Presenting CSLA’s custom designed Angenieux Classic 27-128mm T3.4 Full Frame Zoom 

-1 Part Angenieux 17-80mm T2.2
-1 Part our Favorite Expander (after thorough testing)
-Sprinkle a Detune throughout the lens (5 places, but keep the effect subtle)
-Rehouse and rescale Focus/Iris/Zoom

Voila! Perfect range for arm car or studio jobs shooting on large format. 

Thank you to director @georgiatribuiani for helping design the logo (she also crafted the CSLA logo 12 years ago!)

#fullframe, #angenieuxclassic, #sonyvenice, #alexaminilf, #largeformatoptics, #vintageoptics
Presenting CSLA’s custom designed Angenieux Classic 27-128mm T3.4 Full Frame Zoom -1 Part Angenieux 17-80mm T2.2 -1 Part our Favorite Expander (after thorough testing) -Sprinkle a Detune throughout the lens (5 places, but keep the effect subtle) -Rehouse and rescale Focus/Iris/Zoom Voila! Perfect range for arm car or studio jobs shooting on large format. Thank you to director @georgiatribuiani for helping design the logo (she also crafted the CSLA logo 12 years ago!) #fullframe, #angenieuxclassic, #sonyvenice, #alexaminilf, #largeformatoptics, #vintageoptics
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