Over the past weekend, the 2024
@fashiontrustarabia awards revealed its newest winners, all of whom represent the shining future of the creative landscape in the Arab world. As part of its ongoing support for regional fashion designers,
@voguearabia curated a special editorial featuring the prize winners to showcase their talents on a global scale.
To bring the vision to life, we asked Moroccan-Egyptian supermodel
@imaanhammam to star on our #November2024 digital cover, lensed by none other than Moroccan photographer
@mouslamrabat , in Marrakech.
It literally took an army to work on this, so thank you everyone. Shoutout to
@martahraoui and
Fashion director:
Hair: hoshounkpatin
Production: mariejuncker
Production assistant:
@douaaiftahy @massinissadelrif
Light direction: Thomas Clodine-Florent
First assistant: Jacopo Marconi
Special thanks: