All of the background material outlining PJ Harvey’s creative process for the album ‘I Inside the Old Year Dying’, song by song, is now available on the website. Before now, this insightful background material has been shared only with the mailing list community.

Explore handwritten drafts, song progressions, and notes from PJH’s studio notebook, alongside exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from the studio created by @stevegullick, offering a deeper look into the making of the songs - link in profile.
All of the background material outlining PJ Harvey’s creative process for the album ‘I Inside the Old Year Dying’, song by song, is now available on the website. Before now, this insightful background material has been shared only with the mailing list community. Explore handwritten drafts, song progressions, and notes from PJH’s studio notebook, alongside exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from the studio created by @stevegullick, offering a deeper look into the making of the songs - link in profile.
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