_dashakostina_Instagram Profile


Dasha Kostina

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Dasha Kostina Profile Information

@_dashakostina_ on Instagram have full name is Dasha Kostina. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by _dashakostina_ on Instagram. Read More...

Meet the Crashers: Daria Kostina 🐀 @_dashakostina_ 

My name is Daria and I’m one of the producers in Crashers collective. I develop short films, music videos and documentary projects. Occasionally (when my excel crashes), i work as a director on shorts, exploring human emotion through experimental and expresionistic aproach.
Meet the Crashers: Daria Kostina 🐀 @_dashakostina_ My name is Daria and I’m one of the producers in Crashers collective. I develop short films, music videos and documentary projects. Occasionally (when my excel crashes), i work as a director on shorts, exploring human emotion through experimental and expresionistic aproach.
99 0 3 months ago
Eye-talian experience with Signor Gorlami and Dominic Decoco🤌🐀🍕
Eye-talian experience with Signor Gorlami and Dominic Decoco🤌🐀🍕
119 6 4 months ago
Eeee NERO finally out🖤: best co-producing experience (risk assessment of the warehouse, building up a pole, holding a drone and being an extra✨)
Super proud to have been a part of it!

Awesome BTS by @ben.rowbury
Eeee NERO finally out🖤: best co-producing experience (risk assessment of the warehouse, building up a pole, holding a drone and being an extra✨) Super proud to have been a part of it! Awesome BTS by @ben.rowbury
113 2 8 months ago
May 26th, 2023 
I guess I’m a ✨filmmaker✨ now

My insta was silent for quite a while, but this moment is too damn memorable not to include it in my little virtual archive.

My first premiere. Red carpet. The gala and film screening… This sounds like a fantasy dream to be honest, but it turns out to be quite real. 
This year as that wonderful day was so chaotic and crazy in the best way possible, and I feel like I was so incredibly lucky to have experienced it all. 

When I arrived in Berlin last summer I couldn’t have imagined how my life would turn out. Little did I know how many wonderful people would be there to make it feel so surreal…

Tomorrow is the first summer day of this year, and it seems that nostalgia of the 2022 is hitting a bit too much. I guess I’m getting emotional… well..
My adventures in Berlin will probably become even crazier next summer, but for now it’s worth to mention these wonderful moments of May 26th, 2023:

1. Little family cinema experience: “a strangling scene” (my sister was far too excited)
2. I guess I’m the “producerrr” of the family haha
3. ✨The girlsss. The queens. The bosses✨
5. My dear 444 crew♥️
6. That one time I hugged my sister (don’t remember doing it at all) 
7. The first year is officially over, and I just love this photo so much🥹
8. This is pure chaos and I adore it🦆

Tremendous thanks to @fred_ferschke for capturing this beautiful evening and to @bimm_berlin for being the place to connect us all. 
And of course, fellow already second-year students, thank you for being there this whole year! It’s been quiet a journey, and I am so so happy to be discovering it with all of you🧡🥰

May 26th, 2023 I guess I’m a ✨filmmaker✨ now … My insta was silent for quite a while, but this moment is too damn memorable not to include it in my little virtual archive. My first premiere. Red carpet. The gala and film screening… This sounds like a fantasy dream to be honest, but it turns out to be quite real. This year as that wonderful day was so chaotic and crazy in the best way possible, and I feel like I was so incredibly lucky to have experienced it all. When I arrived in Berlin last summer I couldn’t have imagined how my life would turn out. Little did I know how many wonderful people would be there to make it feel so surreal… Tomorrow is the first summer day of this year, and it seems that nostalgia of the 2022 is hitting a bit too much. I guess I’m getting emotional… well.. My adventures in Berlin will probably become even crazier next summer, but for now it’s worth to mention these wonderful moments of May 26th, 2023: 1. Little family cinema experience: “a strangling scene” (my sister was far too excited) 2. I guess I’m the “producerrr” of the family haha 3. ✨The girlsss. The queens. The bosses✨ 4. THE GANGGG😎 5. My dear 444 crew♥️ 6. That one time I hugged my sister (don’t remember doing it at all) 7. The first year is officially over, and I just love this photo so much🥹 8. This is pure chaos and I adore it🦆 Tremendous thanks to @fred_ferschke for capturing this beautiful evening and to @bimm_berlin for being the place to connect us all. And of course, fellow already second-year students, thank you for being there this whole year! It’s been quiet a journey, and I am so so happy to be discovering it with all of you🧡🥰 Love, Dasha
169 14 2 years ago
✨La luce nel buio✨

