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On 26 and 27 November director and set designer Philippe Quesne and his Vivarium Studio will take us to the “The Garden of Delights” – a theatre production which celebrated its world premiere at Festival d’Avignon 2023 and is now featured in our Performing Arts Season.

In an inhospitable, stony environment, a group of eight travellers step out of a white bus and immediately begin to explore and shape their surroundings. They draw on the treasure trove of memories from centuries of high and popular culture and in the end, all eight protagonists seem to have landed in Hieronymus Bosch’s painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights” itself. Until the group continues its journey after around 100 minutes, they imagine another world for themselves in their dreams, intertwining memory, friendship, landscape and theatre, opposing fear with a passive but purposeful resistance.

The Garden of Delights
Philippe Quesne / Vivarium Studio
26 & 27 November at Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Details & Tickets:
Trailer: © Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne #PhilippeQuesne #VivariumStudio #TheGardenOfDelights #BerlinerFestspiele
On 26 and 27 November director and set designer Philippe Quesne and his Vivarium Studio will take us to the “The Garden of Delights” – a theatre production which celebrated its world premiere at Festival d’Avignon 2023 and is now featured in our Performing Arts Season. In an inhospitable, stony environment, a group of eight travellers step out of a white bus and immediately begin to explore and shape their surroundings. They draw on the treasure trove of memories from centuries of high and popular culture and in the end, all eight protagonists seem to have landed in Hieronymus Bosch’s painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights” itself. Until the group continues its journey after around 100 minutes, they imagine another world for themselves in their dreams, intertwining memory, friendship, landscape and theatre, opposing fear with a passive but purposeful resistance. The Garden of Delights Philippe Quesne / Vivarium Studio 26 & 27 November at Haus der Berliner Festspiele Details & Tickets: #PerformingArtsSeason ____ Trailer: © Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne #PhilippeQuesne #VivariumStudio #TheGardenOfDelights #BerlinerFestspiele
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