" Get Off The Cross
We Need The Wood" acrylic , oil stick , ink on canvas 61" X 61"
by Danny Minnick.
Got inspired by Pablo Picasso's "Le Tremplin" which means: the diving board.
Without checking if there was water in the pool, I just took the plunge. I had to.
Can't over think. Act. Life is action. I paint. I skate. I paint. It just comes out of me.
I think about it after it's on the canvas. In my head, someone speaks at a meeting They rant, they rave. They tell war stories, they pontificate. So, I just close my eyes.
No more sanctimony, Tony! Should I say something? Nah fuck it, I'll just think it— Get off the cross, we need the wood! I keep my eyes closed, it's a whole lot of air...
I smile. I'm on a diving board, waiting for Pablo to do his Triple-Lindy. I smile more.
The meeting's over. I live another day. I feel the love I have for my wife and child & forever friend⚡️
I paint. I skate. I paint.
Life is good. #DannyMinnick #pablopicasso