rimmapaInstagram Profile



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Римма Profile Information

@rimmapa on Instagram have full name is Римма. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by rimmapa on Instagram. Read More...

✨🎬 So excited to tell you all about a new short film I’m working on. I wrote it, and I’ll be producing and filming as the cinematographer too. This project is led by women — from our lead actress to our director and camera crew. 

📜 About “Antique Horror”:
It’s a drama filled with mystery, designed to not just entertain but also touch your emotions deeply. Get ready to be moved!

🌟 I need your help! We need to raise $4,000 by November 20th to make this dream happen. Every little bit helps.

📽️💼 Here’s a deal: I’m offering my filming services for donations. Need a music video, an interview, a short doc, a commercial, livestream or social media content? Maybe a YouTube video? I’m here to help!

👩‍🎤🎥 Supporting this film means you’re boosting a story told by women. Let’s make something amazing together!

💌 DM me or contact me via email rimma.paninadp@gmail.com to talk about how you can help with the project or hire me for your next video need!

If you want to support the project, please, donate to Venmo @Rimma-Panina (next photo)

#SupportIndieFilm #FemaleFilmmaker #FilmFundraiser #Cinematography #ShortFilm #EmpoweringWomen
✨🎬 So excited to tell you all about a new short film I’m working on. I wrote it, and I’ll be producing and filming as the cinematographer too. This project is led by women — from our lead actress to our director and camera crew. 📜 About “Antique Horror”: It’s a drama filled with mystery, designed to not just entertain but also touch your emotions deeply. Get ready to be moved! 🌟 I need your help! We need to raise $4,000 by November 20th to make this dream happen. Every little bit helps. 📽️💼 Here’s a deal: I’m offering my filming services for donations. Need a music video, an interview, a short doc, a commercial, livestream or social media content? Maybe a YouTube video? I’m here to help! 👩‍🎤🎥 Supporting this film means you’re boosting a story told by women. Let’s make something amazing together! 💌 DM me or contact me via email rimma.paninadp@gmail.com to talk about how you can help with the project or hire me for your next video need! If you want to support the project, please, donate to Venmo @Rimma-Panina (next photo) #SupportIndieFilm #FemaleFilmmaker #FilmFundraiser #Cinematography #ShortFilm #EmpoweringWomen
78 0 2 months ago
Every good deed starts and ends with a team.

Without our volunteers Art Against War and The Border simply wouldn’t exist.

Special thanks to Tatyana Rodzinek from Russian Speaking Advisory Board of city of West Hollywood, RimoVision Group and Navalny LA Group for support you’ve given us!

Happy volunteers day!

@mishasuvorovofficial @zemlyanskaya.aa @trifonenko @world_without_putin @kononalina @sasha_anufrieva_filmmaker @rimmapa @rayhanna_writerdirector @ishwari.music @metallic_timeloop @aleksei_jaguar @8hur.ma8 @wehocity @rimovision_group @navalny_la @navalnyteam_usa @navalny @navalny.live 

#volunteer #volunterday
Every good deed starts and ends with a team. Without our volunteers Art Against War and The Border simply wouldn’t exist. Special thanks to Tatyana Rodzinek from Russian Speaking Advisory Board of city of West Hollywood, RimoVision Group and Navalny LA Group for support you’ve given us! Happy volunteers day! @mishasuvorovofficial @zemlyanskaya.aa @trifonenko @world_without_putin @kononalina @sasha_anufrieva_filmmaker @rimmapa @rayhanna_writerdirector @ishwari.music @metallic_timeloop @aleksei_jaguar @8hur.ma8 @wehocity @rimovision_group @navalny_la @navalnyteam_usa @navalny @navalny.live #volunteer #volunterday
29 0 14 days ago
Join us on Lydie’s Facebook and Tanya’s Youtube channel.
Join us on Lydie’s Facebook and Tanya’s Youtube channel.
11 0 16 days ago
Repost from @antique.horror 
Sophia, her brother Ethan, and her friend Lucas break into an antique store after the owner refuses to sell back Sophia’s bracelet, a treasured gift from her grandmother. But things don’t go as planned, and now Sophia faces a significant choice that will change her life forever.
Repost from @antique.horror SYNOPSIS: Sophia, her brother Ethan, and her friend Lucas break into an antique store after the owner refuses to sell back Sophia’s bracelet, a treasured gift from her grandmother. But things don’t go as planned, and now Sophia faces a significant choice that will change her life forever.
11 0 2 months ago
So far 4 compliments to my t-shirt☺️
So far 4 compliments to my t-shirt☺️
10 0 2 months ago
It’s true, it’s very painful to realize that your heroes and close ones are leaving. This brings a feeling of helplessness and panic, grief, and inconsolability. Sometimes these feelings overwhelm you like an ocean wave, and you flounder in them, unable to find a foothold... and then, at some point, after another turn, you feel the ground beneath your feet. You stand up, brace yourself, and the wave recedes... It retreats to remind you from a distance that something important, substantial, and necessary has already happened and passed, that it will never repeat and will not return...

