Nat Wolff has two acclaimed studio albums under his belt and a third in the works alongside his brother Alex as Nat & Alex Wolff – @natandalex. Side-by-side on their tour bus parked up in Baltimore, for The HERO Winter Annual 2024 the Wolff brothers sit down for the kind of frenzied conversation only siblings can have. ⁠
Photography @christopherpetrus⁠
Fashion @samwknoll⁠
Introduction @alexjamestaylor⁠
Grooming @nettyjordan @forwardartists⁠
Photography assistant @laylaplaseno⁠
Fashion assistants @_____morgansmith @megapixelmemorybox
Nat Wolff has two acclaimed studio albums under his belt and a third in the works alongside his brother Alex as Nat & Alex Wolff – @natandalex. Side-by-side on their tour bus parked up in Baltimore, for The HERO Winter Annual 2024 the Wolff brothers sit down for the kind of frenzied conversation only siblings can have. ⁠ ⁠ Photography @christopherpetrus⁠ Fashion @samwknoll⁠ Introduction @alexjamestaylor⁠ Grooming @nettyjordan @forwardartists⁠ Photography assistant @laylaplaseno⁠ Fashion assistants @_____morgansmith @megapixelmemorybox
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