@vitaliyhavrylyuk on Instagram have full name is Vitaliy Havrylyuk. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by vitaliyhavrylyuk on Instagram. Read More...
@mizzymilesx FIM DO NADA ft. @zaragvb & @toytoytrex directed by @goncaloxz ๐ซก
Very proud to present this as our first project done locally in Portugal ๐ต๐น where I had the opportunity to be the VFX Supervisor and Lead Artist alongside my talented colleagues @parn3 and @bmd.3d ๐
Enjoy a couple breakdowns ๐ ๏ธ
Full credits on my website
1.5K 41 a year ago
Work done for @muglerofficial starring @hunterschafer directed by @quentin.deronzier ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
I had the pleasure of being part of this team and working on some amazing city scenes and nebula shots alongside the rest of this amazing team. ๐๐
Head of Post Producer - Francฬงoise HERNANDEZ @francoise_georgetteprod
Post-Producer โ Laurence Lelong @misslo.lelong
Post-Producer - Ceฬcile HUBIN @millchannel_paris
VFX Supervisor - Patrick BENNAR
3D Supervisor - Julien Missaire @julien.missaire
Color grading - Arthur Paux @arthurpaux
Post-Production assistant - Alexandre Parent
Assistant editor - Emilien DENIS @ifeelfreaky
Editor - Quentin KWIATKOWSKI @quentinkwiat
Flame - Anthony Lestremau @thermostat7
Flame - Aureฬlien Tuerai
3D - Bruno Dias @bmd.3d
3D - Vitaliy Havrylyuk @vitaliyhavrylyuk
Full credits on my website.
245 22 2 years ago
Work done last year for @universityofbc new campaign - Forward Happens Here - directed by Jonah Haber and produced by BOLDLY and TAXI.
A bit late to post but a super fun project.
Huge thanks to @vonpb for the help with the tree hologram ๐ฒ
Agency: TAXI @taxiagency
Production Co: BOLDLY @filmboldly
Director: Jonah Haber @jonahaber
Cinematographer: Dennis Grishnin @dennisgrishnin
Photographer: Bill Hawley @bhawleyphoto
Executive Producer: Sebastien Galina, Kristoff Duxbury, Shelby Manton @shelbymanton, Geoff Manton @geoffreymanton
Producer: Sebastien Galina @sebastiengalina
Producer: Kristoff Duxbury @kristoffduxbury
Production Manager: Angelica Stirpe @pbandjelly
1st AD: Tamara Black @tamarajblack
Gaffer: Corey Jacques @cojax_industries
Board Op & Program: @lxandrew@alternatingcurrent.lx
Production Designer: Matt Carson @mattymakesart
Production Designers: Robin Nielsen @robin_nielsen & Danielle Stott-Roy @stottroy
Post Supervisor: Sebastien Galina
3D: Vitaliy Havrylyuk @vitaliyhavrylyuk
Colourist: Sam Gilling at Cycle Media @sgllng
Sound Design & Mix: Matt Drake at Elemental Post @mdrake08
Breakdown song: Nice 2 Know U 1.5.3 by @flume
#vfx #cg #3d #simulation #breakdown #cgibreakdown #cinema4d #aftereffects #octanerender #hologram #ubc #hud #scifi @deredestudios
174 5 2 years ago
Had the amazing opportunity of contributing with this little full CG clip for @theweeknd x @avatar music video of "Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) directed by @quentin.deronzier ๐ฅ
Production : @la_pac
Director - Quentin Deronzier
USA rep: @larkcreative
DOP - @erikolovhenriksson
Producer - @annasunwalker
Line Producer - @charlesestdanslapub
Production Coordinator - Jeฬreฬmy Laidi
Art director - @bastieny
Storyboard - @terpent.cyril
Prod service : @taprodbangkok
John Buch - Executive Producer
Louis Dichapat - Executive Producer
Line producer - Kevin Vivis Visithsiri
Production Manager / Ake Tantirittisak
Production Coordinator / Kiki Thongsuthum
1stAD/ OSawantrat
Costume Superviser / Katae Boonkhao
1st AC / Kecha Klinjun
