🪞👁 in a world where god’s existence is proven by swedish scientists comes:
“Life and Death of God”
Thanks to an excepcional team 💫
Script & Direction Nik Azad
Assistent Direction Sophia Sachs
Production Nik Azad & Eleanor Großhennig
Assistent Production Emery Escher, Zoe Kern, Josiane Mccartney
Storyboard Renée Valerie Rieseneberg
Director of Photography Leander Büge
Light Lili Krasteva
Light Assistant
Set Design
Set Design Assistents
@kloudwan @a.berlinista @mayarattia Jasper Tsang
Make up Hannah Lohr
Edition Lukas Sydney Loßdörfer
Color edition Noel Lardon
Sound Aleksei Komasa
Sound record
#setdesignerslife #setdesign #setdesigner #setdecorator #film #shortfilm #god #setlife #berlin #movie