Presenting “Lost in Paradise,” a short film and photo series by New York-based director Jordi Perez for Anna Kikue.
This story intricately explores the fleeting yet profound moments within a relationship’s tapestry, capturing tender interactions between a young couple against the backdrop of a New York summer. Featuring timeless designs from multiple Anna Kikue collections, the project delves into themes of connection and intimacy, inviting reflection on the unspoken instances of longing, vulnerability, and release that define our relationships.
Explore the full campaign now live on
Director: Jordi Perez
DP: Robert Newman
Prod Company: Buena Vista Road
Producer: Sabrina Alvarez
Talent: Alex Jon
@bewarelx & Tomika Uy
Casting Agency: ITBOY AGENCY
First Asst. Camera: Max Shwarz
Steadicam Op: David Darlington
Gaffer: Santiago Vanegas
Hair and Makeup: Tatiana Smalls
Jewelry: Anna Kikue
Editor: Ethan Santana
Sound Design: Oscar Chiu
Visual Design: Osorio Reyes
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