It’s no surprise that one of my favorite people created another of my favorite people, and among these favorites is Auntie Nana, too. The beauty these ladies radiate from within surpasses even their outer beauty—an incredible feat, considering they’re truly some of the most stunning women I’ve ever known.

And finally after all these years I got to put my Art History degree to use! My niece seemed genuinely interested in The Diego Rivera Court at the Detroit Institute of Art and example of Mexican Muralism. (Was she humoring me?)

Did You Know? 

- This mural is highlighting racial integration in Detroit’s workforce during segregation.

- It portrays both the benefits and dangers of industrialization.

- Depicts Aztec mythology, likening factories to the Earth’s womb.

- Diego Rivera’s self-portrait is hidden in the murals. And his wife Frida Khalo worked along side him. 

- It also depicts vaccine production, which highlights science’s role in public health.

- It took him 8 months of working 15 hour days to complete it. 


#nerdalert #detroit #dia #detroitinstituteofart #niece #arthistory #bestfriends #grateful #art #autiejoy #diegorivera
It’s no surprise that one of my favorite people created another of my favorite people, and among these favorites is Auntie Nana, too. The beauty these ladies radiate from within surpasses even their outer beauty—an incredible feat, considering they’re truly some of the most stunning women I’ve ever known. And finally after all these years I got to put my Art History degree to use! My niece seemed genuinely interested in The Diego Rivera Court at the Detroit Institute of Art and example of Mexican Muralism. (Was she humoring me?) Did You Know? - This mural is highlighting racial integration in Detroit’s workforce during segregation. - It portrays both the benefits and dangers of industrialization. - Depicts Aztec mythology, likening factories to the Earth’s womb. - Diego Rivera’s self-portrait is hidden in the murals. And his wife Frida Khalo worked along side him. - It also depicts vaccine production, which highlights science’s role in public health. - It took him 8 months of working 15 hour days to complete it. 🤓 . . . #nerdalert #detroit #dia #detroitinstituteofart #niece #arthistory #bestfriends #grateful #art #autiejoy #diegorivera
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