever sweatshirt, which has been requested and ordered by many people.The base is a heavyweight box silhouette from 10onz.It is only available in gray, and the team emblem is embroidered in white on the front, and the back is also printed with the team, making it a special piece.Although the rising cost of raw materials has had a significant impact,we have decided to offer it for ¥9000 (tax included).*Shipping costs will be +¥1000 nationwide.I hope that this team will become known by many people nationwide, and that communities like this will increase nationwide, so that football will become a part of everyone's lives.I hope you will wear it a lot!This time, we will deliver to all over the country.If you would like to pick it up near Harajuku, please let us know!We are not considering resale or increased sales at this time.This time, pre-orders will be completed only by DM to this team account!Please note that comments do not complete the reservation.Stock and sizes are limited, so please contact us by DM as soon as possible Of course, you can also discuss sizes.Thank you as always! ️: Returns and size exchanges are not possible, so please consider the size carefully before making a reservation by DM. *The item is expected to be completed in one month.
【2024 Sweat 】オーダーやご希望が多かったコチラ、初の試みとなるスウェットを作成中です。ベースは10onzのヘビーウェイトのボックスシルエット。カラーはグレーのみとなりフロントにはチームエンブレムを白で刺繍、バックにもチームプリントが入ったスペシャルな1枚です。原価高騰の影響かなりありますが¥9000(税込)でご用意させて頂くことにしました。※送料は全国+1000円とさせて頂きます。このチームが全国でたくさんの方々に認知されこういうコミュニティが全国に増えて皆さんの生活のすぐ近くにフットボールがあってくれたら嬉しいな、と思っています。ガシガシ着てもらえると嬉しいです!今回も全国各地まで配送致します。原宿近辺でのお受け取りご希望の方は教えてください!再販や、増販の可能性は今のところ考えておりません。今回はこのチームアカウントへのDMのみでプレオーダー完了とさせて頂きます!コメント頂いても予約完了とはなりませんのでご注意を。在庫とサイズに限りがありますのでお早めにDMで連絡ください サイズのご相談はもちろんかまいません。いつもありがとうございます! ️注意 : 返品、サイズ交換はできかねますのでサイズ感よくお考えの上DMにてご予約ください※完成予定は1ヶ月弱の予定となります--------------------------------------------We are currently creating our first ever sweatshirt, which has been requested and ordered by many people.The base is a heavyweight box silhouette from 10onz.It is only available in gray, and the team emblem is embroidered in white on the front, and the back is also printed with the team, making it a special piece.Although the rising cost of raw materials has had a significant impact,we have decided to offer it for ¥9000 (tax included).*Shipping costs will be +¥1000 nationwide.I hope that this team will become known by many people nationwide, and that communities like this will increase nationwide, so that football will become a part of everyone's lives.I hope you will wear it a lot!This time, we will deliver to all over the country.If you would like to pick it up near Harajuku, please let us know!We are not considering resale or increased sales at this time.This time, pre-orders will be completed only by DM to this team account!Please note that comments do not complete the reservation.Stock and sizes are limited, so please contact us by DM as soon as possible Of course, you can also discuss sizes.Thank you as always! ️: Returns and size exchanges are not possible, so please consider the size carefully before making a reservation by DM. *The item is expected to be completed in one month.