Gaffer / Yak Luprasong
Key Grip / Chet Surasangwan
Props Master / Ning Chutiwattanasin
Drone Operator / Gus Wataniyasakul
Sfx Supervisor / Pong taechathummarak
Stunt Co / Pao Pittayanukit
Service production company Los Angeles :
DOP LA shots - @frankmobilio
Post Producer : @francoise_georgetteprod
Editor : Hugo Beฬron
Assistant Editor : Emilien Denis
Colorist : @arthurpaux
Assistant Colorist : Etienne Glaudeix & Salman Laudier
Sound Design : @felower__
VFX Studio : Firm
VFX Postproducer : Meฬlanie Teixeira
VFX Supervisor : Anthony Lestremau @thermostat7
Flame Artists : Anthony Lestremau, Olivier Zibret & Cyril Sozzi
After Effect Artists : Lucas Latil & Maxime Leturcq
3D Artist : @julien.missaire & @vitaliyhavrylyuk
301 19 2 years ago
Full CG environment for @verbundag directed by @federicogardin ๐๏ธ๐
Breakdown to the right ๐
Super fun working on this! It has been a while since I did any kind of big scale natural environments so it was great working on them again!
Agency: Heimat
Director: Federico Gardin
Production company: PPMNEXT
Executive Producer: Sebastian Larrosa
Creative Director: Alex Hofmann
Motion Designer: Daniel Martin
3D Artist: Vitaliy Havrylyuk
Music + SFX: Smider Agency
#vfx #cg #3d #enviornment #mountains #alps #austria #simulation #breakdown #cgibreakdown #cinema4d #aftereffects #octanerender @deredestudios
Breakdown music by Kenny Beats
209 11 2 years ago
Had the pleasure of doing some VFX shots for @chriswattsofficial new music video "Fortune Cookie" ๐ฅ
#music #musicvideo #vfx #vfxbreakdown #makingof #cinematography #breaking #simulated #cinema4d #aftereffects #octanerender #3D @bmd.3d@deredestudios
217 9 2 years ago
"LCD (Liquid Ceystal Disease)" - My follow up NFT is now out exactly one year after my first ๐ , available at @withfoundation
LCD (Liquid Crystal Disease) - Remastered & Animated version of daily artwork Nยบ 527/730 - โLCD (Liquid Crystal Disease)" from the 21st of November 2016.
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
โ Frank Lloyd Wright
#NFT #3d #cinema4d #motiongraphics #motiondesign #sounddesign #cgi #octanerender #mountains #dailyart #aftereffects #tessellate
231 14 3 years ago
Teaser for @muzzhq new release โ๏ธโ๏ธ
#3d #motiongraphics #vfx #cgi #cinema4d #volumetrics #fog #vdb #octanerender #aftereffects #render #visualeffects #warehouse
104 2 3 years ago
We had the opportunity of creating the launch trailer for @1001filmsproduction โจโจ
This was a pretty special one where all the scene are full CG and definitely wouldn't have been possible without the help of @bmd.3d@vonpb & Michael Bokatius ๐
#3d #motiongraphics #vfx #octanerender #cinema4d #aftereffects #trailer #dubai #tokyo #nyc #timessquare #paris #eiffeltower @motiongraphics_collective@motiondesigners@deredestudios #tessellate
124 16 3 years ago
Couple renders of the character created for one of @metrikmusic new vj loops!
Shout-out to @dzajkoo for getting me to learn substance painter ๐๐ [still learning ๐]
#3d #metrik #character #robot #cyberpunk #futuristic #cyborg #ghostintheshell #cinema4d #octanerender #photoshop #motiongraphics #motiondesign #tessellate
And here's a quick breakdown of a few VFX shots for the @tylershawmusic music video ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ
Thanks to @bmd.3d for the edit.
#3D #motiongraphics #VFX #breakdown #vfxbreakdown #cinema4d #octanerender @otoy #aftereffects #render #visualeffects #butterfly #music #musicvideo
Song by @djkozeofficial