@noboruok on Instagram have full name is Noboru Tomizawa. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by noboruok on Instagram. Read More...
#Repost @deborahcox
Congratulations to the icon…..photographer @lesliekeesuper on his exhibition and celebration of his career.
Leslie, shooting with you was other worldly. Your keen eye and extraordinary vision for our shoot left me speechless. Love you💫
Super Magazine issue 5
Photographed by Leslie Kee
Produced by David Miskin
Styling by Shogo Sone
Costume by Jacob Meir
MAKEUP by Noboru Tomizawa
Hair by Hanjee
95 0 12 days ago
#Repost @deborahcox
Congratulations to the icon…..photographer @lesliekeesuper on his exhibition and celebration of his career.
Leslie, shooting with you was other worldly. Your keen eye and extraordinary vision for our shoot left me speechless. Love you💫
Super Magazine issue 5
Photographed by Leslie Kee
Produced by David Miskin
Styling by Shogo Sone
Costume by Jacob Meir
MAKEUP by Noboru Tomizawa
Hair by Hanjee