28 0 1 month ago
177cm,70kgはあの #ネイマール とほぼ類似。遊び心のあるプレーと身体を当てられない技術はブラジルの宝とよく似ている。ただ彼はこのチームを、そしてチームメイトをしっかりマネジメントすることに集中している。"The early bird catches the worm.""早起きは三文の徳" を体現することができるのだろうか。この男の今後の動きがチームをどこまで行けるかの鍵を握っていることは間違いなさそうだ。At 177cm and 70kg, he is almost the same height as Neymar.His playful play and ability to avoid physical contact are very similar to the Brazilian treasure.But he is focused on managing this team and his teammates well.Can he embody the saying "the early bird catches the worm"?There is no doubt that this man's future actions hold the key to how far the team can go.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
177cm,70kgはあの #ネイマール とほぼ類似。遊び心のあるプレーと身体を当てられない技術はブラジルの宝とよく似ている。ただ彼はこのチームを、そしてチームメイトをしっかりマネジメントすることに集中している。"The early bird catches the worm.""早起きは三文の徳" を体現することができるのだろうか。この男の今後の動きがチームをどこまで行けるかの鍵を握っていることは間違いなさそうだ。At 177cm and 70kg, he is almost the same height as Neymar.His playful play and ability to avoid physical contact are very similar to the Brazilian treasure.But he is focused on managing this team and his teammates well.Can he embody the saying "the early bird catches the worm"?There is no doubt that this man's future actions hold the key to how far the team can go.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
29 0 2 months ago
相手にいたら嫌な選手、味方でよかった。攻撃も守備も卒なくこなし、長短のパスでビルドアップにも貢献するその姿はまるで #ジェラード である。He's a tough player to have on the opposing team, but I'm glad he's on my team.He's flawless in both offense and defense,and contributes to the build-up with long and short passes,just like #Gerrard.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
相手にいたら嫌な選手、味方でよかった。攻撃も守備も卒なくこなし、長短のパスでビルドアップにも貢献するその姿はまるで #ジェラード である。He's a tough player to have on the opposing team, but I'm glad he's on my team.He's flawless in both offense and defense,and contributes to the build-up with long and short passes,just like #Gerrard.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
29 0 2 months ago
早い選手は何人も見てきた。では"分析"が早い選手は?と言われたら彼と答える。ピッチを常に俯瞰で見る能力で相手のウィークポイントや隙を見つける。#ガリーネヴィル さながらのクレバーなプレーヤー。I've seen a lot of fast players.But who is the fastest at "analysis"? I'd say him.His ability to always see the pitch from a bird's-eye viewallows him to find the opponent's weak points and openings.A clever player, just like GaryNeville.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
早い選手は何人も見てきた。では"分析"が早い選手は?と言われたら彼と答える。ピッチを常に俯瞰で見る能力で相手のウィークポイントや隙を見つける。#ガリーネヴィル さながらのクレバーなプレーヤー。I've seen a lot of fast players.But who is the fastest at "analysis"? I'd say him.His ability to always see the pitch from a bird's-eye viewallows him to find the opponent's weak points and openings.A clever player, just like GaryNeville.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
23 0 2 months ago
彼は自分の間合いに入るのを常に狙っている。数ある選択肢の中からベストな対応をチョイスし#フンメルス にも似た的確なロングフィードでチャンスメイクまでしていく若きCBHe is always looking to get in between him.A young CB who chooses the best response from a number of options and even creates chances with accurate long passes similar to Hummels.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
彼は自分の間合いに入るのを常に狙っている。数ある選択肢の中からベストな対応をチョイスし#フンメルス にも似た的確なロングフィードでチャンスメイクまでしていく若きCBHe is always looking to get in between him.A young CB who chooses the best response from a number of options and even creates chances with accurate long passes similar to Hummels.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
29 0 2 months ago
重心の低さ、細かいタッチ。卓越したボールコントロールとボディフェイク。あなたが想像した通りそれは #メッシ の代名詞。一瞬で相手を絶望に陥れるチャンスメイカーは今日もチームに希望と得点を与える。A low centre of gravity and a fine touch.Excellent ball control and body fakes.As you might imagine, those are Messi's trademarks.A chance maker who can plunge opponents into despair in an instant,he is bringing hope and goals to his team today as well.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
重心の低さ、細かいタッチ。卓越したボールコントロールとボディフェイク。あなたが想像した通りそれは #メッシ の代名詞。一瞬で相手を絶望に陥れるチャンスメイカーは今日もチームに希望と得点を与える。A low centre of gravity and a fine touch.Excellent ball control and body fakes.As you might imagine, those are Messi's trademarks.A chance maker who can plunge opponents into despair in an instant,he is bringing hope and goals to his team today as well.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
