pauline_de_mInstagram Profile


Pauline de M

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Pauline de M Profile Information

@pauline_de_m on Instagram have full name is Pauline de M. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by pauline_de_m on Instagram. Read More...

The fashion week, Polly & William -
Genius -

William KLEIN 
"Qui êtes vous Polly Magoo ?" - 1966 -

The fashion week, Polly & William - Genius - William KLEIN "Qui êtes vous Polly Magoo ?" - 1966 - #fashionweek
202 12 2 years ago
194 8 3 years ago
Fragment 12 & 13

Damas amande, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 12 & 13 Damas amande, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
146 2 3 years ago
Fragment 11

Damas amande, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 11 Damas amande, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
73 1 3 years ago
Fragment 10

Damas amande, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 10 Damas amande, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
55 3 3 years ago
Fragment 08 & 09 

Rouge, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 08 & 09 Rouge, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
71 1 3 years ago
Fragment 07

Rouge, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 07 Rouge, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
48 0 3 years ago
Fragment 06

Rouge, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 06 Rouge, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
32 0 3 years ago
Fragment 05

Rayures, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 05 Rayures, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
32 0 3 years ago
Fragment 04

Rayures, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 04 Rayures, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
37 0 3 years ago
Fragment 03 

Rayures, 20th c.
Silent witness of the past
Fragment 03 Rayures, 20th c. Silent witness of the past
50 1 3 years ago
Fragment 02

Velour pourpre, 19th c.
Silent witness of the past 

#unboxing #fabric #history
Fragment 02 Velour pourpre, 19th c. Silent witness of the past #unboxing #fabric #history
63 2 3 years ago