Musicfilm for Levin Liam - Leben Lang @levinliamlevin
directed by the cineaste himself @aysanlamby
One of the projects where everything just comes together seamlessly thanks to a creative vision and many beautiful people. Couldn't have enjoyed this more. Here are some snippets and beautiful BTS by @j_guitarra
Shot on 35mm Vision3 5219 @kodak_shootfilm
Directed by Aysan Lamby @aysanlamby
DoP: 🌻
Exec. Producer: Louis Pawlik @louispwlk
Video produced by silkrock
BTS shot by @j_guitarra
1st AD: Lenja Hansen @lenjha
Prod. Assistant: Luzie Lawrenz @lulawrenz
Prod. Assistant: Danny Chitanta @dan.chitanta
Steadicam: Kevin Bose @steadikev
1st AC: Emrah Celik @emrahcel1
2nd AC: Mina Büker
Gaffer: Avner Eisenstein @avnereisenstein
Beleuchter: Luc Brocker @luc.brocker
Light Assistant: Gerrit Fahr @gerritfahr
Light Assistant: Maurice Cannon @maui.cannon
Styling: Matteo Becker @matteobecker
H&M: Alicia Porsche @tollkirschen
O-Ton: Tunahan Bilgin @tunahanemre
Casting: Özlem Duyan @oezlem.jpeg
Set Design: Thabo Paul @thabeaux
Prod. Assistant & Set PA: Joy Obi
Set Photography: Jumandy Guitarra @j_guitarra
Edit: Yannic Nixdorf @y_nixi
Grading: Andrea Gomez @annie_colorist
Sound: Pierre Kirchhoff @peatk._41
Title Design: Valentin Hansen @valentinhansen94
Fotograf HH Studio: Elijah Ofosu @elijaofosu
Fotograf BLN Studio: Nico Thiel @nicolasmariathiel
Location Scout: Plush74 @plush.74
Grafik Pappaufsteller: Tom Nau
Huge Thanks to:
Vantage Rental @vantagefilmofficial
Silbersalz Berlin @silbersalz.cinelab
CineGate @cinegate_
Ratskeller Schöneberg
SoHo House Berlin @sohohouse