⭐️Mini advent calendar⭐️ - one book a day for a week
Our last work is “Tokyo Mystery Café”. It is a series of investigations which takes place in Tokyo.
Hoping to find work as mangaka, Nahel has gone to Japan. But his hopes are dashed by the challenges he faces on arrival in Tokyo. Finding somewhere to live isn’t too hard, but setting up a studio and finding a publisher soon appear to be insurmountable obstacles. And when his neighbor is abducted and he himself pursued, he discovers a whole new aspect to life in the city. Fortunately, he runs into Soba, an unconventional young college student, and meets a strange restaurant owner who offers his customers the very best in Japanese cuisine… and his services as a P.I.
Tucked away down an anonymous alleyway in the shadow of Tokyo’s skyscrapers, you will find the Mystery Café. Push open the door and take a seat at the counter: here, the eccentric owner offers not only his fine cuisine, but also his services as a detective...
Each volume is self-conclusive. The story is aimed at a family audience, from children to adults. the French version is available at
@dupuis_bd and a digital English version is available on amazon.
#japan #tokyo #thriller #polar #manga #tokyomysterycafe