2024 - Lighting Test #15
Going to start doing more lighting diagrams! Pretty simple set up this time; keyed from cam left with a tube light. I ran out of stands for diffusion frames, so I threw on a pool noodle. This created a problem where the noodle increased the general spill of the light, so I used some gaff tape to act as barn doors/an egg crate
Improvised some neg by using a black table cloth that was lying around. The practical lamp in the background had some light that was hitting the wall, so I decided to remove it by draping a t-shirt on top of the lamp
Grade was inspired by Long Legs. I threw on some halation + grain bc I liked the extra texture too
#cinematography #cinematographer #filmmaking #filmmaker #filmlighting #dop #panasonic #bts #nanlite #nanlux #colorgrading #davinciresolve