@westdeantapestrystudio on Instagram have full name is West Dean Tapestry Studio. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by westdeantapestrystudio on Instagram. Read More...
This week we welcomed back our second year students for Unit 4 of the Tapestry Foundation @westdeantapestrystudio@westdeancollege
Unit four is all about dyeing yarn using the established methods of Acid Milling and Procion dyes to more experimental techniques using Dylon and other materials to colour yarns. The sessions were very "industrious" resulting in a broad range of dyed wool, cotton, linen and paper yarns. Great to see everyone, looking forward to seeing how the yarns are used!
Today, we have wound on 5.5m of warp onto our low warp loom, using handy 2litre bottles to help give an even tension
Tomorrow, we'll thread all 550 warps, through the reed and onto the heddles✨️
134 9 4 months ago
✨Weave the dream✨ Spend two years in one of the few UK tapestry studios crafting one of a kind pieces and taking your craft to a new level!
Last spaces remaining for the 2024 intake of the Foundation Diploma in Tapestry Weaving, the deadline for applications is 8 July! Apply via link in bio 🔗
📸 1-2: FdA Tapestry student, @lucyrowanweaving
📸 3-6: FdA student work, @westdeantapestrystudio
#TapestryWeaving #Weaving #FibreArt #Textiles #WeavingWorkshop #WeavingTapestry #WestDeanCollege #WestDeanTapestryStudio #WovenTapestry #CreateArt #ContemporaryTapestry #TapestryFoundation #TextileArt #TextileWeaving #WeaveYourArt #FiberCrafts #ArtOfWeaving #HandWoven #TraditionalMethods
414 6 6 months ago
The Tapestry Studio relocated to Farnham's @craftsstudycentre today to demonstrate the technique of tapestry weaving to visitors of the excellent exhibition Mary Farmer:A Life In Tapestry.
Thank you to everyone who attended,we had some great conversations about Mary and her work and all things tapestry.
We will be back in July, check the Crafts Study Centre website for details.
Many thanks to Stephen and the team for making us feel at home.
93 3 6 months ago
We're keeping a secret in the studio🤫
New warp is ready for dressing the loom very soon
89 3 6 months ago
The Empress of the Insects is off the loom and having the warp ends stitched back, ready for hanging🪲
107 2 7 months ago
Not often on view, the back of a tapestry is just interesting as the front✨️
After removing the cartoon, squashed ends are revealed, ready to be cut once the tapestry is off of the loom.
Images show the full back and details of 'Empress of the Insects dressed for her Midsummer Night's Ball'
133 7 7 months ago
This week, we have been demonstrating weaving and talking all things Tapestry, West Dean, and the future of craft as part of @craftworks.show at @shoreditchth for @londoncraftweek
The sample created is influenced by a wallpaper sample in the archive @westdeancollege and uses a tapestry technique favourite, half passes💙💛
110 1 7 months ago
Many congratulations to the seventh group of Tapestry Foundation students for completing their sixth and final unit. It's been a pleasure working with you all and seeing the ideas and work evolving. All the best for future projects, we will miss you!!
Zoe Watson
Jane Hardy
Suzanne Lemieux
72 0 8 months ago
Tantalising glimpses of the current project on the loom. The tapestry is a translation of 'The Empress of The Insects Dressed For Her Midsummer Nights Ball' a drawing made by Edward James dated June 22nd 1983.
The tapestry was the focus of a live weaving demonstration on the West Dean stand at the London Art Fair in January 2020.
In the original drawing the Empress is placed on a white ground, this provided us with an opportunity to make a shaped tapestry. The wrapped edge gives stability whilst echoing James' drawn line.
The tapestry will soon be cut from the loom and we will begin the task of sewing back the warp ends!
125 6 8 months ago
We are celebrating International Womens Day by highlighting a range of projects woven in the studio for women artists.
Eva-Louise Svensson gets a special mention as it was her work with Mary Moore that lead to the creation of the Professional Tapestry Studio at West Dean.
The studio has also translated work by Eileen Agar, Rebecca Salter, Eileen Mayo Emma Biggs (of Biggs and Collings) and Eva Rothschild
1. Eva -Louise Svensson
2. Eileen Agar Figures In a Garden woven by Dilys Stinson and Joan Baxter
3. Rebecca Salter Woven by Philip Sanderson
4. Eileen Mayo (weaving in progress) Woven by Margaret Jones and Emma Straw
5. Biggs and Collings Uncovered woven by Katharine Swailes.
6. Fallowfield by Eva Rothschild woven by Ellie Rudd and Philip Sanderson