“Gonna love you, yes I am! You’re the reason why I love a man”
Watch ‘In The Rhythm’ directed by @samuelmcguire staring pro skater Chandler Burton @big_nakie & his boyfriend skater Mike Lema @beanie_weeenie
Watch it + Get the track - Link in BIOG
In The Rhythm - written-composed-produced by Jamie Irrepressible
Recorded by @therealstuartavery & @twemproducer@wearespiritstudios & @hopemillrecordingstudios.
Mixed by @twemproducer
Violins performed by @elliotlyte
Cello performed by @_becca_thomas
Drums performed by @ben_kelly__ & @twemproducer
Main Guitars, bass, percussion, BVs - Jamie Irrepressible
Guitar feedback&licks @stevepopp
BVs - dommylaws & Chris Royle
#theirrepressibles #indierock #grunge #queerrock #skatelife #homorock #lgbtqmusic #homolove #shoegaze #queergaze