I guess I waited long enough to say that I miss this place so much. It’s been a week away, but the Italian words still linger in my brain. In all of the chaos and terror, we still could find some wonders here. Italy was like a cure to all the problems and the gateway to taste how truly peaceful life feels. The sun, the heat, and the casual carefree attitude of everyone towards everything were like a full therapy))
But with all that considered the most extraordinary part of Italy is it’s people. The open, hospitable and warm people who without a second thought extend a hand of help. I will be forever stricken by how much Italians have helped my family without even knowing us properly. 
All of the people that we have met influenced our wellbeing tremendously, and here are the massages to some of you:
- “La mia classe 4G, mi mancherai profondamente🥺 Siete tutti fantastici e spero di poter incontrare di nuovo tutti voi. Grazie per aver aiutatemi diventare una parte vera della classe, anche per un breve periodo♥️”
@fioretta.neotti @cory__04 @sofi.code
@asia_caio @nicolasrossii_ @biancalospinoso @tia_gusma @gaia.decensi  @imgaiaaaaa @silviaavizzano_ (and others)

- “Cari Guisy, Roberto, Betty e Angelo, non ho mai abbastanza parole per esprimere quanto sono grato. La vostra generosità e il vero entusiasmo di aiutarci sono incredibili. Siete i nostri supereroi🤍🤍🤍”

- “E, naturalmente, Lena, grazie mille per averci invitato in Italia e fatto il nostro soggiorno il più divertente e il più facile possibile. La tua famiglia è semplice fantastica🤗😄”


Tutti eravate un luce nel buio per noi☀️☀️☀️

Grazie mille e ci vediamo😉😎
✨La luce nel buio✨ I guess I waited long enough to say that I miss this place so much. It’s been a week away, but the Italian words still linger in my brain. In all of the chaos and terror, we still could find some wonders here. Italy was like a cure to all the problems and the gateway to taste how truly peaceful life feels. The sun, the heat, and the casual carefree attitude of everyone towards everything were like a full therapy)) But with all that considered the most extraordinary part of Italy is it’s people. The open, hospitable and warm people who without a second thought extend a hand of help. I will be forever stricken by how much Italians have helped my family without even knowing us properly. All of the people that we have met influenced our wellbeing tremendously, and here are the massages to some of you: - “La mia classe 4G, mi mancherai profondamente🥺 Siete tutti fantastici e spero di poter incontrare di nuovo tutti voi. Grazie per aver aiutatemi diventare una parte vera della classe, anche per un breve periodo♥️” @fioretta.neotti @cory__04 @sofi.code @asia_caio @nicolasrossii_ @biancalospinoso @tia_gusma @gaia.decensi @imgaiaaaaa @silviaavizzano_ (and others) - “Cari Guisy, Roberto, Betty e Angelo, non ho mai abbastanza parole per esprimere quanto sono grato. La vostra generosità e il vero entusiasmo di aiutarci sono incredibili. Siete i nostri supereroi🤍🤍🤍” - “E, naturalmente, Lena, grazie mille per averci invitato in Italia e fatto il nostro soggiorno il più divertente e il più facile possibile. La tua famiglia è semplice fantastica🤗😄” … Tutti eravate un luce nel buio per noi☀️☀️☀️ Grazie mille e ci vediamo😉😎
127 19 2 years ago
Війна змінила все наше уявлення про плани, цілі та в принципі про впевненість в завтрашньому дні. Я гадки не мала, що дізнаюся наскільки сильно можу сумувати за домівкою, що зможу жити звичайним життям, поки йде війна… Але цей пост не про це. Цей пост про людей, які хочуть допомогти. І я гадки не мала, що стану частиною цього.
Нещодавно, мій тато, його друзі, знайомі та просто небайдужі люди організували фонд з дуже влучною назвою — «Відродження України». Його мета - допомагати нашим захисникам і всім постраждалим від війни людям. Наша команда вже встигла допомогти багатьом, але попереду ще чимало завдань та запитів.
Нині нам потрібна ваша допомога. Це може бути все, що завгодно: ви можете кинути донат на закупівлю речей для біженців або військових, ви можете поділитися цим постом в сторіс, підписатися на сторінку фонду, розповісти про нього своїм друзям або знайомим і так далі. Будь-яка взагалі дія - це маленьке щастя для тих, чий світ був несправедливо зруйнований війною. Головне – не будьте байдужими. Тому що ціна байдужості зараз надто висока.
Сила людей у ​​єдності та взаємодопомозі, адже лише разом ми зможемо повернути нашу впевненість у мирному «завтра».
ПС усі активні рахунки фонду є як тут, так і на офіційній сторінці, яку я тегнула)
ППС цей мурал в Києві має назву «Відродження»

