@tokebabe on Instagram have full name is Satoko Tokebabe Mori. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by tokebabe on Instagram. Read More...
So now I’m OFFICIALLY signed as a choreographer to @blocnyc 🤩🥳
Years of training, creating, learning, be on the stages and behind scenes etc… I’m so so excited for this journey!!!!
Thank you so much to my mentors, teachers, creative directors that always give me a challenge, trust and never give up on me! Couldn’t be here without you guys. Every single moments, experiences on the set made me grow so much!✨
I LOVE being creative side as much as I love dancing. 🥰
Well, Life is crazy, I’m all the way from Japan, but here I am living my dream with amazing people, get a chance to create arts with so many talented people.
Now let’s get work! I’m ready💪🏽❤️
いつもお世話になっているダンスエージェントのBloc NYと、振付師としても契約する事になりました!振り付けの仕事はミリオンとしてきたけど、こうしてエージェントのコレオグラファーとして活動出来るのは新たな挑戦で、とても嬉しいし、楽しみです❣️
#BlocIsHOT #Choreograoher #NYC #Grateful #bloctalentagency #dancer #excited
609 153 2 years ago
#tbt My First Love❤️🎶🎵 So Rough and miss touches but it’s about the passion..💙🎹🎼 been playing classic piano all my life now time to get my ass up to study Jazz Piano this year for real..! I’ve been tried and quit cuz it’s so hard but here I am again! Watch me my growth🎼🎶🤩 my goal for this year.. try some sessions! LetsGoooo👊🏽 .
Song - #fantasieimpromptu #FredrickChopin #Chopin #ClassicPiano #Key #ClassicMusic #幻想即興曲 #ショパン #今年こそはジャズセッションに行けるように頑張る
471 74 5 years ago
Definitely gotta hit the @bustarhymes Busabus PT 2 challenge one time with the beautiful @tokebabe . Thanks, my guy @ynvsceoshampoo for the hit up. You already know the team is one deck!!!!!
📹📹📹 - @synsanity_
#STRYKEFORCEENT #WEALLWEGOT #NYC #busabuspart2challenge #bustaryhmes #Tokebabe
300 28 3 days ago
Brick City 🧱 🧱 haven’t posted some dance shots..here it is!
Love this Pics from In The Heights Pamphlets🗽🖤
#Tokebabe #Streetwear #Tokyo2NewYork #InTheHeights
161 3 7 days ago
Always Keep it smooth, fresh, simple🖤
Happy December👄
150 4 14 days ago
Big thanks to @studio__champ for having us!! We had a great time having workshops there, even I had to teach right after my In The Heights show in Nagoya! Andddd this was on my Birthday, What a perfect way to kick off my new year!! Life is sooo great! 🥰🥰 Live to the Fullest!!!💪🏾💪🏾🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️
🎤 keyshiacole —- Please Don’t Stop
Fit by T-shirts — @deftech@microfromdeftech 🙏🏽💖
Pants — @world_wide_famous 🤘🏾❤️🔥
@studio__champ 名古屋は弥富市にあるスタジオChamp さんから先日行われたエリックワークショップ @strykeforceeion のとっても素敵な映像を頂いたので、シェアさせて頂きます🥰🤩
Special Thanks to @chammm37@emishio523@yosukeakafuji for everything!! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
#StudioChamp #Nagoya #Japan #Workshop #Birthday #memorablemoments #blessed #highlights #Strykeforceent #weallwegot #erickfootman #tokebabe
97 4 16 days ago
Electronicmagnetic Waves.. do you care about??
電磁波対策、、皆さんしていますか?スマホやパソコンや、電子機器に囲まれて生活する現代の世の中。 @sevenplus.jp はそんな有害な電磁波から守ってくれるアクセサリーブランドで、今回日本滞在中に、エリックとオフィスに伺わせていただきました!
SEVEN PLUSは、有害電磁波有益変換の特許を日米で取得し、携帯電話やパソコン、身近な通信装置や家電製品から出る「有害」な電磁波を、人体に「有益」な電磁波に変換してくれる電磁波対策アイテムを取り扱っています。
About electromagnetic waves
Harmful electromagnetic waves emitted from electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets can have adverse effects on the human body, not only causing eye fatigue and muscle stiffness, but also aging, reduced joint range of motion, reduced cerebral blood flow, and increased susceptibility to cancer and other diseases.
