•Hold Your Breathe• Just in time for the spooky season. Be sure to catch this emotional thriller streaming today on @hulu Directors I Karrie Crouse & Will Joines DP I @zoewhite Editor I Luke Ciarrocchi Colorist I @timmasick Color Assistants | @andrewmirm & @nickdaukas Finishing Editor I @nicholas__figueroa Finishing Producer I @gobetz Deliverables Producer | Joe Monge Associate Deliverables Producer | @morganconroy Head of Production I @mikemaida_co3 @company_3 #company3ny #sarahpaulson #ebonmossbachrach #holdyourbreathe #dust #hulu #searchlight #halloween #spooky #thriller #scary #color #colorcorrection #finishing #filmfinishing #editor #resolve #davinciresolve #film
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