PayPal: revival.of.ukraine.2022@gmail.com

Current accounts:

English translation👇👇👇
Війна змінила все наше уявлення про плани, цілі та в принципі про впевненість в завтрашньому дні. Я гадки не мала, що дізнаюся наскільки сильно можу сумувати за домівкою, що зможу жити звичайним життям, поки йде війна… Але цей пост не про це. Цей пост про людей, які хочуть допомогти. І я гадки не мала, що стану частиною цього. Нещодавно, мій тато, його друзі, знайомі та просто небайдужі люди організували фонд з дуже влучною назвою — «Відродження України». Його мета - допомагати нашим захисникам і всім постраждалим від війни людям. Наша команда вже встигла допомогти багатьом, але попереду ще чимало завдань та запитів. Нині нам потрібна ваша допомога. Це може бути все, що завгодно: ви можете кинути донат на закупівлю речей для біженців або військових, ви можете поділитися цим постом в сторіс, підписатися на сторінку фонду, розповісти про нього своїм друзям або знайомим і так далі. Будь-яка взагалі дія - це маленьке щастя для тих, чий світ був несправедливо зруйнований війною. Головне – не будьте байдужими. Тому що ціна байдужості зараз надто висока. Сила людей у ​​єдності та взаємодопомозі, адже лише разом ми зможемо повернути нашу впевненість у мирному «завтра». . . ПС усі активні рахунки фонду є як тут, так і на офіційній сторінці, яку я тегнула) . . ППС цей мурал в Києві має назву «Відродження» . . PayPal: revival.of.ukraine.2022@gmail.com Current accounts: UAH: UA303052990000026006030712376 PLZ: UA413052990000026006010705637 USD: UA833052990000026000020705106 EUR: UA263052990000026002030708801 . . English translation👇👇👇
3 1 3 years ago
A beach of 2014

Do you remember how joyful it was
To run on the beach
To inhale salty breeze?
To race in the sea?

I want this to forever freeze
Unchanged by time inside of me 

To see the sun before it goes 
Too far for me to reach
To get a glimpse of all old ports
Untouched by storm and breach 
Please let me have my reverie!
My source of endless peace
The only place where we don’t bury
The ones who cried most tears

I try so hard to dream again
Returning here once more
I try to gather all what’s mine
I lost so long ago

