timmasick Instagram Profile


10 months ago

NYX cosmetics - Duck Plump

 If you didn’t make it past the QR code, here is the full spot 💋

Agency: @mccann_mw
Directors: @quinnk + Paul Hunter
DP: @marcellrev
Prod. Co: @prettybirdpic
Editor: @_katiecali @thedeneditorial 
VFX: No6
Music: @jsm_music
Mix: Revolve Audio
Color Producer @ryanmoncrief8 @company_3

#CardiB #ForLipsOnly #SuperBowlLVIII
NYX cosmetics - Duck Plump If you didn’t make it past the QR code, here is the full spot 💋

Agency: @mccann_mw
Directors: @quinnk + Paul Hunter
DP: @marcellrev
Prod. Co: @prettybirdpic Editor: @_katiecali @thedeneditorial 
VFX: No6
Music: @jsm_music
Mix: Revolve Audio Color Producer @ryanmoncrief8 @company_3 #CardiB #ForLipsOnly #SuperBowlLVIII
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