5G mobile phones use microwaves, which are radio waves in the same range as microwave ovens.
Experimental results have been published that show that when headphones are held directly to the ear, the eyes and brain are exposed to electromagnetic waves at close range, reducing the amount of blood reaching the brain during a call to a quarter of normal levels.
SEVEN PLUS has obtained patents in both Japan and the US for converting harmful electromagnetic waves into beneficial ones, and sells electromagnetic wave countermeasure items that convert "harmful" electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones, computers, everyday communication devices and home appliances into "beneficial" electromagnetic waves for the human body.
This conversion technology has been scientifically proven, and beneficial electromagnetic waves normalize the electrical current balance in the body, improving concentration and thinking ability. (First patent obtained in Japan and the US)
#7Plus #electronicmagneticwave #電磁波対策 #MadeinJapan
195 3 19 days ago
IN THE HEIGHTS 2024・完㊗️㊗️㊗️💮🎊
It’s been a month from #InTheHeights Grand Finale in Japan!!! I had a blast this past summer / fall surrounded with talented & unique performers at Broadway Musical, In The Heights!! Another one for the books✅🙏🏽❤️❤️
IN THE HEIGHTS 2024・完㊗️㊗️㊗️
演出・振り付けのTETSUHARU @tetsuharumasuda さんの元でまた沢山学べて作品の作り方やステージングなど、直近で勉強させてもらい、沢山刺激を受けました!✨✨
音楽監督の廉さん、そしてバンマスの葵ちゃん @aoitanaka0202 率いるミュージシャンの皆様からも毎日刺激を受けまくりした😍
そして今回は本番中に誕生日を迎える事が出来て、沢山の人に祝ってもらい、感無量でした。🥹キャスト、ミュージシャンズ、スタッフさん皆さんから頂いたバースデービデオメッセージ😭‼️感動過ぎました泣 集めてくれたMy sis @tokolefty ありがとう🥹❤️ 改めて私の周りには素敵な人達、仲間が沢山いる💓感謝の気持ちを胸にまた精進して行きたいです!
そして、忙しい中観劇しに来てくれた皆様、My Fam,本当に有り難うございました️‼️❤️大千穐楽でのスペシャルカーテンコールはライブの様で、最幸でした❤️🔥
Everyday, Paciencia Y Fe!!!
#InTheHeights #インザハイツ #Musical #Closing #Grateful #Blessed #Japan #NY2JP #washingtonheights #Wepa #highlights #ハイライト
129 9 21 days ago
Thank you so much, @choreographers_carnival , for having us and letting us represent Nyc the WE ALL WE GOT/STRYKE FORCE way!!!! I'm super proud of our team. They always super hard every week and also push to be on that next level.
We are going to keep growing and spreading that love for dance until every inch of this planet!!!!
Carey and Paulette, thank you guys again!!!
@kingdatdancinkat - Appreciate the intro bro bro!!🙏🙏🙏
@kellypetersnyc - Thanks for always showing love to the fam!!!
#Carnival #grateful
115 5 a month ago
@we.all.we.got you the see name and you see the team, but are you ready handle what were bringing to the table!!! Will see!!!! Moozonnneeee!!!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
Check our next performance at @choreographers_carnival
on NOV 13TH at @lprnyc
#weallwegot #Strykeforceeion #STRYKEFORCEENT #NYC #tokebabe #hardwork
90 6 a month ago
No Me Diga with @tokolefty & @tokebabe 💅🏽🩷
#エリアンナ #Eliana
#InTheHeights #インザハイツ #NoMeDiga #ノメディガ #InTheHeightsMovie #InTheHeightsMusical #インザハイツ2024 #踊ってみた #ミュージカル #fyp #fypシ #foryoupage
413 8 2 months ago
Happy 🎂 to ME!🤎🖤
Words can’t explain how much I’m so grateful and have beautiful people around me and able to do what I love everyday… Gratitude💓 I had a best birthday!!! Had a show then 2 workshops back to back on my bday!😆😆 So excited for what the new year got installed for me🥳
#happybirthdaytome #birthdaygirl #grateful #1020 #libragang #libraseason #October20 #speechless #bigsmile #gratitude