And when the sun reflects in brine 
The world does seem so kind 
I stumble on familiar sign
“Beware, the beach is mined”
I wrote this in the beginning of February when everyone was on edge about the news, but no one really believed that the war was possible. I could have never imagined that I would be so terrified for my hometown, Mariupol. The wonderful seaside city, where I always felt welcome. And where I always felt free. I always missed the sea after we left…
Right now it is being destroyed, erased from the face of the earth. It’s ruined together with the lives and fates of all of its people. I have no idea if I could ever see my good old Mariupol, if I could go again to the beach there and eat chebureky (the best I have ever eaten, believe me:)) But it’s so difficult to dream of that…
For all I know that it will be forever changed, disrupted by WAR and suffering. All my prayers, fears, tears and hopes are with Mariupol. With everyone who lives there and goes through hell every day, with everyone who left the town and worries about relatives and friends who were left there. 
My dear hometown, I pray that we will meet again and you will greet me with a warm welcoming embrace and fresh summer breeze (maybe now that all the fabrics have stopped it will indeed be a FRESH breeze))
#standwithukraine #standwithmariupol #stopthewar #fuckputin
#русскийвоенныйкорабльидинахуй #разомдоперемоги #славаукраїні💙💛 #героямслава
A beach of 2014 Do you remember how joyful it was To run on the beach To inhale salty breeze? To race in the sea? I want this to forever freeze Unchanged by time inside of me To see the sun before it goes Too far for me to reach To get a glimpse of all old ports Untouched by storm and breach Please let me have my reverie! My source of endless peace The only place where we don’t bury The ones who cried most tears I try so hard to dream again Returning here once more I try to gather all what’s mine I lost so long ago And when the sun reflects in brine The world does seem so kind I stumble on familiar sign “Beware, the beach is mined” . . . . I wrote this in the beginning of February when everyone was on edge about the news, but no one really believed that the war was possible. I could have never imagined that I would be so terrified for my hometown, Mariupol. The wonderful seaside city, where I always felt welcome. And where I always felt free. I always missed the sea after we left… Right now it is being destroyed, erased from the face of the earth. It’s ruined together with the lives and fates of all of its people. I have no idea if I could ever see my good old Mariupol, if I could go again to the beach there and eat chebureky (the best I have ever eaten, believe me:)) But it’s so difficult to dream of that… For all I know that it will be forever changed, disrupted by WAR and suffering. All my prayers, fears, tears and hopes are with Mariupol. With everyone who lives there and goes through hell every day, with everyone who left the town and worries about relatives and friends who were left there. My dear hometown, I pray that we will meet again and you will greet me with a warm welcoming embrace and fresh summer breeze (maybe now that all the fabrics have stopped it will indeed be a FRESH breeze)) . . #standwithukraine #standwithmariupol #stopthewar #fuckputin #русскийвоенныйкорабльидинахуй #разомдоперемоги #славаукраїні💙💛 #героямслава
68 0 3 years ago
Итак, в связи с такой прекрасной датой 22.02.2022 у меня важная (ХОРОШАЯ) новость:
наконец-то готова короткометражка, над которой я и 
@lzvgre @zlata_kozach308 @lina.ekk @igor_rudenko__ @_nna_nna_  @panastaiisha работали на протяжении нескольких месяцев. К вашему вниманию…. «Колючка»!! (ссылка, кстати, в профиле)
Я безумно рада, что мне посчастливилось начать мою деятельность в кино именно с этими людьми. Ребята, вы просто супер!🧡
Столько всего случилось в процессе, даже не описать, это было незабываемо🔥Огромное спасибо всем, кто нас поддерживал и всячески помогал нашей команде!
Я достаточно долго медлила с этой публикацией, но недавние события заставили меня поторопиться. Возможно эта маленькая история поможет как-то разрядить сложившуюся удручающую атмосферу и принесет немного позитива в ваш день. Я очень рада, что наконец делюсь с вами этой историей и мне не терпится узнать, какое впечатление она произведет🙃
PS Буду очень признательна каждому отзыву и (как же без этого😬) замечанию. 
👇English version👇

Considering the beauty of todays date (22.02.2022), i decided to finally announce (i promise it is good news) that these wonderful people and I have been working on a short film for the past several month aaaaaand now it is ready! I present to you…… “the Prickle”. (link is in my bio) 
I am so glad that i got a chance of starting my independent directing experience with this team. I love you guys! So much had happened during the filming process, that it is difficult to realize that it is ready. It was incredible, lots of thanks to everyone who was involved and helped us to create this short. 
I have been procrastinating to share this project but the recent events in Ukraine made me hurry a little. It is so wonderful to be able to show this to everyone. I do hope that this little story will make your day a little brighter)
Cant wait to hear your thoughts on our film!