24 0 2 months ago
️足元の技術も必要とされる現代のSB。彼にその心配はする必要は全くない。#ダニエウアウベス さながらの抜群のボールコントロールとセンスでショートパスを的確に味方に繋いでいく。Modern full-backs also need to have good footwork.There's no need to worry about that with him.With his outstanding ball control and sense, he's just like DaniAlves, and he makes precise short passes to his teammates.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
️足元の技術も必要とされる現代のSB。彼にその心配はする必要は全くない。#ダニエウアウベス さながらの抜群のボールコントロールとセンスでショートパスを的確に味方に繋いでいく。Modern full-backs also need to have good footwork.There's no need to worry about that with him.With his outstanding ball control and sense, he's just like DaniAlves, and he makes precise short passes to his teammates.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
28 0 2 months ago
魂を感じるプレーヤーがチームには必要だ。状況判断、危機察知能力に長けている賢い選手だが、ディフェンスラインからの臨機応変な指示や味方を鼓舞する姿は時に #プジョル を彷彿とさせる。我がチームの小さな巨人である。A team needs players with soul.He's a smart player who excels at judging situations and sensing danger,but his flexible instructions from the defensive lineand the way he inspires his teammates sometimes remind me of Puyol.He's a little giant on our team.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
魂を感じるプレーヤーがチームには必要だ。状況判断、危機察知能力に長けている賢い選手だが、ディフェンスラインからの臨機応変な指示や味方を鼓舞する姿は時に #プジョル を彷彿とさせる。我がチームの小さな巨人である。A team needs players with soul.He's a smart player who excels at judging situations and sensing danger,but his flexible instructions from the defensive lineand the way he inspires his teammates sometimes remind me of Puyol.He's a little giant on our team.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
29 0 2 months ago
鉄人のような存在感でゴールを許さない。経験からくる的確な"読み"と強靭なフィジカルでクリーンな #ぺぺ のようなプレーで相手の脅威となる。He has an iron man-like presence and doesn't allow any goals.His accurate reading of the game and strong physique from his experience make him a threat to opponents with his clean Pepe-like play.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
鉄人のような存在感でゴールを許さない。経験からくる的確な"読み"と強靭なフィジカルでクリーンな #ぺぺ のようなプレーで相手の脅威となる。He has an iron man-like presence and doesn't allow any goals.His accurate reading of the game and strong physique from his experience make him a threat to opponents with his clean Pepe-like play.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
29 0 2 months ago
卓越した技術とボールコントロール。チームではもうベテランの域に達したその戦術眼でゲームメイクに参加しゲームをコントロールするLSB。その風貌も含め #マルセロ がそこにいるかのようだ。Outstanding technique and ball control.With his tactical eye, he is already a veteran on the teamAs an LSB, he participates in play-making and controls the game.Even with his appearance, it's as if Marcelo is right there.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
卓越した技術とボールコントロール。チームではもうベテランの域に達したその戦術眼でゲームメイクに参加しゲームをコントロールするLSB。その風貌も含め #マルセロ がそこにいるかのようだ。Outstanding technique and ball control.With his tactical eye, he is already a veteran on the teamAs an LSB, he participates in play-making and controls the game.Even with his appearance, it's as if Marcelo is right there.#UMBRO#UMBRO100th#100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football#futsal#soccer#footballplayer#footballer#footballlove#footballtraining#footballjersey#footballkit#アンブロ#サッカー
35 0 2 months ago
️ゴールに向かい突き進み、敵陣を一気に切り裂く。その推進力は #エデンアザール そのもの。シュートレンジも広く精度も高い。彼を捕まえなければならない相手DFのことを思うと不憫でならない。He charges towards the goal and tears through the opposition.His driving force is just like EdenHazard.His shooting range is wide and his accuracy is high.When I think about the opposing defenders who have to catch him, I can't help but feel sorry for them.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
️ゴールに向かい突き進み、敵陣を一気に切り裂く。その推進力は #エデンアザール そのもの。シュートレンジも広く精度も高い。彼を捕まえなければならない相手DFのことを思うと不憫でならない。He charges towards the goal and tears through the opposition.His driving force is just like EdenHazard.His shooting range is wide and his accuracy is high.When I think about the opposing defenders who have to catch him, I can't help but feel sorry for them.#UMBRO #UMBRO100th #100th#TheThirdByUMBRO#football #futsal #soccer #footballplayer #footballer#footballlove #footballtraining #footballjersey#footballkit #アンブロ#サッカー#フットサル #世田谷公園
23 0 2 months ago