Went to Scotland and learned a ton of new things some of which are non verbal/embodied (shoutout 2 the Druid spirits u know who u r) and some of which I could share but am choosing to gatekeep (klonopin + sauv blanc is 👍 4 ✈️, one CAN eat too many fries, comedians hustle way too hard given the impending climate apocalypse, god is he/him.) u could say
@mogills &
@ibethencourt also dropped a ton of wisdom on my a$$ but we’ll deal w that at a later date, once I speak w lawyers.
in a shocking turn of events, it appears that people have really fascinating things to share if I shut the fuck up. not sure what to do with that info given ego, etc.
But most importantly: my rain coat! Y’all/FOLX/You guys!!! Seriously it is a good investment!!!!! (slide 1 is the front, slide 10 is the back.)