PS I will greatly appreciate every feedback and commentary (and also criticism😁)
Итак, в связи с такой прекрасной датой 22.02.2022 у меня важная (ХОРОШАЯ) новость: наконец-то готова короткометражка, над которой я и @lzvgre @zlata_kozach308 @lina.ekk @igor_rudenko__ @_nna_nna_ @panastaiisha работали на протяжении нескольких месяцев. К вашему вниманию…. «Колючка»!! (ссылка, кстати, в профиле) Я безумно рада, что мне посчастливилось начать мою деятельность в кино именно с этими людьми. Ребята, вы просто супер!🧡 Столько всего случилось в процессе, даже не описать, это было незабываемо🔥Огромное спасибо всем, кто нас поддерживал и всячески помогал нашей команде! Я достаточно долго медлила с этой публикацией, но недавние события заставили меня поторопиться. Возможно эта маленькая история поможет как-то разрядить сложившуюся удручающую атмосферу и принесет немного позитива в ваш день. Я очень рада, что наконец делюсь с вами этой историей и мне не терпится узнать, какое впечатление она произведет🙃 . . PS Буду очень признательна каждому отзыву и (как же без этого😬) замечанию. • • • 👇English version👇 Considering the beauty of todays date (22.02.2022), i decided to finally announce (i promise it is good news) that these wonderful people and I have been working on a short film for the past several month aaaaaand now it is ready! I present to you…… “the Prickle”. (link is in my bio) I am so glad that i got a chance of starting my independent directing experience with this team. I love you guys! So much had happened during the filming process, that it is difficult to realize that it is ready. It was incredible, lots of thanks to everyone who was involved and helped us to create this short. I have been procrastinating to share this project but the recent events in Ukraine made me hurry a little. It is so wonderful to be able to show this to everyone. I do hope that this little story will make your day a little brighter) Cant wait to hear your thoughts on our film! Enjoy😊 . . . PS I will greatly appreciate every feedback and commentary (and also criticism😁)
66 10 3 years ago
Halfway down the stairs
Is a stair
Where I sit.
There isn't any
Other stair
Quite like
I'm not at the bottom,
I'm not at the top;
So this is the stair
I always

Halfway up the stairs
Isn't up
And isn't down.
It isn't in the nursery,
It isn't in the town.
And all sorts of funny thoughts
Run round my head:
"It isn't really
It's somewhere else
— A. A. Milne
Halfway down the stairs Is a stair Where I sit. There isn't any Other stair Quite like It. I'm not at the bottom, I'm not at the top; So this is the stair Where I always Stop. Halfway up the stairs Isn't up And isn't down. It isn't in the nursery, It isn't in the town. And all sorts of funny thoughts Run round my head: "It isn't really Anywhere! It's somewhere else Instead!" — A. A. Milne
80 5 3 years ago
Santa’s lost deer 
(see you next year guys)
Santa’s lost deer 🦌🎄 . . . . . . . . . (see you next year guys)
68 4 3 years ago
Art is in the eye of the beholder 








Поэтому точно есть еще человек, для которого твои каракули в блокноте - искусство 🙃
Art is in the eye of the beholder 🎨 🎭 🎬 🎸 🩰 🪘 🤹 🎨 Поэтому точно есть еще человек, для которого твои каракули в блокноте - искусство 🙃
46 0 3 years ago
Annie, are you okay?
Annie, are you okay?
86 4 3 years ago