It’s important to realize and get accustomed to the fact that this is also a part of life...
Это правда, очень больно - осознавать что твои герои и просто близкие уходят. Это влечет за собой ощущение бессилия и паники, горя и безутешности. Иногда эти чувства захлестывают как океанская волна и ты мотаешься в них, не в силах найти опору… и вот в какой-то момент, после очередного разворота, ты ощущаешь под ногами дно. Встаешь, опираешься и волна отступает… Уходит для того чтобы издали напоминать что что-то важное, основательное и нужное уже случилось и прошло, что оно никогда не повторится и не навестит… 
Важно осознать и привыкнуть что это тоже часть жизни…
It’s true, it’s very painful to realize that your heroes and close ones are leaving. This brings a feeling of helplessness and panic, grief, and inconsolability. Sometimes these feelings overwhelm you like an ocean wave, and you flounder in them, unable to find a foothold... and then, at some point, after another turn, you feel the ground beneath your feet. You stand up, brace yourself, and the wave recedes... It retreats to remind you from a distance that something important, substantial, and necessary has already happened and passed, that it will never repeat and will not return... It’s important to realize and get accustomed to the fact that this is also a part of life... Это правда, очень больно - осознавать что твои герои и просто близкие уходят. Это влечет за собой ощущение бессилия и паники, горя и безутешности. Иногда эти чувства захлестывают как океанская волна и ты мотаешься в них, не в силах найти опору… и вот в какой-то момент, после очередного разворота, ты ощущаешь под ногами дно. Встаешь, опираешься и волна отступает… Уходит для того чтобы издали напоминать что что-то важное, основательное и нужное уже случилось и прошло, что оно никогда не повторится и не навестит… Важно осознать и привыкнуть что это тоже часть жизни…
22 4 3 months ago
🎥 Exciting News! 🌟 I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be the cinematographer for the upcoming film, “Lady’s Love”! We’re set to begin filming this August, and our talented crew is predominantly female, bringing unique perspectives and creativity to this project.

We need your support to bring this incredible story to life. Every donation helps us cover production costs and ensures that we can create a film that truly resonates. Join us in making movie magic and support “Lady’s Love” today!

👉 Link to donate in the bio

#LadysLoveFilm #WomenInFilm #SupportIndieFilm
🎥 Exciting News! 🌟 I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be the cinematographer for the upcoming film, “Lady’s Love”! We’re set to begin filming this August, and our talented crew is predominantly female, bringing unique perspectives and creativity to this project. We need your support to bring this incredible story to life. Every donation helps us cover production costs and ensures that we can create a film that truly resonates. Join us in making movie magic and support “Lady’s Love” today! 👉 Link to donate in the bio #LadysLoveFilm #WomenInFilm #SupportIndieFilm
71 8 7 months ago
NAB2024 Blackmagick stand. Pyxis 6K
NAB2024 Blackmagick stand. Pyxis 6K
11 1 8 months ago
I love winter…
I love winter…
43 2 9 months ago
6 0 10 months ago
February. Take ink and weep,
write February as you’re sobbing,
while black Spring burns deep
through the slush and throbbing.
 Boris Pasternak
February. Take ink and weep, write February as you’re sobbing, while black Spring burns deep through the slush and throbbing. Boris Pasternak
2 0 10 months ago
Ready to go into 2024! Готова ворваться в 2024!
Ready to go into 2024! Готова ворваться в 2024!
71 7 a year ago