rosie.e.cooperInstagram Profile


Rosie Cooper

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Rosie Cooper Profile Information

@rosie.e.cooper on Instagram have full name is Rosie Cooper. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by rosie.e.cooper on Instagram. Read More...

you could say we had a faire-ly good time 🎭 🧚🧌🍻
you could say we had a faire-ly good time 🎭 🧚🧌🍻
84 10 3 months ago
Italy. So demure
Thank you @aurorarosedecrosta for the gorgeous images from @villadimaser 💋
Italy. So demure . . . Thank you @aurorarosedecrosta for the gorgeous images from @villadimaser 💋
106 10 4 months ago
Such a fantastic evening was had by all at the New York Scottish Ball 2022! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Sincere thanks to all of the organizers for a lovely event and can’t wait for next year. @scottishballnyc
Such a fantastic evening was had by all at the New York Scottish Ball 2022! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Sincere thanks to all of the organizers for a lovely event and can’t wait for next year. @scottishballnyc
125 6 2 years ago
Venezia era un sogno 🕯 
With 🖤
#carnevaledivenezia #carnevale #carnevale2022 #venice #italy #costume #18thcenturycostume #rococo #marieantoinette #candlelight #baroque #palace #historiccostume #historicdress #18thcenturyfashion #18thcentury #maskedball
Venezia era un sogno 🕯 . . With 🖤 . #carnevaledivenezia #carnevale #carnevale2022 #venice #italy #costume #18thcenturycostume #rococo #marieantoinette #candlelight #baroque #palace #historiccostume #historicdress #18thcenturyfashion #18thcentury #maskedball
110 9 3 years ago
Venezia veiled…
#venice #veniceitaly #carnevale #carnevaledivenezia2022
Venezia veiled… . . #venice #veniceitaly #carnevale #carnevaledivenezia2022
122 4 3 years ago
When In Rome… do the most touristy thing possible 😆. So happy to be back.
When In Rome… do the most touristy thing possible 😆. So happy to be back.
127 2 3 years ago
Day 9: Colori della Notte ... colors and silhouettes for #veneziachallenge2021. One of the innumerable beauties of Venice is gems like this seen across the Canale — do you spy the costumed revelers in the night silhouetted against the windows of the palazzo? Candlelight and moonlight dancing 🕯...
Day 9: Colori della Notte ... colors and silhouettes for #veneziachallenge2021. One of the innumerable beauties of Venice is gems like this seen across the Canale — do you spy the costumed revelers in the night silhouetted against the windows of the palazzo? Candlelight and moonlight dancing 🕯...
109 3 4 years ago
#veneziachallenge2021 Day 8: Piume 🪶 Feathers! While I’m not in Venice in this instance, this gown was created for Carnevale many years ago and has been one of my favorites... I adore the hot pink feathers with purple hues to compliment the brocade of the dress and it’s flowers. Pic 2 features the inconveniences associated with not arriving via gondola when sporting tall hair and said piume!
#veneziachallenge2021 Day 8: Piume 🪶 Feathers! While I’m not in Venice in this instance, this gown was created for Carnevale many years ago and has been one of my favorites... I adore the hot pink feathers with purple hues to compliment the brocade of the dress and it’s flowers. Pic 2 features the inconveniences associated with not arriving via gondola when sporting tall hair and said piume!
96 5 4 years ago
Perle e Diamanti - Day 5 💎of the #veneziachallenge2021 ... both pieces are retired opera costumes from vastly different time periods (20th century dress and 17th century style men’s jacket) but I love how the soft sheen of the silk plays against the approximately 1 million pounds of pearls and rhinestones of the jacket here
Perle e Diamanti - Day 5 💎of the #veneziachallenge2021 ... both pieces are retired opera costumes from vastly different time periods (20th century dress and 17th century style men’s jacket) but I love how the soft sheen of the silk plays against the approximately 1 million pounds of pearls and rhinestones of the jacket here
127 4 4 years ago
Day 4 of #veneziachallenge2021 - Grand Canal... no words for the feeling floating in a gondola on this exquisite serpentine path of water with the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in the distance
Day 4 of #veneziachallenge2021 - Grand Canal... no words for the feeling floating in a gondola on this exquisite serpentine path of water with the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in the distance
158 5 4 years ago
For day 2 of the #veneziachallenge2021 the theme is San Marco and as I turns out I have basically no pictures there ... However, I do particularly enjoy this tone-on-tone ode to the exquisite array of stone colors in the courtyard of the Doge’s Palace on San Marco Square.
For day 2 of the #veneziachallenge2021 the theme is San Marco and as I turns out I have basically no pictures there ... However, I do particularly enjoy this tone-on-tone ode to the exquisite array of stone colors in the courtyard of the Doge’s Palace on San Marco Square.
106 4 4 years ago
Day 1 of the #veneziachallenge2021 is courtesans and my look is shamelessly after one of Veronica’s from the movie Dangerous Beauty. Listen, don’t @ me cause I legit love this movie even if it’s not a historically accurate look at the legendary courtesan’s life. 
While, there’s definitely a deep sadness for no Carnevale this year, this retrospective look may help ease that... @ladylisle @aseult
Day 1 of the #veneziachallenge2021 is courtesans and my look is shamelessly after one of Veronica’s from the movie Dangerous Beauty. Listen, don’t @ me cause I legit love this movie even if it’s not a historically accurate look at the legendary courtesan’s life. . While, there’s definitely a deep sadness for no Carnevale this year, this retrospective look may help ease that... @ladylisle @aseult
223 7 4 years ago