uncle_kegInstagram Profile


Craig Shaffer

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Craig Shaffer Profile Information

@uncle_keg on Instagram have full name is Craig Shaffer. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by uncle_keg on Instagram. Read More...

Happy 2nd Birthday Fiona!!!🥳🥳🥳
I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. You are my best friend, my adventure partner, my passenger princess, and my rock. I am beyond lucky to have you on all these adventures. You light up my day each and every day, and I love you so very much!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday Fiona!!!🥳🥳🥳 I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. You are my best friend, my adventure partner, my passenger princess, and my rock. I am beyond lucky to have you on all these adventures. You light up my day each and every day, and I love you so very much!!!
98 10 6 months ago
Lynxin’ around on a blue bird day 😎 
@lynx_snowmobiles #necking #tahoe #laketahoe #lynxsnowmobiles
Lynxin’ around on a blue bird day 😎 @lynx_snowmobiles #necking #tahoe #laketahoe #lynxsnowmobiles
71 10 10 months ago
Happy First Birthday Fiona 🎉🥳❤️
To my adventure partner, my best friend, and the best girl anyone could ask for. It’s been a crazy year, but each and every day you have been a shining light, always happy to see me and be around everyone. You have grown quickly, to the tall, lanky, loving, goofball that you are. But my love for you has grown even faster. I love you Bambi.
Happy First Birthday Fiona 🎉🥳❤️ To my adventure partner, my best friend, and the best girl anyone could ask for. It’s been a crazy year, but each and every day you have been a shining light, always happy to see me and be around everyone. You have grown quickly, to the tall, lanky, loving, goofball that you are. But my love for you has grown even faster. I love you Bambi.
85 6 2 years ago
Costa Rica was pretty wild! Glad my first out of the country experience was with this crazy bunch. Happy 30th Troy! It was a trip for the books. Never let me go back 😂…
#costarica #jaco #gringovacation #travel #deepseafishing #crocodile
Costa Rica was pretty wild! Glad my first out of the country experience was with this crazy bunch. Happy 30th Troy! It was a trip for the books. Never let me go back 😂… #costarica #jaco #gringovacation #travel #deepseafishing #crocodile
71 5 2 years ago
Took this little one home today! Welcome Miss Fiona Shaffer!
Took this little one home today! Welcome Miss Fiona Shaffer!
77 13 2 years ago
Today was a very tough day. A hero of mine passed away. My grandfather, Bebop, a truly great man, is now in a better place. Matt and I were beyond lucky to have him as a grandfather. From all the sporting games, to the graduations, skiing and snowboarding competitions, hospital visits, and so much more. Him and my grandmother were always there, showing us love and support. I learned so much from him. What it means to be a humble man, how to try and do right to the ones you love and total strangers alike. He made people laugh, he made people smile. A decorated veteran, an amazing husband, an amazing father, and an incredible grandfather. Bebop you will be forever missed and never forgotten.
Today was a very tough day. A hero of mine passed away. My grandfather, Bebop, a truly great man, is now in a better place. Matt and I were beyond lucky to have him as a grandfather. From all the sporting games, to the graduations, skiing and snowboarding competitions, hospital visits, and so much more. Him and my grandmother were always there, showing us love and support. I learned so much from him. What it means to be a humble man, how to try and do right to the ones you love and total strangers alike. He made people laugh, he made people smile. A decorated veteran, an amazing husband, an amazing father, and an incredible grandfather. Bebop you will be forever missed and never forgotten.
94 30 3 years ago
Another Sand Mountain trip, with an incredible group of people. Lots, and lots of throttle therapy!
Another Sand Mountain trip, with an incredible group of people. Lots, and lots of throttle therapy!
78 4 3 years ago
Always enjoy the view. 
📸: @general3298
Always enjoy the view. #mollysmotorcycleclub 📸: @general3298
39 1 3 years ago
Dirt Days. 
📸: @shaffe_daddy
Dirt Days. 📸: @shaffe_daddy
68 5 3 years ago
Today is the 10th anniversary of the gnarliest day of my life. My family and I went through something that changed us all. I think about that day, everyday. I look and see the scars on my body. I feel the chronic pain associated with my injuries. I always wonder why I survived, why I was so lucky. I wonder how I am able to still walk, talk, and do the things that I do. I changed that day. I became a very different man. I am beyond lucky to be here telling this story. Life has been challenging me a lot lately. Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life dishes us out more than we think we can handle. When things get hard, I always look back on that day. It is amazing what someone can overcome and achieve when they are surrounded by people who love them. People who truly believe in them. Thank you to the people who love and support me. Thank you to my family, and friends for believing in me. Thank you to the people who saved my life. I am forever grateful.
Today is the 10th anniversary of the gnarliest day of my life. My family and I went through something that changed us all. I think about that day, everyday. I look and see the scars on my body. I feel the chronic pain associated with my injuries. I always wonder why I survived, why I was so lucky. I wonder how I am able to still walk, talk, and do the things that I do. I changed that day. I became a very different man. I am beyond lucky to be here telling this story. Life has been challenging me a lot lately. Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life dishes us out more than we think we can handle. When things get hard, I always look back on that day. It is amazing what someone can overcome and achieve when they are surrounded by people who love them. People who truly believe in them. Thank you to the people who love and support me. Thank you to my family, and friends for believing in me. Thank you to the people who saved my life. I am forever grateful.
139 32 3 years ago
Good day of brapping with the homies. Shooting for the sky! 🚀⛽️
📸: @buckyshreds 
#honda #nevada #dirtbikes
Good day of brapping with the homies. Shooting for the sky! 🚀⛽️ 📸: @buckyshreds #honda #nevada #dirtbikes
41 8 4 years ago
Some snow, soft dirt, a fast bike, and a good homie to rip with makes for an extremely fun day. 
📸: @buckyshreds
 #hondacrf250r #dirtbikes #snow #nevada
Some snow, soft dirt, a fast bike, and a good homie to rip with makes for an extremely fun day. 📸: @buckyshreds #hondacrf250r #dirtbikes #snow #nevada
68 5 4 years ago