Do you believe in karma? As souls, our true home is in a spiritual world. A space of universal harmony, love, compassion, forgiveness and peace. Reincarnation means the soul returns to earth in a new body after death. Most of us think our current life situation is all there is. Not so long ago, I had a profound experience in which I really connected with my soul for the first time. It was such a light-bulb moment that totally changed my understanding of life and death. I wish you could appreciate every single day on this beautiful planet. Learn and grow from the difficulties in our lives, instead of suffering through them. Just remember, we are souls who come to earth for specific reasons. Namasté ♥️🙏🏻💫 Book recommendation: Wisdom of Souls by the Michael Newton Institute Special thanks to my dear friend @matildesan I also want to thank @sonjasternitzke @fabfoto5010 @frau.jgn and last but not least my brother @sanjay.khan80 for accompanying me on this beautiful journey through India. #peopleoftheworld #discoverindia #leicaworld #atlasofhumanity #streets_storytelling #yourshotphotographer #streetphotographyinternational #leicaq2
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